I am consindering a cycle of clen and ECA in the off weeks to try to drop some of this fat ass weight that I have. Questions are....
1. what is the dosing for clen and ketofen(sp?) for a virgin cycle
2. is there a ramp up schedule
3. can I stay on for longer than 2 weeks if I am using ketofen with it
4. should I take a little bit of a mild anabolic (ie. primo @100mgs) to avoid muscle loss. what about oral winny as an option. I don't want to shut down the HPTA at all really because I am planning a big bulking cycle in the fall and that will be my first so I really want to juice those virgin receptors then with some good test.
5. how good is PPL clen/ket mix
6. how long should the cycle be in total and if I use a mild AS will I need clomid to boot.