I did first cycle about 1 year ago it was test prop 500mg for 10 weeks I was very happy with the results from a physical and mental side.
For a second cycle thought I would just go Test cyp 500-750mg for 12-14 weeks.Which brings me to my questions, since this is a second cycle should I up the test dose from 500 to 750mg and is 14 weeks to long. The reason for 14 weeks is that at age 39 the mental/emotional boost the test gave was incredible
and i would like to string it out as long as possible
Stats: 39yo 6'2-6'3 230 10-12%bf been training for 20+ years.
I have had chem21,cbc and serum test levels done all within norms although test levels are low norm
always alot of good info here, thanks in advance for the help