Thread: 2nd cycle thoughts
01-28-2007, 03:32 PM #1
2nd cycle thoughts
I just finished my first cycle up a few weeks ago and had awesome results. I have kept 20lbs of my gains.
It was
week 1-8 250mg Sustanon /week
week 1-5 25mg dbol
I'm 31, 6ft, 218, body fat 11%, at 10 years pretty consistent training, diet is good to go. My goal is to keep my body either the same, or lower, def not higher(!), and to just add some mass. I'd like to get to about 235, then cut from there
Right now on hand I have 9 Karachi Sustanon, some extra nolva and clomid.
I was thinking of my next cycle already (Planning to do it towards the end of the summer)
I was thinking of something like this:
Week 1-10 500mg Sustanon (Sun and Wed injections)
Week 1-8 400mg Deca (sun and wed)
Week 8-11 50mg Winny/day
12-16 PCT
I guess I just want some feedback, maybe I should just do another test only cycle-- and with something other than sustanon(and just keep the few I have on hand for another cycle or pass them off to a friend), just use test cyp or ethenate.
01-28-2007, 03:32 PM #2
01-28-2007, 03:35 PM #3
the cyp or enan will be better for less frequent injections for better stable level...the rest looks fine bro..
01-28-2007, 03:37 PM #4Originally Posted by ashcfc3c
01-28-2007, 03:37 PM #5
the deca could be ran for a couple more weeks...imo deca wors best when ran 12-14 weeks but this being your second cycle it might work good for you. just make sure you dont get to excited and start to early
01-28-2007, 03:40 PM #6
01-28-2007, 03:43 PM #7
I am doing a cycle similar to this. I agree that Id use cyp or enan test and run the winny a min. of 5 weeks.
Also, I am kickstarting with prop for the first 4 weeks and ending it in the last four weeks to remain as anabolic as poss.
Good luck.
01-28-2007, 03:44 PM #8Originally Posted by ashcfc3c
01-28-2007, 04:38 PM #9
Johnny, mind posting your cycle for me just to get an idea?
So I should maybe consider this
500mg test (e or c) weeks 1-14
400mg deca weeks 1-12
Winny 50mg/day weeks 10-15
Week 16 start PCT
What do you guys think of another dbol kick start, or a kick start of something else? suggestions anyone?
Also, don't worry, I am not going to get anxious and start the 2nd cycle too soon! It'll be about 7 months between cycles, I figure that is sufficient time off for my previous cycle.
I go by this formula as a minimum I think a lot of you use too, i learned it here...
time on + pct = time off gear
01-28-2007, 06:34 PM #10
Here ya are (my 2nd cycle too):
Weeks 1-4 Test Prop @ 75 mg/ed (kicker)
Weeks 1-12 Test Enan @ 500 mg/ew
Weeks 1-10 Deca @ 400 mg/ew
Weeks 9-14 Winny @ 50 mg/ed
Weeks 13 & 14 Test Prop @75 mg/ed, stop the prop 3 days short of week 15
PCT starts on the first day of week 15
01-31-2007, 10:40 PM #11Originally Posted by Johny-too-small
Weeks 1-12 Sustanon 500mg (125mg EOD) I decided just to go ahead and use up the sustanon now.
Weeks 1-10 Deca 400mg/week (inject 200mg e3.5d)
Weeks 9-14 50mg oral winny ed
Week 13-14 Test prop 75mg/day
Week 1-14 LiquiDex .25mg day ?
What should the PCT look like for this..?
Clomid/.............Nolva/.............Ldex for 30 days.....
PCT confuses the hell of me.
Not too sure about the prop at the end yet. I mean, it'll be dirt cheap to add in, and I think it will help reduce some sides and solidify gains.Last edited by KeepingItBalanced; 01-31-2007 at 10:42 PM.
02-01-2007, 09:28 PM #12
bump for me
02-01-2007, 09:34 PM #13
I wouldnt recomend including your ldex in your pct, there is just no reason for it. Other than that looks good.
02-01-2007, 10:45 PM #14
some very good advise already given, good luck with your cycle
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