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  1. #1
    ironaddict69's Avatar
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    doseage for tren E?

    im putting tren into one of my future cycles, and i culd only find tren A on the profile forum, so im curious to how much tren i shud take a week, im trying to add size and alot of strength, but not DIE from the sides but get a lil aggresiveness etc

    Thanks everyone.

  2. #2
    BIGswang's Avatar
    BIGswang is offline Associate Member
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    between 400mg-600mg /week
    my next cycle im gonna run 600mg/week or 300mg every 3day

  3. #3
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironaddict69
    im putting tren into one of my future cycles, and i culd only find tren A on the profile forum, so im curious to how much tren i shud take a week, im trying to add size and alot of strength, but not DIE from the sides but get a lil aggresiveness etc

    Thanks everyone.
    Whats your history with the compound, is this your first run?

  4. #4
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    yeah sorry, i shuda stated that. 1ST EXPERIENCE WITH TREN GUYS.

  5. #5
    x_moe's Avatar
    x_moe is offline Anabolic Member
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    dont mean to hijack this thread but whats Tren E. half life is ?

  6. #6
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by x_moe
    dont mean to hijack this thread but whats Tren E. half life is ?
    Is a long ester, like Test E, so the half life will be very similar

  7. #7
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironaddict69
    yeah sorry, i shuda stated that. 1ST EXPERIENCE WITH TREN GUYS.
    IMO since its your first run with the compound, i wouldnt advise running Tren E.

    Reason being, like any long ester AAS, it will remain in your body for a good 2 weeks, and if you dont take to well to it, and get bad sides, and you decide to discontinue, the compound will still be in you for 2 weeks, and the sides will remain with you for that period (2 weeks).

    I would suggest Tren Ace if its your first run with Tren, it has a shorter half life, and if the sides get to bad you can discontinue and your body will be cleared of the compound in 2 days.

  8. #8
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    I find the sides of tren e far less extreeme then that of tren ace. you will fluxuate more on tren a and its the fluxuations is what causes the sides.
    tren e and test e both have the same half life, since they both have the exact same ester attached.

  9. #9
    ironaddict69's Avatar
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    idont wanna inject ED, i want it more stable like tren E. i agree mkrulic. however,
    gho5t OBVIOUSLY knows his stuff (look at avatar) but id rather do E. anyway, back to doseage. i was thinking 250 a week?

  10. #10
    liftin4life's Avatar
    liftin4life is offline Associate Member
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    hey me your #. I don't have it in my phone.

  11. #11
    bigfish's Avatar
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    I've read tfrom this forum and others that 300-400 mg of tren E i s a good amount from. Anything over 400 and the sides would be unbearable. I'm on my third week right now of 300 mg and the only sides I have seen so far are night flashes. It's only the third week so I haven't seen any good sides yet,but I've heard it kicks in the 5th week just like test E or any long ester.

  12. #12
    ironaddict69's Avatar
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  13. #13
    THE PUMP's Avatar
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    Trenbolone Enanthate

    Trenbolone Enanthate

    Chemical Name: Trenbolone Enanthate

    Drug Class: Injectable Anabolic Steroid

    Trenbolone Enanthate is a drug that’s exclusive to the underground market. In other words, you won’t see it with the Organon or STERIS label on it. It was produced as a cheaper alternative to Parabolan , by a leading underground lab several years ago. When I first got my hands on it, I sent it away to a large lab to have it tested for purity and although they replied that it was probably about 90% pure, they couldn’t be totally sure because they had no test sample to compare it to. So what’s really interesting here, from a philosophical point of view, is that the underground actually began to produce their own unique products instead of simply producing clones of the steroids already available at the pharmacy. Other than the ester, which only effects the blood plasma levels of a steroid, peak concentration, and active life, this drug is identical to Parabolan and Trenbolone Acetate- differing only in the fact that it is active in the body for a longer time. Therefore, injections with this compound are typically once or twice per week.

