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Thread: Prices in Australia.......

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Prices in Australia.......

    hey guys......
    just wanted to check theses prices with other aussies......
    also wanted everyone else know how much we have to pay.....

    3 amps of Sust 250 $120 AUD
    20ml bottle of whinny $150
    10ml deca 50 $100
    dianabol tabs $1.50 - $2.50 each.....

    oh and $1 AUD = about 50 cents US
    these prices are s**t........i can hardly afford a whole cycle........

    any way just wanted to let yous all know...........

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    prices are moderately high, especially the d-bols but i suppose it all depends on where you live and how many hands the stuff has passed through b4 it got to you

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    do you live in australia?????
    i live in syd and i am pretty sure that it hasent been passed around too much cos i know that most people get them at these prices......

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    also has anyone in australia purchased gear over the net from overseas sources???

  5. #5
    it's around $21 per 1amp so about $64 per 3amps for an australian sust man, i'll be more than willing to pay that price it's the best gear no ?'s ask, as far you can't afford that's a different story but as far prices i think they r
    good bro... get me some i'll pay for yours and mine..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    good luck REM in finding 3 amps for $64, i was getting the stuff legit from a doctors presciption about 5 years ago and i was paying around $70 back then. By the way shud yes i am an aussie, there are quiet a few sneaking around on this board. I haven't bought any gear off the net as i think its to risky(not getting caught but losing your money) Although i would love to get my hands on some clomid

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    yeah gotta remember that just cos the exchange rate is close to double we dont earn say double what u earn in aud......
    when your on about $16.00 - $18.00 per hour working a casual job while studying the stuff is very expensive......
    Lasalles.....teah i cant argue about the deca but the sus....when i was younger $80 was the normal price.....
    dudsy i would really like to get some clomid aswell............
    if u r from syd pm me......

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    sorry shud, i'm closer to melbourne if thats any help

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Just near you
    i'm not from Austria, but your prices seem fantastic!!!!!!!!! I'm shocked reading it .............. it's not advertisment, but $ 1.50 -$ 2.50 for one tab of d-bol is incredible. i'll say it to guys from my gym, they wouldn't believe ...

  10. #10
    This thread is 4 years old, also no price discussion please!!!!

    jing jai

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    South West UK
    Quote Originally Posted by xtralarg
    This thread is 4 years old, also no price discussion please!!!!
    lol.. uber bumpage

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