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Thread: Critique cycle help!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Critique cycle help!!

    Its been some time since i have posted.. glad to be back.. had redic changes in work carrer..

    My question is this. i just started running my 12 week cycle. I am trying to come back slow and smart dont want to jump back on the type of cycle i used to do in the past.

    1-12 test e 500mg a week
    1-10 Tren e 400mg a week.

    nolva the whole way through..1-17
    clomid 13-17
    letro on hand if needed!!

    now this is a smal dose cycle for me but i was actually thinking of only running the TREN at 200mg a week. i believe the tren enathate is about 4-6day half life?? but would it once a week not be enough to keep levels at a stable level?? i would like to only run it at 200mg a week but if levels wont stay stable i will do the 400 a week.. my reasoning for this would be i have not ran anything in some time and i am a pretty quick gainer dont want to over due at this time in my life.. ya know..

    just a side note. my stats r 5"10 201 bf about 10-12%..

    thanks here is my most recent pic:
    Last edited by carmine09; 01-16-2007 at 05:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

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