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  1. #1
    mkv213's Avatar
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    What does Deca shutdown to cause Deca Dick?

    What does Deca shutdown to cause Deca Dick? And how could I recover that while still running test?
    I'm wondering because right now im running Test E and Deca. I'm planning on dropping the Deca a week before the Test E and then in 3 weeks after I plan to run 5 weeks or Test prop and clen .
    I just don't want deca dick while running the prop. I've been running the Test E and Deca for 14/13 weeks. Or will I have no problem because Im still going to be running the test? I've noticed even with the test E I still get slight Deca Dick (don't get fully hard). After the prop I plan to run PCT with HCG , Clomid, and Arimidex ( or would Nolvadex be better than the Arimidex?) Or should I just get some Cialis and recover everything at the same time during PCT (i.e Deca)


  2. #2
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkv213
    What does Deca shutdown to cause Deca Dick? And how could I recover that while still running test?
    I'm wondering because right now im running Test E and Deca. I'm planning on dropping the Deca a week before the Test E and then in 3 weeks after I plan to run 5 weeks or Test prop and clen .
    I just don't want deca dick while running the prop. I've been running the Test E and Deca for 14/13 weeks. Or will I have no problem because Im still going to be running the test? I've noticed even with the test E I still get slight Deca Dick (don't get fully hard). After the prop I plan to run PCT with HCG , Clomid, and Arimidex ( or would Nolvadex be better than the Arimidex?) Or should I just get some Cialis and recover everything at the same time during PCT (i.e Deca)

    I'll take a swipe at this one...

    Deca being so suppressive can cause "Deca dick" 2 ways (that I know of).

    1. Causing rapid HPTA "shutdown" via causing to much acitivity of the PgR in the Hypothalamus, first by shutting down GnRH, LH/FSH and T. This being due to its being a 19-Nor derived AS.

    2. Causing Prolactin levels to raise. Thus killing any dex drive, even when on a form of Testosterone . Caber, Bromo for this.

    If your still running Test Prop after running Deca I dont see a problem. However, make sure estorgenic sides are taken into account and estrogen controlled as best you can. Did you run an AI when on Test/Deca? Is your Test Prop weekly dose going to be lower than your previous Test Enan dose?

    I have never done this, but its something to consider. Many state dropping the 19-Nor 4-5 weeks proir to starting PCT makes PCT a little easier. When I get round to using Deca, I'll do the same, perhaps dropping it 5-6 weeks proir to starting a PCT protocol. Worth a thought.

  3. #3
    mkv213's Avatar
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    Thx for the info Swifto...Yeah I've been running Arimidex 1mg ED whole cycle. I'm going to keep the test prop the same as the test E. 700mg EW/ or 100mg pro ED. Any Ideas on when I should start the HCG to get the HPTA an early "recovery" so to speak?

    thx mkv213

  4. #4
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkv213
    Thx for the info Swifto...Yeah I've been running Arimidex 1mg ED whole cycle. I'm going to keep the test prop the same as the test E. 700mg EW/ or 100mg pro ED. Any Ideas on when I should start the HCG to get the HPTA an early "recovery" so to speak?

    thx mkv213
    If it were me, I'd drop the 19-Nor 5-6 weeks proir to the PCT protocol starting whilst running a form of testosterone or mild oral, Tbol, Var, Winstrol or low dose Dbol . Then begin PCT. User's seem to state waiting this 4-5 weeks makes PCT easier.

    As you dont have any orals, just use your Test Prop and an AI for 4-5 weeks after stopping your Deca . Then start your HCG/Nolva/AI.

    I'd drop the Clomid and use Nolva, but thats me. Also incorperate Proviron 25-75mg/ED to in PCT. To redcue SHBG, estorgen and mask a decease in sex drive if ones evident.

  5. #5
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    I'll come back to this thread tomorrow, if needed.

