I'm currently on a cycle of Methyl-1D and wasnt seeing that much good from it after finishing 1 bottle (3 week cycle) which according to the instructions should be ran from 4-6 weeks, so I didnt order a second bottle to run for another couple weeks, but after i've been off of it for 2 days I suddenly want to finish up the cycle, I have been taking ZMA every night and havent started PCT yet, which I bought anabolic extreme's PCT instead of LG's b/c Anabolic extreme's is better, should I go ahead and order another bottle to finish it up or has my test allready started to lower or should I take the PCT or ZMA at night until I get the new bottle in, or should I just give up and start PCT, I got up to 6 pills a day and for the last 3 days cycled down by only taking 4 a day help please!!! I just donw want to turn my test levels into a roller coaster ride by going back up and down and up again (p.s. I know methly-1D isnt a steroid and wont have that much effect on my test I believe, but not sure)