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Thread: Free test

  1. #1
    tvd220 is offline Member
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    bloodwork-need help!!!!

    Hello everybody,

    I finally got my blood test results back, and wanted to post them for your opinions.

    I am 25, 5.7, 185 pounds. I have done three cycles in my life, and I have been off for over four months. My last cycle was Test E @ 400mg per week, andriol and tbol as a kick start.
    pct clomid and nolva for 6 weeks

    Here are my results:

    testosterone , total 280 (inrange)

    testosterone, free
    testosterone,%,free 1.7 (inrange)

    testosterone, free 48.2 (outrange) 50.0-210.0 is referance range

    Chorlesterol, total 150

    How do these results sound? My doctor says I am fine, and he knows my cycle history. My free tesosterone is a tad low, should I worry? I never tested pre-steroid use , so I dont know if I am lower or higher than normal.

    Also, am I clear for a new cycle soon?
    Last edited by tvd220; 01-16-2007 at 11:37 PM. Reason: need more opinions

  2. #2
    aadrenaline is offline Banned
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    cholesterol is nice and low you lucky bastard. mines 235 with no cycles under my belt. im 21 my test was 427. 280 seems low 280 is like low refrence range isnt it?

  3. #3
    tvd220 is offline Member
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    yea, reference range is 260-1000, but my doctor tells me I am fine. But I really wanted ar's opinion.

  4. #4
    ghostRidedawhip707 is offline Junior Member
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    I got mine done too and it was at 233. My doc also said I was fine. I'm also 25. I wonder if I should go through another pct.

  5. #5
    tvd220 is offline Member
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    Its hard to say, because we did not ( i am assuming) have test done before steroid use , so we could be at our own normal levels. That should be a requirement for people pre-steroid use.

  6. #6
    ebjack's Avatar
    ebjack is offline Senior Member
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    Dang.....I thought this thread was about "free test"....some kind of givaway

  7. #7
    tvd220 is offline Member
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    Bump for advice.....Am I good to start a cycle? Sex drive is good, I wake up with once a bench has only gone down a little bit, still much stronger then before last cycle

  8. #8
    ghoul000's Avatar
    ghoul000 is offline Associate Member
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    Depends on the Range the lab gives, each is diffrent. I had mine done about a month ago and he said I was fine. I got a copy:
    Range was 250-1100 I was at 404.
    Free Test percent, 1.10-2.8 Im was at 1.67
    Free Test 35.0-155.0, I was at 67.5 .
    Again Doc said I was fine cuz I am within Range... Well its fine at that level if I was in my 40`s. Talked to Another doc and said its OK but on low side. Said body can take up to a year to recover from a cycle, so they figured my test is coming back. Reason I had it checked was due to ED, sucks azz. Wounderful deca ..I'm currently running another cycle for HRT. Doing the cycle correct way with everything dureing and pct. Should get my level to raise. GL guys.

  9. #9
    tvd220 is offline Member
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    What is the difference between the different test scores? For example, my test total was lower, but my free test percent was higher than yours. Which is the importent one to go by?

  10. #10
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    Free is what gives you gains.

  11. #11
    tvd220 is offline Member
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    Do you guys feel that I am in good shape to start another cycle soon? I feel great and stre is almost as high as it was durring cycle. But I want to make sure my body is ready...

  12. #12
    tvd220 is offline Member
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    Do you guys feel that I am in good shape to start another cycle soon? I feel great and stre is almost as high as it was durring cycle. But I want to make sure my body is ready...

  13. #13
    aadrenaline is offline Banned
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    well my 1st test resulted in a 197 and i made an appointment with an doctor called me and wanted to retest and it came back a week later at endo still wants to run a 3rd test to be safe..but at 197 we were talking about trt or somthing. i asked how 427 was for my age(21) he said fine. asked me if i had problems with the you know. i said no but im not as driven as i was, and i sleep so facking much so hes going to call me with the new results and then go from there.

  14. #14
    tvd220 is offline Member
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    hmmm interesting, so do you think that the 280 is too low to start a cycle?
    Maybe I should go in for a second shot, ans see if it has changed.

  15. #15
    tvd220 is offline Member
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  16. #16
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    There is no 'too low' without knowing where you started. I hope you realise if you continue to cycle (like most of us) you will qualify for HRT soon.

  17. #17
    tvd220 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by skipp
    There is no 'too low' without knowing where you started. I hope you realise if you continue to cycle (like most of us) you will qualify for HRT soon.
    Most people who cycle, will eventually need to go on HRT? Are you saying that because my levels are low, or because it is common for everyone who cycles?

    Should I just use some test boosters to get my natty test up before I start aggain?
    Or should I I start my cycle, and monitor test levels after pct of that cycle and see if I am dropping.

  18. #18
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    No I'm saying since your levels are low, and you say you did proper PCT and it's been over 4 months. They won't increase much more than where there at, unless your diet is off and you're not sleeping enough (then they could increase some more).. But continuous cycles will lower your natrual levels after a while, and you don't have far to go to get to HRT range..

  19. #19
    passthetest's Avatar
    passthetest is offline Member
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    wheres my free test?

