Hey guys! How r u doing?
Well, I'm 20 , I work out for 3, 4 years. Now, I wanna step forward and use roids.
1,82 93kg!! I'd like to do a cutting cycle.
- Stanozolol (Winny) - 100mg EOD (Injectable)
- Enan Test - 600mg week!!
I'm on a low carb diet doing cardio 3-4 times week!!
In fact I dont wanna put on to much weight. Im interested in density and quality!!
Dont wanna water retention. I wanna get cut!!
I was thinking about test prop instead of test enan, but , as we all know prop is so painfull!!!!
What u guys think about my cycle? Should I change somethink?
By the way, I live in Brazil, I will get all the stuff from a Underground lab in Argentina.