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Thread: Trenbolone Base By Ug labs (Prob. parabolan)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Trenbolone Base By Ug labs (Prob. parabolan)

    Hi guys.

    I'm planning my next cycle to be hcg, trenbolone and testosteron.

    My source has told me, that he at the moment only has the following products at hand:

    Trenbolone Base (150mg/mL, each ml contains 0,760g Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate )

    Trenbolac Drostanpro, which is Tren A (100mg/mL) and Masteron (100mg/mL)

    Trenbolon Testen, which is Trenbolone Enanthate (100mg/mL) and Testosterone Enanthate (100mg/mL)

    I obviously can see the dosages of the trenbolone in the Trenbolac and Trenbolon T. products, but what about the Trenbolone Base? How much tren is in that compound pr. mL?
    It's been ages since i studied chemistry, so i can't remember how to determine the amount of trenbolone.

    A second question, if i choose Trenbolone Base, should i go with parabolans halflife?

    I've been searching the net and this forum for answers, but either my keywords weren't the right ones or nothing has been said about trenbolone base.

    I how you can help me sort this out. Basicly i'm asking, how many miligrams of tren are there in 1 mL of trenbolone base compared to 1mL of trenbolone acetat (75mg/mL)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    bump, anyone?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Golds Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by the juggler
    Hi guys.

    I'm planning my next cycle to be hcg, trenbolone and testosteron.

    My source has told me, that he at the moment only has the following products at hand:

    Trenbolone Base (150mg/mL, each ml contains 0,760g Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate )

    Trenbolac Drostanpro, which is Tren A (100mg/mL) and Masteron (100mg/mL)

    Trenbolon Testen, which is Trenbolone Enanthate (100mg/mL) and Testosterone Enanthate (100mg/mL)

    I obviously can see the dosages of the trenbolone in the Trenbolac and Trenbolon T. products, but what about the Trenbolone Base? How much tren is in that compound pr. mL?
    It's been ages since i studied chemistry, so i can't remember how to determine the amount of trenbolone.

    A second question, if i choose Trenbolone Base, should i go with parabolans halflife?

    I've been searching the net and this forum for answers, but either my keywords weren't the right ones or nothing has been said about trenbolone base.

    I how you can help me sort this out. Basicly i'm asking, how many miligrams of tren are there in 1 mL of trenbolone base compared to 1mL of trenbolone acetat (75mg/mL)
    IMO this is something you should discuss with your source, the source can provide a more accurate response, since they are the ones who are making and dosing the gear.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T
    IMO this is something you should discuss with your source, the source can provide a more accurate response, since they are the ones who are making and dosing the gear.
    My source is has IP gear.

    As far as my reasearch have told me, the product contains 150mg/mL trenbolone base + 0,760g/mL tren hexa which equals 50mg base.

    A total of 200mg tren pr. shot. The problem is, that trenbolone with no ester (therefore trenbolone base) has a very short halflife (lower than 12hours) and i would have to inject 2 times a day, which is a bit too much imo. 1 time ed is fine with me, but 2 times ed is a little too much.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0
    Quote Originally Posted by the juggler
    Hi guys.

    I'm planning my next cycle to be hcg, trenbolone and testosteron.

    My source has told me, that he at the moment only has the following products at hand:

    Trenbolone Base (150mg/mL, each ml contains 0,760g Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate )
    I can assure you each ml does not contain .76 of a gram of tren. No way in hell would that fit or hold.

    The active hormone in 150mg/ml of of Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzyl Carbonate: 97.5mg (35% is ester weight)

    the active hormone in the same amount of tren acetate is 124.5mg (17% is ester weight)

    And Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzyl Carbonate is not trenbolone base, trenbolone base is tren with no ester. (thanks to almost_gone for educating me on this!)
    Last edited by Snrf; 01-19-2007 at 02:33 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0

    if you want to read up on ester weights

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    I can assure you each ml does not contain .76 of a gram of tren. No way in hell would that fit or hold.

    The active hormone in 150mg/ml of of Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzyl Carbonate: 97.5mg (35% is ester weight)

    the active hormone in the same amount of tren acetate is 124.5mg (17% is ester weight)

    And Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzyl Carbonate is not trenbolone base, trenbolone base is tren with no ester. (thanks to almost_gone for educating me on this!)
    I know. The product doesn't contain 150mg/mL tren hexa, but 100 (or 150 can seem to find out) mg/mL Trenbolone Base + 50 pure trenbolone in form of a trenbolone bound to a hexa-ester.

    The productdescription IP has made on this product is aweful. Their other products are well described, but this one's confusing.

    But anyhow, i won't be doing that trenbolone base stuff, too short half life (NO ESTER!)

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