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  1. #1
    ericimage is offline New Member
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    Unhappy Injection pain 4 days after?


    Please pardon my english.

    I am worried because I injected 2CC of test enat form a compounding pharm. ( ) and everything went well but yesterday 4 days after the injection I started to fell the area a little hard and sore the area is not red neither hot and I don’t have fever. this is the first time I use that vial and that company previously I have being using ( ) and their compound is great no pain at all.

    can it be the oil or bad compound.
    Can I trust the stuff from

    Thank for the help

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  2. #2
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    If its not swollen or red...or hot to the touch dont worry about it...

  3. #3
    ericimage is offline New Member
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    Sorry for posting partial names but I would like to know if the source is legit and if their stuff is good quality. I cant still PM!!

  4. #4
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    you need 100 post to PM and or 45 days of membership...No more of that(UGL names on the open forum) or it can result in a suspension or Ban.

  5. #5
    ericimage is offline New Member
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    well I need to inject again tomorow Im injecting twice a week (mondays and Thursdays) left glute mon right glute thursday.

    Last monday injection is the one that went bad, I dont have any pain at all ont he other glute which I injected on thurdsday

    can I inject tomorow ont the right glute only 4 day after the previous shot because I do not think I should inject in the sore one.

    Any comments

  6. #6
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Thats fine bro...also you can try the delts aswell...

  7. #7
    GHO5T's Avatar
    GHO5T is offline Senior Member
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    The problem you face might have resulted in incorrect injection technique. You could have moved the needle around abit when you were injecting, or when you were drawing out.

    PS- I would advise you to try to administer your compounds in different sites, like bigmax mentioned. It will help you in the future and in future cycles if you were to run short ester compounds, there would need to be more injection frequency and rotating sites is essential. Learn now, so you dont have to later.

  8. #8
    ericimage is offline New Member
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    I’m worried the upper glute is getting swollen (inflamed there is a lump on the upper part of the glute is this a sign of infection and how if I injected on Monday I did not felt any pain or anything until Friday I have no fever I used a 1.5" syringe and I follow all the protocols.

  9. #9
    GHO5T's Avatar
    GHO5T is offline Senior Member
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    Is it red, hot, painful to the touch, and do you have a fever?

  10. #10
    ericimage is offline New Member
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    is not painfull just a fullness sensation and hard to the touch but not hot or warm
    is a lit painfull when pressednot really painfull just like if the muscle is sore

    No I have no fever (36)
    should I go to the doc or wait
    Last edited by ericimage; 01-28-2007 at 12:39 PM.

  11. #11
    GHO5T's Avatar
    GHO5T is offline Senior Member
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    IMO to me it sounds like you just had a bad injection, might of nicked something on the way in or way out.

    To me it doesnt seem like you have an infection, give it a few more days, and see if the symptoms subside. In the meantime while your waiting, dont administer any more shots in the area. Let it heal.

  12. #12
    ericimage is offline New Member
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    when you got an infection. Do you start having symptoms (pain redness fever) the same day of the injection the next day or can it take a while (more than 2 days) for symptoms to appear?

  13. #13
    ericimage is offline New Member
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    Can I develop an abscess

  14. #14
    Snrf's Avatar
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  15. #15
    J*U*icEd's Avatar
    J*U*icEd is offline Anabolic Member
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    LI, NY kidd!!
    i was goin to say it might be an abcess

  16. #16
    ericimage is offline New Member
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    I dont know!

    is not warm I have no fever gear is from a US compounding pharmacy

    I follow all the protocols

    and is not a lump is like the whole upper part of the glute is inflamed and there is no redness neither

    one thing, The oil was really thick I think because of the concentration

    300MG per ML test enathate

    I have beign using other test before Ultratest 250 from other pharmacy and the injections whent perfect not even a lit sore

  17. #17
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    Avoid shooting any more shots in the area. Again IMO it was just a bad injection.

    I myself have had this problem, where the injection area after 2 days, turned very hard, and a lump formed.

    However it wasnt red, hot, painful to touch, and i didnt have a fever. After about a week, the symptoms subsided, and the lump went down significantly.

    Keep us updated, if you get a fever, if the area is painful to touch in the next couple days, or if the swelling doesnt go down.

    No reason to jump to conclusions as of now.

  18. #18
    ericimage is offline New Member
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    I dont know!

    is not warm I have no fever gear is from a US compounding pharmacy

    I follow all the protocols

    and is not a lump is like the whole upper part of the glute is inflamed and there is no redness neither

    one thing, The oil was really thick I think because of the concentration

    300MG per ML test enathate

    I have beign using other test before Ultratest 250 from other pharmacy and the injections whent perfect not even a lit sore

  19. #19
    MikeCman is offline Junior Member
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    I would wait bro, my first couple of test injections left my glute sore for almost a week maybe a few days longer and it also left a hard knot like area in the ijection area. Just like a hard area, not an actual lump. This is usually just muscle damage and is healing. If its not red or warm to the touch hold off. If it carraies on longer than a a week and a half i would go to the doc.

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