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Thread: naps/ millions of views

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    naps/ millions of views

    Just want to ask some opinion. For some reason everyone has a different view point on dbols. Just wondering what you guys feel is the most effective way to use white naps 5mg. Everyone takes them different wheather stack, pyramid etc. What did you guys feel was the best way

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    30-40 mg the whole way thru. tapering and pyramiding is BULLSHIT. it doesnt even make sense, theres no reason to take it slow and let it buildup itll only cause more signs. tack it with test at 500 mg a week and ull be good. run it for 5 weeks, run test E or C (my preferance is E) for 12-14 and u got one solid bulking starter cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    i think its a great AS for kickstarting a cycle. I would agree with above. I get on well with just 25mg ED for 4 weeks at the beginning of a cycle. I tried going as high as 50mg but i had horrible sides.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    iv ran 40 mg by itself for 6 weeks (which i got flamed for) and had no sides so im going to use it as a kick start for a test e cycle in a month or so's time, but yer ur right pretty much everybody on this forum has a completly different view on dbol so i guess its one of those things you should try for urslef, never done the naps tho

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