My stats:
Age: 22
Weight: 195
Body fat: 12-13%
Training Experience: 5 years
Cycle Experience: None
Goals: 20 lean Keepable pounds
My cycle:
Week 1-4: Dbol @ 30-40mgs/day
Week 1-12: Test Enanthate @ 500mg/week (bi-weekly shot)
Week 1-12: Armidex @ .25-.5mg/day
Week 15-18(or until I feel I'm recovered): Nolva @ 20mgs/day
Week 15-18(or until I feel I'm recovered): Aromasin @ 12.5-25mgs/day
1) I'll be starting around March when I turn 23.
2) I may add winstrol in as a finisher and to retain gains while waiting for PCT to start. It would look like this: Week 8-14: Winstrol (oral) @ 50mgs/day. Thoughts?
3) I'm still working out my PCT, but I may add HCG and run it as Anthony Roberts suggests. The aromasin/nolva is also an Anthony Roberts protocol. Thoughts?
4) I'll be posting my diet and training routine soon.
Feel free to criticize where needed.