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  1. #1
    Hephens's Avatar
    Hephens is offline Member
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    Sep 2006

    Test burning fat

    I read somewhere, it was something like this.

    If you consume more energy than you can use it will be stored.
    If you consume less energy than you can use it will use fat.

    there was another fact if your body fat was 16% and you gained 10pounds of muslce your bodyfat would have drop to about 15% but you havent lost any fat at all just got heavier.

    Can you lose fat at the same time as gaineing muslce while bulking up and using gear. I herd you cant do both.

  2. #2
    kaberle_15's Avatar
    kaberle_15 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Nov 2006
    Testosterone is a muscle building and fat burning hormone....

    Consuming more energy than you use = weight gain
    Consuming the same amount of energy you use = maintain weight
    Consuming less energy than you use = weight loss

    Depending on you're diet if it's clean you can bulk and keep fat gains to a minimum, I'm not too sure if you can see a significant loss in bodyfat while bulking up, thats why people often choose to focus mainly on bulking and gain some fat and hold water then cut the fat and maintain muscle mass.

  3. #3
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Mar 2006
    if the weight your gaining is majority LBM you are changing the equation to better your BF%

    more simply put...if you were 16% BF at 200lbs and you gained 10lbs of muscle and now are 210 lbs, don't you see why your BF% is less now?

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