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  1. #1
    JUICE'IN 24/7's Avatar
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    Taking test if you have diabetes??

    Does any1 know what will happen if you do test and you have diabetes? Ive done a cycle of dbol and I didnt have any complications but Im kinda worried because Test doesnt kick in right away and when it does what affect will it have?

  2. #2
    JUICE'IN 24/7's Avatar
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  3. #3
    tommy0677's Avatar
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    What type are you? 1 or 2?

  4. #4
    JUICE'IN 24/7's Avatar
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    i am type 1 since i was 9 im 19 now

  5. #5
    frank12391's Avatar
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    You have an endocrine disorder, why would you mess with it more by using hormones. In any case it would be tricky to do. I guess it would affect your insulin tolerance/sensitivity in some way.
    Bump for more responses.

  6. #6
    JUICE'IN 24/7's Avatar
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    i know a few guys with diabetes that have used test e for awhile now and theyve had no problems, i just want people opinions or if anyone has diabetes to please share their experiences

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    JUICE'IN 24/7's Avatar
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  8. #8
    tommy0677's Avatar
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    Hey Juice'in,

    Sorry it took me so long to responde to you. I remember reading a study about steroids (naturally produced) and male type I diabetics. It stated that Type I diabetics have naturally elevated cortisol levels and are prone to hypergonadism (think that is spelled right??).

    Since your body is not capable of producing it's own insulin , you may be prone to more complications by taking Test. For myself one of the sides of Enan was I ate like a mofo and that would concern me if I was insulin dependant because of spikes in blood sugar (especially on cheat days). One of my biggest fears is that one day I too will become a diabetic because of my family history of it (also Type I).

    Also, you are still too young to be considering taking any compounds. Being a male Type I diabetic also has some advantages such as in the study I read a majority of those who had diabetis as compare to male non-diabetics in the same age range had slightly elevated total testosterone levels . So, being as young as you are still, this can be to a great advantage of training naturally and while you train naturally you could begin researching more in depth about the use of AS and diabetics.

    IMHO, I would ask you not to take any kind of AS until you are a few years older and have had more time to fully research the possible side effects it may have on someone with your condition. The last thing I would want to hear it that you hurt yourself in someway by taking these compounds.

  9. #9
    JUICE'IN 24/7's Avatar
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    Hey tommy thanx for the respnse..
    I was thinkin of doin 250 mg of Enan because I read that at that level it doesnt supress ur immune system?

  10. #10
    JUICE'IN 24/7's Avatar
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    Hey tommy thanx for the respnse..
    I was thinkin of doin 250 mg of Enan because I read that at that level it doesnt supress ur immune system?

  11. #11
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    to tommy :

    type 2 diabetes is moer dependant on genetics than type 1..

    to OP:
    type 1 diabetes is not necessarily a reason not to do gear, in some cases it can even be helpful BUT it would require caution andcareful monitoring of bloodsugars etc... but now u are too young, u dont wanna end up with even more endocrine dysfunctions..u already have the diabetes...

  12. #12
    tommy0677's Avatar
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    Hi stupidhippo,

    It's true that Type II diabetes is more genetic than Type I diabetes. But seeing as how a Type I diabetics body cannot produce or properly regulate (through injection) insulin without proper medical supervision, I would be wary as to telling this young man that "type 1 diabetes is not necessarily a reason not to do gear, in some cases it can even be helpful" and would not offer this opinion with out so much as a medical research paper or study to back up it's beneficial usage in Type I diabetics.

    To Juice'in,

    I hope you take a step back and consider not using AS until you are older and are more properly educated on AS use for a Type I diabetic. Here is a link to some research on Type I diabetes and steroids for you to begin learning about the relationship of the two.

  13. #13
    tommy0677's Avatar
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    Just to add for evryone reading this thread, that this kind of question always concerns me greatly because I have seen the evil side of this condition in friends and family who suffer from both types.

  14. #14
    frank12391's Avatar
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    + Type 1 - Also known as juvenile diabetes melitis (Insulin dependant)
    *#Type 2 - NIDDM (non insulin dependant diabetes melitis)
    #Type 2 - IDDM ( Insulin dependant diabetes melitis)

    * May still require insulin but not always indefinitely otherwise oral meds & diet
    or diet alone
    # lifestyle and enviromental factors and genetic predispositions
    + Develops in individuals under 25 years

    In both types there is excess sugar in the blood (hyperglycemia) which then needs to be removed by the kidneys. The metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins is altered, this is relevant when using AAS. Instead of glucose reaching the body tissues and cells that need it, excess glucose circulates in the blood stream upsetting the body's chemical balance. This is corrected with insulin. Some BBs use insulin while using AAS and increase their carbohydrate intake so the extra carbs metabolize, turn to sugar and reach the cels and tissue for more muscle growth. So if your diabetes is poorly controlled and you are using AAS, you gotta be risking hyperglycemia and or hypoglycemia. Maybe you might need to increase your insulin intake. Not sure if this is correct. In any case if you are gonna do it, you really gotta be really cautious and check your BGL very regulary. As for your diet which is crucial for body building and diabetes, I'm not sure here ither.

    Is there someone here who can shed some light on how AAS affects insulin sensitivity/tolerance?

  15. #15
    JUICE'IN 24/7's Avatar
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    ya that would be great, but i know from experience dbol doesnt effect insulin tolerance...test e i think lowers

  16. #16
    frank12391's Avatar
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    If thats true then all test would do the same including suss. Are you saying this from experience?

