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  1. #1
    sircharles's Avatar
    sircharles is offline Associate Member
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    Im on cycle now...but had a length question for the vets

    Im 24 and running Test-e only (its my first cycle). Injecting twice a week, and just finished up week #3.

    I had planned on doing this cycle 13 or 14 weeks, but read a lot of people stop at 12.

    Wouldnt it be more beneficial for me to run it 14 seeing as the test wont kick in until like week 6? Or wuould it be 'safer' to cut it at week 12?


  2. #2
    bigwillystyle's Avatar
    bigwillystyle is offline Associate Member
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    you start to see more sides the longer you cycle. what dosages are you taking? in my experience a lower dose for longer duration seems to yeild more permant gains.

    since this is you 1st cycle i would defintly stop around the 12-13 week range make sure you have the proper post cycle drugs clomid,nolva.


  3. #3
    x_moe's Avatar
    x_moe is offline Anabolic Member
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    you can for 14 wks it shouldnt be a problem

  4. #4
    sircharles's Avatar
    sircharles is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah, i have a nice PCT set. Im doing 500mg/Week along with Proviron and Nolva everyday. Im wondering if I should do 500mg/Week and then do maybe 250/week for weeks 13-14.....?

  5. #5
    duramaxedge's Avatar
    duramaxedge is offline Senior Member
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    There really isnt a 'set date' of time when you have to be off man.. Set your goals of what you want to accomplish that are reasonable.. and hit them.. if it takes 11 weeks then good.. or if it takes 15 weeks then good.. I use that as a start/stop instead of someone telling me 12 weeks because EVERYONE else says that.. hope that helps and answers your question

  6. #6
    duramaxedge's Avatar
    duramaxedge is offline Senior Member
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    and I definately wouldnt lower your dose .. keep the same 500mg throughout

  7. #7
    bigwillystyle's Avatar
    bigwillystyle is offline Associate Member
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    keep your dosages the same througout your cycle bro..less sides..easier pct


  8. #8
    passthetest's Avatar
    passthetest is offline Member
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    I would keep your doses the same throughout your cycle. I think at 250 mg a week you should go for the full 14 if you have everything you need.

  9. #9
    sircharles's Avatar
    sircharles is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by passthetest
    I would keep your doses the same throughout your cycle. I think at 250 mg a week you should go for the full 14 if you have everything you need.
    Im not doing 250/Week, just a taper down thought. Im doing 500/Week, but after hearing the responses Ill keep it at 500 the whole 14 weeks.

  10. #10
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    quit when you see the gains start to tapper off. I used this method and now my cycles are 6 weeks long

  11. #11
    testosterona's Avatar
    testosterona is offline Anabolic Member
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    just keep in mind you HPTA man. i'm young like you and my test levels are SHOT right now from a longer cycle and iv been of for about 4.5months. id say keep it shorter, unless you plan on switching compuonds around so the gains keep comming. good luck dude


  12. #12
    sircharles's Avatar
    sircharles is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by testosterona
    just keep in mind you HPTA man. i'm young like you and my test levels are SHOT right now from a longer cycle and iv been of for about 4.5months. id say keep it shorter, unless you plan on switching compuonds around so the gains keep comming. good luck dude

    did you run a good pct? what about trib for a few months?

  13. #13
    spywizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sircharles
    Yeah, i have a nice PCT set. Im doing 500mg/Week along with Proviron and Nolva everyday. Im wondering if I should do 500mg/Week and then do maybe 250/week for weeks 13-14.....?
    why?? so you will stop growing, and experience the effects of lowered test levels, and then pct???

    just run 500mg to week 14, then start pct 2 weeks after that.. do you have hcg ?? adminstration of that is during the cycle starting at week 4.. 500iu sat/sunday..

    good luck.. the nolva during the cycle will slow your progress, but lets wait and see..
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  14. #14
    sircharles's Avatar
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    No HCG and Im only doing 10mg Nolva everyday. I originially was only doing it every 3rd day BUT started experiencing sensitive nipples and threw it in everyday. Symptoms have gone away so starting tommorrow Im starting every third day. If I end up getting NO more gyno symptoms, im dropping it completely

    I was mainly interested in Nolva b/c of the 'no water retention' effect.

  15. #15
    testosterona's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sircharles
    did you run a good pct? what about trib for a few months?
    yep, i ran HCG for 10 days
    nolva 40mgs ed 4wks
    nolva 20mgs two more wks
    adex at .25mgs ed
    trib...tons of trib.


  16. #16
    Logan13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sircharles
    Im 24 and running Test-e only (its my first cycle). Injecting twice a week, and just finished up week #3.

    I had planned on doing this cycle 13 or 14 weeks, but read a lot of people stop at 12.

    Wouldnt it be more beneficial for me to run it 14 seeing as the test wont kick in until like week 6? Or wuould it be 'safer' to cut it at week 12?

    I'd have a set day to start pct before planning a cycle, but IMO you stop when you stop making the gains. I prefer longer low dose cycles.

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