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  1. #1
    MVMagnusson is offline New Member
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    Wanting to begin first cycle

    Age: 25 in march
    Weight: 235
    Height: 6'1"
    Body Fat: 18%
    Diet: lean protein/oatmeal, veg. lean protein, protein shake lean protein, veg. lean protein, workout, pwo protein shake, oatmeal lean protein. Just started this diet last week.
    Goal: 10 to 12% body fat around 245 - 250
    Ive never taken anything at all except creatine when I was 16. Not even protein. Ive always had pretty decent diets and Ive been lifting solid for about 4 to 5 years now. Before that I was on and off too much to justify my gains. I started when I was 20 really seriously and went from around 185 to what I am now with no supplements as I said. It just seems as if now I'm starting to plateau a little and I'm ready to cross that hump.

    Sup guys,
    I dont know excatly what I wanna do for a cycle yet. Originally I was thinking cyp. nolva. and L dex, but I figure I can bulk then cut down with dieting so I wanna go another route. I would like to gain more mass then cut it down later. My pct would consist of a lean diet and clomid. I just dont know what stak I need to see a gain of about 20 lbs and not retain alot of water weight. I figured the guru's could help me out with this. I really appreciate it fellas.

  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    I think if you do a 12 week cycle of Test E at 500mg a week and 0.25mg Adex ED you will achieve your goal with minimum bloat. Provided of course you have the right Diet

  3. #3
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    I dont have my calculator but this seems like a big task.
    10% of 235 is 23.5
    20% of 235 is 2*23.5
    18% is around 45
    45 from 235 is 190
    10% of 245 is 24.5
    24.5 from 245 is around 220
    so you want to gain 30 lbs of solid muscle and drop 20 lbs of fat. needs more realistic goals.

  4. #4
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    post script. steroids will not help you burn fat. w/ the exception of trenbolone .

  5. #5
    MVMagnusson is offline New Member
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    Yeah Im not trying to burn fat by taking steroids , I'm just wanting to gain more mass. Wow, I didnt realize I would lose that much weight at a body fat % like that. I know I will not gain 30lbs of solid mass, but I would just like to put on 20 to 30 pounds of mass and then diet and get down to 10 to 15% bf...Honestly I think I'm closer to 15% bf but I may be wrong. The way my bf was tested was by that dial that pinches your fat that you can pinch up, so it may be off a little. They measured certain areas and then come up with a overall bf %. The guy was pinching the hell outta me in areas he couldnt get much and it was like the 3rd time he had ever used the thing. By taking the right cycle and dieting right I could gain a solid 10 to 15 pounds of mass right? Say I cut down to 13% bf I would weigh around 210 - 215 after a 12 week cycle and a good pct and diet. Is that possible?

  6. #6
    MVMagnusson is offline New Member
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    Let me clarify my first post....I dont know if it was very clear. Right now what I want to do is put on around 20 pounds of mass with minimul water weight. Thats my first goal I would like to achieve. Sorry if it was confusing.

  7. #7
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    As Kale stated, a nice Test E at 500mgs/week for 12 weeks with the proper bulking diet and heavy lifting should do that for you, you will want to get the Arimidex to help keep water off and start PCT 14 days after last Test E shot

  8. #8
    eberasain is offline Associate Member
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    Test Cypionate of 600mg per week for 12-14 weeks, with the pct.

  9. #9
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Im not big on cycles that last more than 10 weeks. theres no need for it. my gains start to tapper around 6 so thats how long I make my cycles. but I have a powerfull short esterd hormone.
    For test e or test c 10 weeks is plenty. 500mg/week is a good run.

  10. #10
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    I would drop your body fat % below 15% first.

  11. #11
    MVMagnusson is offline New Member
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    Why would you drop your body fat % below 15 first?? Thanks for the advice guys, its gonna really help my decision.