    Trenbolone is derived from 19-nor Testosterone , but with three additional bonds- making it unable to aromatize (convert) to estrogen, as well as making it not subject to 5a-reduction (conversion to a Dihydro form). Speaking from a structural standpoint, Trenbolone is actually very similar to Deca -Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate), except for a c-9 and c-11 double bond. These two double bonds are very important, however, and provide Trenbolone with several important differences. Firstly, the c9 bond serves to prevent aromatization (conversion) to estrogen, while the c11 double bond seems to increase Androgen Receptor binding quite profoundly (although this may also have something to do with the c9 bond as well). Thus, as compared with Deca, Trenbolone’s lack of estrogenic activity and potent ability to bind to the androgen receptor allow it to be a much stronger anabolic/androgenic agent than Deca. So what we see in Trenbolone is a drug that’s roughly 4x as anabolic as Deca, and roughly 10x as androgenic (according to the Vida Reference scale). With Trenbolone, the majority of weight gained on this drug is lean and quality muscle. (1)

    Trenbolone also has the advantage of significantly increasing the level of the hormone IGF-1 (which is highly anabolic) within muscle tissue. (2) Not only does it increase the levels of IGF-1, substantially, it also causes increased sensitivity to it(3). This is true of many steroids, such as Testosterone, and many others. However, if we compare Trenbolone to Testosterone, we additionally see that it’s binding affinity to the androgen receptor (AR) is significantly stronger (4). Strong androgen receptor binding is a major contributing factor in anabolism as well as fat loss.

    Trenbolone Enanthate (or any form of Trenbolone) aids anabolism by promoting nitrogen retention and protein synthesis in muscles (5), and it seems to interact strongly with the receptors of anti-anabolic (muscle growth preventing) glucocorticoid hormones (6). This will reduce cortisol (7) and aid in muscle growth. Due to these protein synthesizing effects, it can aid your feed efficiency and mineral absorption (8) which will make food you eat more productive in building new muscle tissue, and makes it a very effective agent with regards to nutrient partitioning (9), which is how your body metabolizes foodstuffs.

    Since Trenbolone binds so tightly to androgen receptors, and those receptors are found in lipid cells as well as muscle cells (10), Trenbolone seems to have a profound effect on the AR in both of these types of cells to catalyze anabolism as well as lipolysis (fat-burning)(11). Finally, Trenbolone significantly promotes red blood cell production and also increases the rate of glycogen replenishment, both of which serve to profoundly improve recovery. (12)

    The most common complaint with Trenbolone is that it can reduce aerobic capacity possibly due to bronchial dilation from increased prostaglandin formation. However at least in most users, since the blood levels of Trenbolone Enanthate won’t spike as rapidly or peak to as high of a level as quickly as we see with the Acetate version- this effect is not as pronounced with the Enanthate version. Thus the infamous “Tren Cough” many users complain about with the Acetate version isn’t as common with the Enanthate ester.

    Doses are usually in the 200-600mg/week range, and since the ester length of this steroid is reasonably long, it only needs to be administered via intramuscular injection once or twice a week. Of course, it is equally useful in both cutting as well as bulking cycles.

  14. #14
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T
    IMO since its your first run with the compound, i wouldnt advise running Tren E.

    Reason being, like any long ester AAS, it will remain in your body for a good 2 weeks, and if you dont take to well to it, and get bad sides, and you decide to discontinue, the compound will still be in you for 2 weeks, and the sides will remain with you for that period (2 weeks).

    I would suggest Tren Ace if its your first run with Tren, it has a shorter half life, and if the sides get to bad you can discontinue and your body will be cleared of the compound in 2 days.
    I agree with the above, sound advice

  15. #15
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    I agree with the above, sound advice
    why is this? Sides come from fluxuations. Hormones w/ short esters attached are more prone to fluxuations. tren is tren. if tren is fluxuating you get sides. tren e allows you to shoot less often w/ less fluxuaitons.

  16. #16
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkrulic
    why is this? Sides come from fluxuations. Hormones w/ short esters attached are more prone to fluxuations. tren is tren. if tren is fluxuating you get sides. tren e allows you to shoot less often w/ less fluxuaitons.
    Thing is, if you end up taking too much tren enanthate you wont realize it until its too late and the sides are kickin your ass. Then it takes a week or two to get the levels down so its bearable, and all that time you have to deal with those sides. There is nothing you can do about it but wait.

