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Thread: Sust in a short cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Sust in a short cycle?

    I was thinking about a 30 day cycle using var at 75mgs. What do the short cycle experts think about doing a huge shot of sust(1500-2000mgs) on day one and that's it. I know a lot of people don't like sust but, isn't this is what it was designed to do, to provide a somewhat steady release of testosterone over the course of a month? Thanks

  2. #2
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    Houston, Texas

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Gassy
    I was thinking about a 30 day cycle using var at 75mgs. What do the short cycle experts think about doing a huge shot of sust(1500-2000mgs) on day one and that's it. I know a lot of people don't like sust but, isn't this is what it was designed to do, to provide a somewhat steady release of testosterone over the course of a month? Thanks
    One injection only...To me that would be like putting your pecker in for one pump and hoping you cum..Pass..Better to inject 500mgs ea week for 4 weeks.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I wouldnt advice just 1 injection of AAS for a short cycle, i think you need to do some more research and if you want people to comment a cycle pls post full stats and as much info as possible about your training/cycle history

  5. #5
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    Jul 2005
    4.2 Posology and method of administration To the top of the page


    In general, dosage should be adjusted to the individual response of the patient.


    Usually, one injection of 1ml per three weeks is adequate.

    ESustanon injection is called a depot injection. It is injected slowly into the muscle where it forms a reservoir of medicine. The testosterone is gradually released all the time from the reservoir into the bloodstream. The injection is usually given once every two to three weeks, though the frequency will depend on your individual testosterone levels.

    3. How should Sustanon be given?

    Sustanon should only be injected by your doctor or nurse.
    3.1 How much Sustanon is injected?

    Adults (male): The dose is chosen by your doctor.
    For Sustanon 100, usually one injection of 1ml every two weeks is given.
    For Sustanon 250, usually one injection of 1ml every three weeks is given.
    However the dose given depends on the individual.
    Adults (female-to-male transsexuals): Doses may vary from one injection of 1ml Sustanon 250 every two weeks to one injection of 1ml Sustanon 250 every four weeks, depending on the individual.

    Sustanon: The "king" of testosterone blends.
    The four different testosterone esters in this product certainly look appealing to the consumer, there is no denying that. But for the athlete I think it is all just a matter of marketing (Hell, why buy one ester when you can get four?). In clinical situations I can see some strong uses for it. If you were undergoing testosterone replacement therapy for example, you would probably find Sustanon a much more comfortable option than testosterone enanthate. You would need to visit the doctor less frequently for an injection, and blood levels should be more steadily maintained between treatments. But for the bodybuilder who is injecting 4 ampules of Sustanon per week, there is no advantage over other testosterone products. In fact, the high price tag for Sustanon usually makes it a very poor buy in the face of cheaper testosterone enanthate/cypionate. Bodybuilders should probably stop looking at the four ester issue, and stick with totals (Sustanon is just a 250mg testosterone ampule). Were enanthate to be available for say $10 per amp of 250mg, and Sustanon priced nearly double that, buying the Sustanon would be like throwing money away. If you could get nearly double the milligram amount for the same price with enanthate, this is the better product to go with hands down. Leave the high priced stuff for the guys who don't know any better.
    Slowing the release of the parent steroid is a great benefit in steroid medicine, as free testosterone (or other steroid hormones) previously would remain active in the body for a very short period of time (typically hours). This would necessitate an unpleasant daily injection schedule if one wished to maintain a continuous elevation of testosterone (the goal of testosterone replacement therapy). By adding an ester, the patient can visit the doctor as infrequently as once per month for his injection, instead of having to constantly re-administer the drug to achieve a therapeutic effect. Clearly without the use of an ester, therapy with an injectable anabolic/androgen would be much more difficult.

    My research skills are not the best, but some research finds that sust can be effective once a month. If sust does provide a somewhat stable release over the course of 30 days. Is 2000mgs of sust that much different than 500mg of prop a week for 4 weeks? I'm not saying this is an ideal cycle, I'm just asking if someone has done it. My cycle history is 10 years, I've done just about every drug, not always safely but getting much more conservative as I get older I'm 6'1" 240lbs 12%? bf.

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Thats not aimed at bodybuilders who want to gain muscle tissue, i would say its more like someone who as low test froma medical point, this site is were you need to research from, if you have 10yrs worth of cycling you will know you wont build anything from 1 injection of sus, i will be amazed if anyone as done this or even thought of trying it,

    Is the way you cycle not producing the gains you require anymore??

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