  12. #12
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MVMagnusson
    Why would you drop your body fat % below 15 first?? Thanks for the advice guys, its gonna really help my decision.
    I was woundering that as well. I was above 20% for my first cycle. and I was older than yuou. steroids were a great motovator for weight loss

  13. #13
    D-Money's Avatar
    D-Money is offline Associate Member
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    Cycle: Test 500mg for 10 weeks
    Pct: Nolvadex 20-40mg for 4weeks.

    Work on your diet

  14. #14
    MVMagnusson is offline New Member
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    Could I stack the test e with deca and take the armidex then nolvadex for my pct? also when you guys say 500mg weekly, thats one shot weekly right?

  15. #15
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MVMagnusson
    Could I stack the test e with deca and take the armidex then nolvadex for my pct? also when you guys say 500mg weekly, thats one shot weekly right?
    stack test w/ deca ? you bet.
    500mg weekly = 1 shot weekly? depends on how strong your gear is and what you call a shot. if its 500mg/ml then yea, one shot. 250mg/ml then it could be one if you do 2cc's. you get the math

  16. #16
    MVMagnusson is offline New Member
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    Ok so your saying I could take one 500mg shot weekly or 2 250mg shots weekly. 2cc's is 250mg right? Most people just take one shot weekly from what Ive read up on so I think Im gonna go that route.
    From my research and your help I have figured my cycle should look like this:
    Test E 500mg weekly
    Deca 250mg weekly??
    Armidex .25mg daily
    wait a week after 10 to 12 week cycle and start pct with nolvadex and a good diet.
    Does this sound good or what? Is that too much Deca or is it the right amount? Thanks for the help guys. I'll post a few before pics soon.

  17. #17
    duramaxedge's Avatar
    duramaxedge is offline Senior Member
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    lower the body fat... you will be a lot happier during your cycle with the results and look. .. sorry just my 2 cents ::bling bling::

  18. #18
    duramaxedge's Avatar
    duramaxedge is offline Senior Member
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    fyi.. most people take 2 shots of test e per week to keep the blood levels constant (sun/mon and thursday) .. so that would be 1 shot each of those days = 1cc or 1ml which is 250mg per ml

    If your gonna run deca id re-think the arimidex and id up it to like 400mg /wk.. ask these guys, keep in mind deca is a different compound then test and reacts different to arimidex..

    Spend a little more time reading up on the compounds man.. its not worth it.. imagine running a cycle and accidently growing man tits.. wouldnt be worth it huh???

    Last edited by duramaxedge; 01-24-2007 at 06:29 PM.

  19. #19
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy

    wqanting to begin first cycle

    Quote Originally Posted by mkrulic
    I was woundering that as well. I was above 20% for my first cycle. and I was older than yuou. steroids were a great motovator for weight loss
    The reason for dropping BF down is estrogen ..estrogen levels will rise during a cycle so you want to have them as low as possible before starting.

  20. #20
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy

    wanting to begin first cycle

    Quote Originally Posted by mkrulic
    Im not big on cycles that last more than 10 weeks. theres no need for it. my gains start to tapper around 6 so thats how long I make my cycles. but I have a powerfull short esterd hormone.
    For test e or test c 10 weeks is plenty. 500mg/week is a good run.
    bro,what you're stating here is a personal expereince and its based on your progress...where you say your gains taper at 6 weeks others dont stat feeling or gaining anything till about 6 weeks so they are better going 12 weeks..not trying to harp on anything you're saying here...I'm sure what works for you is exactly that works for you but everyone is different.

  21. #21
    duramaxedge's Avatar
    duramaxedge is offline Senior Member
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    I dont start feeling a nice difference till week 5 for me on test E Then its on babay! lol

  22. #22
    passthetest's Avatar
    passthetest is offline Member
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    Ya I def. dont start limiting out 6 weeks in. I would just run Test E for you first cycle, lowering your body fat now is easier compared to post cycle.

  23. #23
    MVMagnusson is offline New Member
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    Ok so if I stack the deca with the Test E then I have a chance of having bitch tits. What would be something good to stack with the test e then? Ive always heard for optimal results stacking is better.

