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Thread: Test QUESTION

  1. #1
    texfire's Avatar
    texfire is offline New Member
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    May 2006

    Lightbulb Test QUESTION

    What would be the least amount of testosterone one could cycle and see gains?Being that I am new to the gear game I've heard one could get away with low doses and still make reputable gains with the right diet and not suffer so much from the sides. Is this just B.S. their blowin up my bunghole to get me to purchase from them or could it be for real? I've read on here that once on a cycle your body stops producing its own test because there's an over abundance of it already floating around in the blood. So in theory if one was to inject small amounts at a time (how small would they have to be) wouldn't it be like taking those pro hormones, test amplifiers and all that other bullshiot but just the real deal? Just a thought, all answers and critisism welcome.

    Thanks, Tex

  2. #2
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    The least? Um ... why? The less you do, the less you get out of it. And once you do over 200mg ... you get the same hypogonadism ... and require the same PCT.

    plus... male contraceptive is on the VERGE of acceptance. And what do the experts who nothing but trounce AAS usage and how hard it is to recover from and how TERRIBLE it is for you and how it will kill you - you just won't be able to tell it was AAS say about Male contraceptive and the risks?

    they say it's perfectly safe, and reversible.

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