  6. #6
    plzr8's Avatar
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    solid advice swifto

  7. #7
    mkv213's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    If it were me, I'd drop the 19-Nor 5-6 weeks proir to the PCT protocol starting whilst running a form of testosterone or mild oral, Tbol, Var, Winstrol or low dose Dbol . Then begin PCT. User's seem to state waiting this 4-5 weeks makes PCT easier.

    As you dont have any orals, just use your Test Prop and an AI for 4-5 weeks after stopping your Deca . Then start your HCG /Nolva/AI.

    I'd drop the Clomid and use Nolva, but thats me. Also incorperate Proviron 25-75mg/ED to in PCT. To redcue SHBG, estorgen and mask a decease in sex drive if ones evident.
    So basically I could run the Deca through the 3 weeks while waiting for the enanthate ester to disipate instead of dropping it 1 week prior to my last shot of Test E?.... considering that im going to be introducing test again with the prop ester after the 3 weeks of last shot of Test Enanthate.

    When shall I introduce the HCG? This isn't the "typical" cycle so im not sure of the protocol. Im guessing the last week of the test prop? I may also just run 5 weeks or winstrol during the 5 weeks of prop.

    How would throwing the Winny in the mix change things with the Deca stop time?

    Thx man, BIG help bro

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkv213
    So basically I could run the Deca through the 3 weeks while waiting for the enanthate ester to disipate instead of dropping it 1 week prior to my last shot of Test E?.... considering that im going to be introducing test again with the prop ester after the 3 weeks of last shot of Test Enanthate.

    When shall I introduce the HCG ? This isn't the "typical" cycle so im not sure of the protocol. Im guessing the last week of the test prop? I may also just run 5 weeks or winstrol during the 5 weeks of prop.

    How would throwing the Winny in the mix change things with the Deca stop time?

    Thx man, BIG help bro
    Ok. This is what I would do.

    - Run Test/Deca
    - Drop Deca and Test Enan
    - One the same day begin Test Prop/WinstrolProviron 25-50mg/ED
    - Run Test Prop/Wisntrol/Proviron for 4-6 weeks
    - Drop Test Prop
    - Run Wisntrol/Proviron for 2-3 weeks (Perhaps more?)
    - Stop Winstrol.
    - Begin PCT with whatever compounds you use, including Proviron.

    For PCT, I use HCG/Nolva/Proviron. I will also be using Aromasin 25mg/ED next PCT.
    Last edited by Swifto; 01-18-2007 at 01:42 PM.

  9. #9
    Jucinator2 is offline Associate Member
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  10. #10
    mkv213's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Ok. This is what I would do.

    - Run Test/Deca
    - Drop Deca and Test Enan
    - One the same day begin Test Prop/WinstrolProviron 25-50mg/ED
    - Run Test Prop/Wisntrol/Proviron for 4-6 weeks
    - Drop Test Prop
    - Run Wisntrol/Proviron for 2-3 weeks (Perhaps more?)
    - Begin PCT with whatever compounds you use.

    For PCT, I use HCG/Nolva/Proviron. I will also be using Aromasin 25mg/ED next PCT.
    Anything comparable to Proviron? My source doesn't have it on the list. SO w/o the proviron, i should then start pct right after the prop correct? ..But can keep running the winny through PCT?

    THx again for continuing to help bro. sorry to bug ya

  11. #11
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkv213
    Anything comparable to Proviron ? My source doesn't have it on the list. SO w/o the proviron, i should then start pct right after the prop correct? ..But can keep running the winny through PCT?

    THx again for continuing to help bro. sorry to bug ya

    Proviron is Proviron. There is nothing to my knowledge that can replace it.

    Do not run Winstrol through PCT. I edited my thread. Run it how I said, without the Proviron. You may suffer a decrease in labido when just running the Winstrol. This is one of the reasons Proviron is used.

  12. #12
    mkv213's Avatar
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    Hmm...i'll have to look around and see if I can find some proviron . Is it costly?

    Hey..BTW, THX Swifto for taking the time...big help bro

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