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Thread: My First Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    My First Cycle

    My stats:
    Age: 22
    Weight: 195
    Body fat: 12-13%
    Training Experience: 5 years
    Cycle Experience: None
    Goals: 20 lean Keepable pounds

    My cycle:
    Week 1-4: Dbol @ 30-40mgs/day
    Week 1-12: Test Enanthate @ 500mg/week (bi-weekly shot)
    Week 1-12: Armidex @ .25-.5mg/day
    Week 15-18(or until I feel I'm recovered): Nolva @ 20mgs/day
    Week 15-18(or until I feel I'm recovered): Aromasin @ 12.5-25mgs/day

    1) I'll be starting around March when I turn 23.
    2) I may add winstrol in as a finisher and to retain gains while waiting for PCT to start. It would look like this: Week 8-14: Winstrol (oral) @ 50mgs/day. Thoughts?
    3) I'm still working out my PCT, but I may add HCG and run it as Anthony Roberts suggests. The aromasin/nolva is also an Anthony Roberts protocol. Thoughts?
    4) I'll be posting my diet and training routine soon.

    Feel free to criticize where needed.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Under the Weights
    Sounds like alot of drugs for 1st cycle? only to gain 20 lbs. IMO the test alone with strict diet would get you there. 1st cycles get best results...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by NoYokes
    Sounds like alot of drugs for 1st cycle? only to gain 20 lbs. IMO the test alone with strict diet would get you there. 1st cycles get best results...

    A lot of drugs?? The only AAS he is running is Test and Dbol.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    defintely one of the better "my first cycle critique" posts i have seen yet

    everything looks good bro, glad to see you did your homework before starting and that your waiting a little longer till your 23 to start

    1) good idea, let us know when you start and how you progress
    2) yes that is the when you would runny winstrol in this type of cycle, but i dont think it will be needed. i would incorporate hcg around those weeks instead if you wanted to help with pct
    3) like i said in #2, you could run HCG week 11-15...last wek of cycle, the 2 week break between cycle and pct, and finally first week of pct
    4) sounds good

    good luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Looks like a solid beginner cycle.

    How tall are you at 195 lbs?

    Winny at the end isn't the best idea since you are already running a harsh oral at the beginning. that would mean 11 weeks of HARSH orals. pick one or the other

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    Looks like a solid beginner cycle.

    How tall are you at 195 lbs?

    Winny at the end isn't the best idea since you are already running a harsh oral at the beginning. that would mean 11 weeks of HARSH orals. pick one or the other
    I knew I was forgeting something. Height: 6'0ft

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