  24. #24
    MVMagnusson is offline New Member
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    Test E and Dbol
    2 250mg shots of them both weekly for 12 weeks.
    How much Armidex would I have to take with this cycle??

  25. #25
    MVMagnusson is offline New Member
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  26. #26
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    you have been running a diet for 1 week (and the diet needs ALOT of work BTW) and you want to use AS. Post your diet with full macros in the diet forum for critique. It looks pretty poor to me. Try reading the "things to consider" post that is linked in my sig.

  27. #27
    MVMagnusson is offline New Member
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    k thanks....I'm new to the whole diet thing obviously....I've never had to do one really. I've always lingered around 15%bf and I've been content with that till now.

  28. #28
    MVMagnusson is offline New Member
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    I read up on the things to consider and I feel real good about everything but my diet. I am going to need help setting one up. I do want to go ahead and start a cycle even though I'm around 15% bf.

  29. #29
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Go to the diet forum and get some ideas on diets...Bulk,Lean Bulk etc...this will help you alot bro..

  30. #30
    MVMagnusson is offline New Member
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    Just a heads up...I did a body fat calculation on one of those sites and it said my bf% was around 12%......I know thats not totally true but I bet its close. I just need to post some pics.

  31. #31
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    yeah do that bro...

  32. #32
    shark333's Avatar
    shark333 is offline Associate Member
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    arkansas/united states...
    im glad someone spoke up . how could u peak on injected test after six weeks . must b some good shiznit !

  33. #33
    MVMagnusson is offline New Member
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    I understand the macros now. Protein/calorie/fat intake on each meal....I already eat 6 meals daily, but I am pitiful at counting macros as of now just because I have never done it. I really appreciate the help guys and I dont mind criticism because it only makes me learn more. Heres what I ate today.
    Keep in mind I havent gotten my whey or flax in yet they are both being shipped to me now.
    1 cup Oatmeal 6 egg whites
    albacore lightly seasoned tuna strips 1 pack, brocolli
    Mixed vegatables(corn, green beans, carrots, peas) Chicken and herb dumplings progresso, 1 cup oatmeal
    Chunk light tuna 2 cans
    Myoplex shake pwo
    skinless chicken, sugar free apple sauce, and brocolli
    The veggies I use are the steamfresh kind that you put in the microwave and they are steamed and fresh. Anyways, thats just the kind of stuff I've been eating, and that will obviously change. Just think, I thought I was doing good with that haha.

  34. #34
    MVMagnusson is offline New Member
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    I know its a crappy pic and I'm a hairy bastard in this pic. I'm more cut than I look but the hair hides that well. Next time I shave I'll post much better pics...This was just for a basic idea.

  35. #35
    RA's Avatar
    RA is offline Grade A Beef
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    Getting madcow treatments
    Mach 3 turbo 2x/wk

  36. #36
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Dude you need to get a new wife !!! Your place is a mess

  37. #37
    MVMagnusson is offline New Member
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    HAHAHAH yeah we have had washer probs....its has been broke for 3 weeks under warranty and they finally came and replaced it. She said that after she took the pic. A pile of finally washed laundry needed to be put up.

  38. #38
    MVMagnusson is offline New Member
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    And the hair thing. If it was up to me I would always keep it shaved but my wife loves it so....During the winter I have a winter coat(literally) and the summer I shave it all off.

  39. #39
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy

    wanting to begin first cycle

    Quote Originally Posted by MVMagnusson
    I know its a crappy pic and I'm a hairy bastard in this pic. I'm more cut than I look but the hair hides that well. Next time I shave I'll post much better pics...This was just for a basic idea.
    Did you say you were more cut than you you have skin costume on???lol...just messing with you bro..but its time to mow the lawn...

  40. #40
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    look about 15-17% to me. Get a diet together and list it all out with macros for critique in the diet forum. AS is pointless without a set diet.

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