  17. #17
    ironaddict69's Avatar
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    well guys i figured out im gunna do 200 mg a week, split into 2 shots, so 100 monday 100 thursday. 200 isnt going to get unbearable by any means, plus im using masteron and test with it.

  18. #18
    magic32's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIGswang
    between 400mg-600mg /week
    my next cycle im gonna run 600mg/week or 300mg every 3day
    Not a good idea. Both versions require greater frequency to maintain even blood levels.


  19. #19
    testosterona's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironaddict69
    well guys i figured out im gunna do 200 mg a week, split into 2 shots, so 100 monday 100 thursday. 200 isnt going to get unbearable by any means, plus im using masteron and test with it.
    may i suggest 300mgs? bump it up bro. i found w/ tren e, much less sides than the same doses as tren a. 300mgs and you won't get bad sides, and you won't look back saying damn, i shoulv done a higher more effective doSE!

  20. #20
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkrulic
    why is this? Sides come from fluxuations. Hormones w/ short esters attached are more prone to fluxuations. tren is tren. if tren is fluxuating you get sides. tren e allows you to shoot less often w/ less fluxuaitons.
    not necessarily bro, you can maintain stable blood levels if you shoot ED (short esters) and thus reducing fluxuations and reducing sides.

    Even if you ran a longer ester, you still need to stay consistent, shooting every monday and thursday preferably. If you miss shots, or shoot at different times you will cause sides.

    So basically whatever compound you run, long ester or short ester the key is to stay consistent (injections and mgs) and keep levels as stable as possible reducing sides.

  21. #21
    ironaddict69's Avatar
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    so u guys think 300 mg a week would be betteR? of tren E.
    i was gunna do 200 mg a week for 10 weeks. i think id still get alot out of it

  22. #22
    liftin4life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironaddict69
    so u guys think 300 mg a week would be betteR? of tren E.
    i was gunna do 200 mg a week for 10 weeks. i think id still get alot out of it
    Dude...just remember what I said about having a few more decades to increase your dosages. Seriously...don't exceed a dosage threshold until results have halted! Especially at your age. Your receptors are still virgin.

  23. #23
    EQismypoise's Avatar
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    liftin4life is that you in ur avatar?

  24. #24
    STB is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironaddict69
    idont wanna inject ED, i want it more stable like tren E. i agree mkrulic. however,
    gho5t OBVIOUSLY knows his stuff (look at avatar) but id rather do E. anyway, back to doseage. i was thinking 250 a week?
    I think he is right.

    I have a thought, would love to have some opinions on it.

    Could it be that Tren E is much milder side effect-wise than Tren A just because of the stable long ester?

    I know there is a short acting EQ out there, but it will just about kill you with sides if you use it - which is why you don't hear about it much, and why everyone uses the long estered EQ.

    So why wouldn't tren be the same way?


  25. #25
    ironaddict69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by STB
    I think he is right.

    I have a thought, would love to have some opinions on it.

    Could it be that Tren E is much milder side effect-wise than Tren A just because of the stable long ester?

    I know there is a short acting EQ out there, but it will just about kill you with sides if you use it - which is why you don't hear about it much, and why everyone uses the long estered EQ.

    So why wouldn't tren be the same way?

    yeah man, exactly!

  26. #26
    liftin4life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EQismypoise
    liftin4life is that you in ur avatar?
    LoL yeah...awhile ago at 135 after I stupidly dropped 41lbs for the sake of being ripped. Anyway...why do you ask?

  27. #27
    EQismypoise's Avatar
    EQismypoise is offline Junior Member
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    geezus 41 lbs thats alot haha have you cycled?

  28. #28
    liftin4life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EQismypoise
    geezus 41 lbs thats alot haha have you cycled?
    Haha...yeah...lost too much. I just wanted to be had been so long. I had done prohormones before. Cycled? You mean like a bike? Yeah...I currently cycle, hahaha. I'll probably "cycle" for another 8 weeks or so. I'm 172 now.

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