  17. #17
    tommy0677's Avatar
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  18. #18
    JUICE'IN 24/7's Avatar
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    ya from experience
    tommy that info is great

  19. #19
    tommy0677's Avatar
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    Direct quote from study:

    "low serum testosterone levels are associated with an adverse metabolic profile and suggest a novel unifying mechanism for the previously independent observations that low testosterone levels and impaired mitochondrial function promote insulin resistance in men." (Type 2 Diabetics)

    found here:

  20. #20
    JUICE'IN 24/7's Avatar
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    hmmmm, but dont diabetics have low testosterone already?

  21. #21
    tommy0677's Avatar
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    True, but by using AS you would lower your own body's ability to produce Test once you've completed your cycle.

    Which brings up another very important question IMO, The proper from of PCT for a person with Type I or II Diabetes??? What would be safe to take and what to avoid?

  22. #22
    JUICE'IN 24/7's Avatar
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    thats a very good question, i was thinkin of doin....
    and i do have letro and ldex

  23. #23
    tommy0677's Avatar
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    I'd say research each compound and see if they have any warnings towards Diabetes. I'm pretty sure each one of those PCT tools are available by prescription and if they are, you should be able to look the sides and possible interactions with Diabetic meds.

  24. #24
    JUICE'IN 24/7's Avatar
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    ive taken letro for like 3 weeks, all good and ldex for 2 weeks still good

  25. #25
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    with diabetes u would have to monitor ur bloodsugar + lipids very closely, especially blood sugar... the state of kidenys would also need to be monitored. But if AAS would help the patient to lose BF, get into better shape and be more motivated on sports that would be IMO beneficial.. Also important is that during exercise glucose doesnt need insulin to enter muscle cells so when doing more sports insulin dosages would be needed to control.. but I stand by my previous statement... if done correctly AAS could be in some ways beneficial - if it would lead to a healthier life-style in general, but the person would really need know what his doing and also careful monitoring is needed (BW+bloodsugar). I add that the AAS as such arent a big factor, lifestyle is! but if someone is really keen on doing AAS and has diabetes I wouldnt deny him of that just because of diabetes.. but I would say that if decide to do it u would have to be VERY careful..

  26. #26
    JUICE'IN 24/7's Avatar
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    well i have been monitoring by blood sugars very closely, last blood work done showed normal cholesterol levels kidneys were fine, no protein in urine, and my hemoglobin A1C was the best its been in a few years at 6.8

  27. #27
    frank12391's Avatar
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    According to the MIMMS (Australian version of prescription guide), Protaphane had no interaction with AAS listed but Humilin preperations does, also ACE inhibitors, B blockers, diuretics, limiting treatment if you run into BP problems. Both interact with corticosteroids (cortisol), HGH, thyroid drugs. I do not know how they interact, whether increasing effect, decreasing effect of each other etc or serious problems. All the anabolic agents had insulin in thier interaction lists.

    Not much room for error, You sure you wanna do this?

    You need professional advice. Maybe you should consider ***** but I bet even if you saw an endocronoligist, they will turn you away.

  28. #28
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    Oh, forgot to mention, Letro, Arimidex , Clomid and Nolvadex had no interactions.

    Theres gotta be other diabetics here who can share personal experiences, Maybe I'm being a drama queen about it, Dunno but maybe it's just a No No?

  29. #29
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    i know ppl with diabetes who have juiced... and their cholesterol etc improved beucause of it (but that was due to lifestyle changes probably) BUT as I said before this can be done without AAS (and should be) but if someone really would want to do this I wouldnt say they cant... but a lot of research before.. AND i emphasize that I havent really looked into this matter enough so I could say its safe.. so wait for more input adn checking with an endo would be great (if u can find one who doesnt blindly oppose juicE)... but u are also too young (OP)

  30. #30
    JUICE'IN 24/7's Avatar
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    i am turning 20 soon tho

  31. #31
    tommy0677's Avatar
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    IMHO still too young bro. You don't want to eff up your system by taking something that will shut it down in it's prime. Don't try to rush blindly into something you don't fully understand. I'm new to the game myself and I still have a great deal to learn. Going natural for a few more years wouldn't hurt and it would give you enough time to learn all you can about AS & Diabetes. Proper diet, regular supplements, hard training and strong motivation will take you a long way at your age. Creatine was my best friend when I was 20

  32. #32
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    agree with tommy..

  33. #33
    frank12391's Avatar
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    It's an enormous responsibility even when your health is optimal. With the issues that you have, taking compounds that have a direct impact on your endocrine system should not be taken lightly especially at your age. You have health insurance responsibilitys as well. Have you given that any thought? Having complications from this could impact on your life in a lot of ways. I'm an R.N but not a doctor, even though I have been studying aas for a while on a number of boards and medical journals, I find this issue very complex. I would recomend that you research for a few years before touching gear and in the mean time, work hard at the gym and on your diet. By the time you get your answers you might be old enough. I don't mean modeling cycles on other diabetics cause you are all different. I also don't mean your intelctual age but your physical age. You are very inteligent and responsible or you would not have come here for advice. Take Tommy's advice and the others, they've been around the traps for a long time and actually give a crap or they would waste their time trying to help you. Take care and good luck young man.

  34. #34
    Slowhand is offline Associate Member
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    keep in mind when on cycle you want to eat even more than you normally would.... and that WILL effect blood sugar

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