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  1. #1
    Streaker's Avatar
    Streaker is offline Member
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    Mar 2006

    Blood work back, high progesterone?

    I finished PCT 6 weeks ago for a short (6 weeks) low does (75mg ED) Prop only cycle. I just had blood work done because I’m getting ready for my first Tren cycle. I had my Progesterone checked for the first time and it came back high. It was 1.3 and the normal range is 0.3-1.2. Can test only cycle’s increase Progesterone? Does this mean I should worry about the Tren increasing my Progesterone? My estrogen levels were fine, 13 (normal 0-53). I have had issues in the past test only cycles with my right nipple getting puffy and I assumed it was due to high Estrogen so I have always used Letro. I’m planning to use A-dex this time for my Prop/Tren cycle and having my estrogen and progesterone checked at about 4 weeks. Do you think this is a good idea?
    I’m also looking for feed back on my 2 other abnormal results:
    AST (SGOT) = HIGH = 41 (Normal range 0-40)
    T3 Uptake = HIGH = 43 (Normal range 24-39) What does this mean?

    Thanks for your help!

  2. #2
    Streaker's Avatar
    Streaker is offline Member
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    Mar 2006
    Does anyone have feed back on my blood work? I didn't think test only cycle's would effect progesterone?

  3. #3
    Stackertoo's Avatar
    Stackertoo is offline Member
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    Dark Side of the Moon
    I had high Progesterone for some time after a Tren cycle. If you are getting it w/out Tren or Deca , then I would personally stay the hell away from both of them.

  4. #4
    Streaker's Avatar
    Streaker is offline Member
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    Mar 2006
    How high was your Progesterone? I was only .1 over the normal range.

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