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Thread: 2ND cycle questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    2ND cycle questions

    I did first cycle about 1 year ago it was test prop 500mg for 10 weeks I was very happy with the results from a physical and mental side.

    For a second cycle thought I would just go Test cyp 500-750mg for 12-14 weeks.Which brings me to my questions, since this is a second cycle should I up the test dose from 500 to 750mg and is 14 weeks to long. The reason for 14 weeks is that at age 39 the mental/emotional boost the test gave was incredible
    and i would like to string it out as long as possible .

    Stats: 39yo 6'2-6'3 230 10-12%bf been training for 20+ years.

    I have had chem21,cbc and serum test levels done all within norms although test levels are low norm

    always alot of good info here, thanks in advance for the help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Harn
    I did first cycle about 1 year ago it was test prop 500mg for 10 weeks I was very happy with the results from a physical and mental side.

    For a second cycle thought I would just go Test cyp 500-750mg for 12-14 weeks.Which brings me to my questions, since this is a second cycle should I up the test dose from 500 to 750mg and is 14 weeks to long. The reason for 14 weeks is that at age 39 the mental/emotional boost the test gave was incredible
    and i would like to string it out as long as possible .

    Stats: 39yo 6'2-6'3 230 10-12%bf been training for 20+ years.

    I have had chem21,cbc and serum test levels done all within norms although test levels are low norm

    always alot of good info here, thanks in advance for the help
    as long its UR 2nd cycle+it has been almost a year so its ok to do 500-750 mg a week, FOR 12-14 weeks and u can get blood work done to know whats exactly going on in ur body but personally i would go with 500mg a week FOR 12 wk coz u would still see gains as long u kept ur body clear for one full year IMO.
    did u plan ur PCT?
    Last edited by 2.minutes; 01-29-2007 at 06:12 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Since you have a satisfying Test only cycle under your belt, why not begin cocktailing?
    Rather than go Test again (greater and longer) do some research and select another compound that is aligned with your goals, and combine them.

    Don’t be a Van Wilder…one who’s afraid to graduate!

    Milk ez fur beebies, you grow up, you drenc beer.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Prop is stonger then Test E or Cyp..No problem raising the Test some..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Jefferey
    Prop is stonger then Test E or Cyp..No problem raising the Test some..
    What do you base this on?


  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Jefferey
    Prop is stonger then Test E or Cyp..No problem raising the Test some..
    no shit?
    how did you figure that out? hahah

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Dirty South
    Prop is not stronger? It just kicks in faster (Ok maybe you get a little more actual test since less is ester). I would say leave it at 500 tho. Many bros have done lots of cycles and still dont go up above 500. However you may want to kickstart it with prop or an oral. Or you could add another compound as magic suggested.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    A Van down by the river
    Quote Originally Posted by Dog-Slime
    Prop is not stronger? It just kicks in faster (Ok maybe you get a little more actual test since less is ester). I would say leave it at 500 tho. Many bros have done lots of cycles and still dont go up above 500. However you may want to kickstart it with prop or an oral. Or you could add another compound as magic suggested.

    Start with prop100 for 4 weeks PLUS enth/cyp.400
    Add some deca 300/wk.
    Lose the prop unless u r into needles.
    Close with Var/ Winnie

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    You do not have to increase the amount of test with each cycle, if we did, then there would be guys on here doing 10,000mgs/week.....lolol

    If your body responded well with the first cycle of 500, then stick with that for a few cycles until you can notice that you are not gaining as well on 500, then you up it need to waste gear or add more stress to your body if you dont' need it.

    You can try and stack the test with another compound if you want depending on your goals for the cycle.
    but my advice is to stick with the 500 for now!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Thanks for the input guys. I may look at adding deca to the cycle, if so 300mg per week with test at 500mg per week and run the test two weeks longer than the deca. That sound about right?
    I know that with Deca my PCT will have to be a little more thought out than with just the test, the first test only cycle I just used nolva 20 mg per day and that seemed to work fine but if Im reading right deca may need more/better PCT.

    Time to go do some reading Im sure I will be back with more questions and once again the information is always appreciated.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    You do not have to increase the amount of test with each cycle, if we did, then there would be guys on here doing 10,000mgs/week.....lolol
    If your body responded well with the first cycle of 500, then stick with that for a few cycles until you can notice that you are not gaining as well on 500, then you up it need to waste gear or add more stress to your body if you dont' need it.

    You can try and stack the test with another compound if you want depending on your goals for the cycle.
    but my advice is to stick with the 500 for now!]
    Well put.
    My sentiments exactly.


  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Dog-Slime
    Prop is not stronger? It just kicks in faster (Ok maybe you get a little more actual test since less is ester). I would say leave it at 500 tho. Many bros have done lots of cycles and still dont go up above 500. However you may want to kickstart it with prop or an oral. Or you could add another compound as magic suggested.

    on point dog
    mg per mg more test .....stronger NO

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by magic32
    What do you base this on?

    Really surprized you didn't know this LAD.

    Ester actual mg/100mg dose
    test prop 83
    test enanth 72
    test cyp 70

    See the difference and did you learn something here?

    So if you inject 500 mgs of prop or 500 mgs of Cyp, which would contain more ester?....meaning

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Jefferey
    Really surprized you didn't know this LAD.

    Ester actual mg/100mg dose
    test prop 83
    test enanth 72
    test cyp 70

    See the difference and did you learn something here?

    So if you inject 500 mgs of prop or 500 mgs of Cyp, which would contain more ester?....meaning
    but one would not say it is stronger there is more of it ...dont be a douche

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