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Thread: Prop/Fina anything else

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Prop/Fina anything else

    Im gonna be honest no flame needed ive heard it all and doesnt bother me so please just helpful attitudes... thanks

    23 yrd old 5th cycle 6 feet 220 9 percent bf

    Cyp 250mg/week 1-10
    Prop 400mg/week 1-10
    Fina 300mg/week 1-10
    Dbol 40mg/day 1-4
    Letro .25/day 1-13( did it in my last cycle no gyno no lowered sex drive)
    HCG weeks 4-6 500iu/daily and 12-15
    Clomid 13-15
    Acutane throughout the cycle at 20mg a day - no acne last cycle

    Whats eevryone think of that - i wasnt sure but i used ent. my last cycle so im using cyp now and never used fina and only used prop once for 4 weeks so hopefully i can see some good gains with these new chemicals... my goal is to gain lean hard muscle and strength. If anyone has suggestions feel free to add them i take in every comment seriously as 3 major changes by board members helped me greatly on my last cycle

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I think the cycle look fairly decent. Although, I must say from my experience that i only run one form of test during anygiven cycle. i would propose running just the Prop/Fina considering your goals and add in some Winny...hell ya that would be a kick ass cycle. Your PCT and Ai look in check. For what your trying to accomplish, you can't go wrong with Tren/Prop/Winny.....IMO

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Thanks alot i didnt know if the winny with fina would be too much on my liver... thats what i was first thinking and i threw the cyp in there because said fina works well with a long last test but i think that one test will be enuff too

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Man, I agree with Anaholic. Throw in the winny or some var at the end og the cycle, last 6 weeks or so. You will have all 3 aas families hitting you. Test, 19nor and dht. What could be better than that?

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