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Thread: winny good for bike riding?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    winny good for bike riding?

    wellll my last cycle died before it got anywhere

    1 month into it and my supplier ran outta juice... its been over a month with nothing now. and now i've got another 12 weeks worth of test e. so i'll start again :/

    i've been doing alot of bicycling. and was wondering what steroid was good for increasing speed.

    would i be right in choosing winny?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Man, winny gave me some nasty painfull pumps while training. I don't know for you but even just jogging I had to stop frequently because of the pumps in my calves.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    ahh **** that then. when i was on sus 250 i couldnt even go for long walks due to that...

    i hope the test e doesnt do it

  4. #4
    Any form of test would be good and deca or npp would also be an excellent choice as they are good for your joints.

    Even halo would be a good choice, take 30-60mins before ridding for an extra boost.

  5. #5
    Another thing you might want to look into is an eca stack (ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin)

    A mate of mine is a triathlon athlete and he loves taking eca.

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