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Thread: Good to go?

  1. #1

    Good to go?

    this will be my third cycle nothing too complicated just looking for the thumbs up and suggestions if needed

    1-12 500mg test e wk
    1-12 600mg eq wk
    nolv ed 10-20mg
    letro if needed
    pct clomid/nolv i am prone to gyno should i run letro throughout? dosage?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    moving this thread to the steroid forum..

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by LeadPencil
    this will be my third cycle nothing too complicated just looking for the thumbs up and suggestions if needed

    1-12 500mg test e wk
    1-12 600mg eq wk
    nolv ed 10-20mg
    letro if needed
    pct clomid/nolv i am prone to gyno should i run letro throughout? dosage?
    How long ago were your other two cycles and what were they?

  4. #4
    my first cycle was when i was 22 and that was just test e 500wk then pct
    my 2nd was 23y/o that was 1-10wk 500mg test 1-10wk 400mg deca 1-4dbol
    40mg ed pct at 24 off cycles bad motorcycle accident so just did the gym thing been lifting since highschool

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    East Coast
    Out of curiosity, what's your thought behind running the EQ dose higher than the Test??

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006
    On top
    1-14 Test E 600mg/wk
    1-12 Eq 600 mg/wk

    wk 16 start PCT

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Johnnystick77
    Out of curiosity, what's your thought behind running the EQ dose higher than the Test??
    whats your opinoin on running that cycle?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    East Coast
    First off, I think you DEF need an AI such as Liquidex (arimidex). Something in that family. If you say you're gyno prone then run an AI throughout every cycle (IMO).

    Otherwise, it's pretty solid for some nice lean mass gains. I LOVE eq and never had any sides with it. I would suggest running 600mg/600mg with both compounds. Always a good rule of thumb to provide at least the same, if not more test than any other compound.

    I suspect you have some type of enanthate ester or something that's dosed at 250mg/ml. That's why you're suggesting 500mg/week. Like i said, imo, it's better to keep that test at 600mg. Do the math and get started.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    East Coast

    If you don't feel comfortable bumping up to 600mg then keep both at 500.

    Good luck.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Johnnystick77
    First off, I think you DEF need an AI such as Liquidex (arimidex). Something in that family. If you say you're gyno prone then run an AI throughout every cycle (IMO).

    Otherwise, it's pretty solid for some nice lean mass gains. I LOVE eq and never had any sides with it. I would suggest running 600mg/600mg with both compounds. Always a good rule of thumb to provide at least the same, if not more test than any other compound.

    I suspect you have some type of enanthate ester or something that's dosed at 250mg/ml. That's why you're suggesting 500mg/week. Like i said, imo, it's better to keep that test at 600mg. Do the math and get started.
    thxs for input, i will bump the test to 600mg/wk I have letro and nolv..being prone to gyno should i run it letro .25mged and nolv 20mg/ed ?? or should i grab l-dex and drop letro?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0
    Quote Originally Posted by Johnnystick77
    First off, I think you DEF need an AI such as Liquidex (arimidex). Something in that family. If you say you're gyno prone then run an AI throughout every cycle (IMO).

    Otherwise, it's pretty solid for some nice lean mass gains. I LOVE eq and never had any sides with it. I would suggest running 600mg/600mg with both compounds. Always a good rule of thumb to provide at least the same, if not more test than any other compound.

    I suspect you have some type of enanthate ester or something that's dosed at 250mg/ml. That's why you're suggesting 500mg/week. Like i said, imo, it's better to keep that test at 600mg. Do the math and get started.
    A replacement dose of test (125mg/wk) will easily prevent any libido problems. So whats your reasoning?

  12. #12
    I run EQ 200+ higher than my test all the time, iit causes no problems at all. Now Deca is another story. At 5'11'' and only 185 I don't think you need 12+ week high dose cycles yet. Keep it to 10 weeks or less and the test at 400-500mg a week max, the EQ is fine at 600mg.

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