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Thread: Winn, Tren, and Prop/when to start clomid?

  1. #1

    Question Winn, Tren, and Prop/when to start clomid?

    I am not an expert in these situations so I feel I should ask the experts. I have read (from several different websites) that Winn, Tren, and Prop used together is a good cutting cycle. I would like to get confirmation of this and, also, what kind of an injection cycle one would use (when to inject, how often, dosage size, draw each steroid into one needle for one injection?, best placement of injection). At what time, towards the end of the cycle, would one want to start taking clomid? Lastly, is clomid the best option when ending a cycle or is novaldex a better alternative? Any light shed on this subject is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    dont get me wrong but bro u have to do some more research

  3. #3
    that's why I'm here bro. Do you have any advice for me?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    yeah sure start here:

    read about each drug u wanna use

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    lol man you have a lot to learn.. I hope your part of the few that reads and learns before you start buying or shooting.. there is a lot of information in the faqs and new members form that are stickys and such that will answer most and/or all of these questions.. take some time ready around and then if you dont feel these are answered.. which im positive they are .. come back and ask specific questions..

    ... good luck man


  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by jmoney711
    that's why I'm here bro. Do you have any advice for me?

    Another way that you will receive alot more help, is to list your stats and any experience that you might have, whether it is in AAS, or in wieghtlifting, diet, or whatever it is..

    Stats include your age, height, weight, BF %, current diet, current training, etc.

    Please include this information, and we will be able to help you out more effectively. Also, the link provided above should be your new top bookmark in your browser.

  7. #7
    I read, on this website (and many others, as well as talking to many of my friends who are quite accustomed to these kinds of things), that Tren, Winn, and Prop would be a good stack for mass, as well as cutting. I'm using the Prop to prevent fina dick and the Tren and Winn for muscle development and cutting purposes. I plan on using 400mg per week of Tren (no more than 400mg because I have read that sides are prevalent when using more than 400mg, however, I know that sides will vary from person to person) 400mg of Prop (in conjunction with the Tren), and using a C of Winn every other day in its own syringe. I plan on rotating my injection sites between both my glutes and both my delts, in the past I have not had any problems with those areas. With about one and a half to two weeks remaining in the cycle I plan to start chlomid for PCT (or Novaldex if I feel it is a better suggestion, I just have Chlomid right now). I have done my research and I was just looking for any other advice I could get before I started, I'm not new to this as a whole but I am new to Tren. I thank you in advance for your help gentlemen.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    St. Louis
    I'm on the same cycle right now
    test prop- 700mg per week (100mg ed) wks 1-8
    tren a- 75mg ed weeks 1-6
    winny- 100mg ed weels 1-6
    T3- 25mcg ed weeks 1-7

    In my opinion you need more sites to shoot than just 4 since you shoot everyday. Might want to look into T3 to use with the tren to keep your prolactin levels in check. Also, I'm running letrozole with this cycle to stay dry and keep away from progestin related sides from tren. PCT should include nolva (for estrogen rebound off of letro), clomid, and I'm running clen as well for pct.

  9. #9
    Thanks for the advice. How far along are you in your cycle? What kind of results have you seen so far as cutting properties of this cyle? I will definitely get nolva now for sure. I've never messed with clen before, how does that work for PCT? When are you going to (or when did you) start your PCT, 2 weeks left, 1 week? Thanks again bro.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    St. Louis
    Ill start pct 2 days after my last shot. I'll start clen on my last week and go 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off. I'm 1 week into my cycle. Just feeling good and libido up like crazy so far...oh and crazy dreams...hehe.

  11. #11
    Thanks for the help stacked. I appreciate it.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    St. Louis
    No prob. Just fyi, its week 2 now and my weights are going up pretty quickly in the gym (pulled 585 finally) and I've gained 5 lbs on a 300-600 kCal deficit from my maitenance diet. This cycle is by far the fastest and quickest rewarding one I've done yet. No tren sides yet besides the dreams.

  13. #13
    How is the cycle going stacked?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    St. Louis
    I'm up 10lbs + right now. Much leaner than when I started and I seriously think I grow everytime I touch a weight. Much stronger and it's still early. Winni is startin to hurt the elbows and knees a bit, but no worries, I just got back on the glucosamine/chondriton. Should clear that right up. Vascularity is getting unreal in my shoulders/arms and upper quads. Love it so far.

  15. #15
    Sounds like the cycle is serious. Have you seen any progress as far as the cutting abilities of the cycle? I'm frustrated right now becasue I haven't been able to start mine yet because of school. I'm taking 18 hrs this semster and got papers out the ass to write, therefore my gym schedule has been rather erratic. Glad to hear everything is going so well, it's very encouraging for when I get ramped up. Best of luck to ya. Update me as often as you can.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    St. Louis
    Yeah I have 16hrs this semester. I am quite a bit leaner than when I started, this is probably from the tren/t3 and am cardio/diet. Feels good tho when I'm gaining muscle density and losing some body fat.

  17. #17
    Cool bro, I sincerely appreciate the feedback.

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