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Thread: Winny and hairloss, YOUR experiences please.

  1. #1

    Winny and hairloss, YOUR experiences please.

    Going to take Winny along with Test E. Hairloss is in my family, not severe but its there. I know both products have hairloss as a side effect, Ill be taking Dutastride from AR-R to help minimalize any loss from the Test. What are you experiences with hairloss and Winny? How severe or light was your loss? How immediate was the loss if any? Did hair grow back or "re-thicken" after use of Winny was complete?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by BIG LITTLE MAN
    Going to take Winny along with Test E. Hairloss is in my family, not severe but its there. I know both products have hairloss as a side effect, Ill be taking Dutastride from AR-R to help minimalize any loss from the Test. What are you experiences with hairloss and Winny? How severe or light was your loss? How immediate was the loss if any? Did hair grow back or "re-thicken" after use of Winny was complete?

    Dude it's crazy because I actually lost more hair on Deca for some reason than I ever lost on Winny and deca is supposed to be e-z on your hair. AAS affects everyone differently I guess. But to answer your question as far as my experience, winny was good to me.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    long island, new york
    i will never take winny again it didn't effect me too much while I was on, but afterwards I would just run my fingers through my hair lightly and come up with atleast 10 hairs every time. THis went on for a while. I used nizoral and it helped thicken up my hair just enough to cover the thinness. I'm prone out the ass when it comes to winny not so much with test. I would only stick to cycles of test with dutasteride from now on maybe a weaker steriod like eq with it, but im done with the direct dht shit. I was taking it for 6 weeks at 60mgs/day injectable with test prop

  4. #4
    My body responds very well to supplements, heck it even responsded to a few pro-hormones. Maybe Ill take a lower dose of Winny (25mg) and day, think this might lessin' the hairloss effects?

    Im so disappointed, I was really looking forward to cutting up a bit on Winny, I really needed the extra help, but my hair, well its been very important to me since I was a wee lil child I don't know if I want to risk it. Im going to wait till bloodwork comes back before I decide to take it. Maybe Ill just wait till the end of my cycle while I decide.

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