  20. #20
    tvd220 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by skipp
    No I'm saying since your levels are low, and you say you did proper PCT and it's been over 4 months. They won't increase much more than where there at, unless your diet is off and you're not sleeping enough (then they could increase some more).. But continuous cycles will lower your natrual levels after a while, and you don't have far to go to get to HRT range..
    Ok got your saying that I am probably at my natty level, and will not go much higher.
    So I can either stop steroid use , and stay at those levels for the rest of my life....

    Or I can can continue steroid use, and slowly drop my natty level lower and lower and eventually have to go on hrt?

  21. #21
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ebjack
    Dang.....I thought this thread was about "free test"....some kind of givaway
    me too

  22. #22
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tvd220
    Ok got your saying that I am probably at my natty level, and will not go much higher.
    So I can either stop steroid use , and stay at those levels for the rest of my life....

    Or I can can continue steroid use, and slowly drop my natty level lower and lower and eventually have to go on hrt?
    Considering you're 25, you're at the peak of your test levels. After 26 they begin to drop off.. I'm just saying what's goin on, there are plenty of people with lower test who don't go on HRT. But most of them don't lift..

  23. #23
    tvd220 is offline Member
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    Could I have lowerd my natty test levels by doing the three cycles that I have done in my life?
    I have never done more the 500mg of test per week, and usually just about 350mg per week. And the longest cycle I ever did was 16 weeks.

    I hear what your saying, If I lift, I need higher test levels than the normal person.
    Im just trying to make sure my body is ready for another cycle.

  24. #24
    aadrenaline is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by skipp
    No I'm saying since your levels are low, and you say you did proper PCT and it's been over 4 months. They won't increase much more than where there at, unless your diet is off and you're not sleeping enough (then they could increase some more).. But continuous cycles will lower your natrual levels after a while, and you don't have far to go to get to HRT range..
    it can take a year for your test to come back up to its normal levels.

  25. #25
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by skipp
    No I'm saying since your levels are low, and you say you did proper PCT and it's been over 4 months. They won't increase much more than where there at, unless your diet is off and you're not sleeping enough (then they could increase some more).. But continuous cycles will lower your natrual levels after a while, and you don't have far to go to get to HRT range..
    Just remember "shutdown" is far worse than inhibition. Being "shutdown" of prolonged peroids may lead to seconday hypogonadism. There is no evidence to suggest staying inhibited can lead to secondary hypogonadism. Another reason why BW is imperitive when cycling.

  26. #26
    tvd220 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Just remember "shutdown" is far worse than inhibition. Being "shutdown" of prolonged peroids may lead to seconday hypogonadism. There is no evidence to suggest staying inhibited can lead to secondary hypogonadism. Another reason why BW is imperitive when cycling.
    I see.
    Do you feel that there is anything I should do to try to increase my natty test levels before I go back on a cycle? I am not rushing, I just want to make a responcible decision. Or am I ok to go back on a cycle with my free test % being in the lower normal range??
    I dont feel like I have a low test level, sex drive is good, stren is almost as high as peak of cycle...

  27. #27
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by tvd220
    I see.
    Do you feel that there is anything I should do to try to increase my natty test levels before I go back on a cycle? I am not rushing, I just want to make a responcible decision. Or am I ok to go back on a cycle with my free test % being in the lower normal range??
    I dont feel like I have a low test level, sex drive is good, stren is almost as high as peak of cycle...
    When "off" we want the highest testosterone levels we can achieve without the support of androgens.

    I have never done this, though know members that have and am doing it next cycle. It to use AI's when "off". Something like Aromasin or Arimidex /Liquidex at a low dose. Aromasin 12.5mg/ED and Arimidex 0.25-0.75mg/ED. BW is the key. Use an AI for 4-5 weeks and get regular BW done, making sure Testosterone and estrogen are tested. Then adjust the dose accordingly or stop the AI. BW will determine your next route.

    Its deffinitely worth a try if your concerned about having a low testosterone level.

  28. #28
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by aadrenaline
    it can take a year for your test to come back up to its normal levels.
    I know and understand this, but after an agressive 6 week pct, and 4 months.. How much higher do you expect it to go? Not much I'd say.

  29. #29
    tvd220 is offline Member
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    What about test boosters? Do they help at all?

    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    When "off" we want the highest testosterone levels we can achieve without the support of androgens.

    I have never done this, though know members that have and am doing it next cycle. It to use AI's when "off". Something like Aromasin or Arimidex /Liquidex at a low dose. Aromasin 12.5mg/ED and Arimidex 0.25-0.75mg/ED. BW is the key. Use an AI for 4-5 weeks and get regular BW done, making sure Testosterone and estrogen are tested. Then adjust the dose accordingly or stop the AI. BW will determine your next route.

    Its deffinitely worth a try if your concerned about having a low testosterone level.

  30. #30
    tvd220 is offline Member
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    I know this is an old thread but I wanted to add an update:

    I waited 6 months to test my Test levels aggain, (did one short cycle in between with proper pct) and now my test levels are even lower!!

    Test Total: 241
    Test % Free 1.8
    Test Free 43.9

    Am I doing something wrong, or is this normal? I even took trib, and other test boosters at the time of the test!! I feeling good, no ED at all, may be less sex desire with my wifey, but we have a 3 year old so its kinda difficult anyway.

    Please, I would appreciate anyone's advise, especially Swifto

  31. #31
    tvd220 is offline Member
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