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Thread: can someone explain this! start of gyno or not?

  1. #1

    can someone explain this! start of gyno or not?

    Im running anavar/tbol, I started to develop a swollen left pec in about a week after adding tbol to my var cycle...... my left pec is mildly swollen and my left nipple is alittle swollen but not hurting/sensitive..... I have no hard lumps under my left pec but I do have soft tissue lumps/mass there ( not very bad as of yet) I started using adex 1mg ed and I also have started and finished lions letro.... I used 30ml of letro in just over a week..... the left pec has not gone down but it has not gotten any worse...... I have also been taking 1mg propecia for hairloss prevention measures during my cycle.... is this gyno or something else... what can i do? is the tbol possibly aromatising? how long do i have before this condition becomes permanent (it started just over a week and a half ago..... what is up with me!!!
    Last edited by Billytk03z; 01-20-2007 at 08:15 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Northern Iowa
    Anyway to post a pic of it?

  3. #3
    ill work on getting a pic, its not really bad yet, infact when I flex/tighten my chest it seems to go away... but when i let my chest relax you can see the mild puffiness.....

    as of now i am all out of letro, since i used 30ml of lions letro in just over a week...... I do however have arimidex... should I continue to run adex at 1 mg ed until my pec returns to normal and is Adex strong enough to help reverse this puffiness or should I get more letro.... I do notice tho that I am not as hard muscle wise since starting letro last week...... I know that a high dose of letro will hurt gains but will 1mg or .5mg adex daily hurt gains as well?

    Also I did some more research on Tbol and it is very possible to have estro sides (gyno, water ret)........
    Last edited by Billytk03z; 01-21-2007 at 05:07 PM.

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    thats gyno alright, when they lactate (nipple is hard small) they look fine its only when they relax they are puffy.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    The best way to judge if you have gyno is to flex your chest and try to pinch your nip from the top and bottom with thumb and forefinger. If a solid mass is present between the pinch, and your chest is flexed it is gyno. Sometimes mild gyno is only under the nipple and is not that noticeable unless touched or observed at an odd angle. And sometimes it is not one cluster of mass but several clusters of material. But regardless of the severity of gyno, every case has puffy nips but that is not to be used as the sole symptom of gyno. Be careful with the letro. I took letro at high doses and as i was coming off, had big time mood swings.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Schwarzenegger
    The best way to judge if you have gyno is to flex your chest and try to pinch your nip from the top and bottom with thumb and forefinger. If a solid mass is present between the pinch, and your chest is flexed it is gyno. .
    Bro, i flexed and pinched but did not feel nothing under the nipple... the best way to explain my situation is if someone punched my left pec and it swelled up, making the pec fuller more pronounced looking.. more so than the right side..... when I flex/tighten my chest it isnt apparant....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    hmmmm, maybe your getting bigger, lol, could be fat,,, Gyno is almost always under the nipple,, but you say that your whole pec is swollen,,, dont know what to say,,, pic would help from a few angles. Sorry that i cant be of much more help,, if its not sensitive and no mass, it does not sound like fullblown gyno tho,, best bet would be to stick with AI's just in case. I tried bro.

  9. #9
    it has mass but its not localized under the nipple, this shit came on within one week.... crazy.....

    Is there a specific amount of time when gyno starts that it cant be reversed.... I first noticed this about 2 weeks ago, and like i said it developed pretty fast..... I have been using Adex .5mg ed and letro 2-3mg ed since I noticed it..... it hasnt gone away but it hasnt gotten worse... did i catch it in time?
    Last edited by Billytk03z; 01-22-2007 at 01:16 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    bro, pm cbino

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