BF% 13%
Looking to put on some more lean mass
This will be my third cycle and i was thinking of running a Test Prop (not sure of a good dosing protocol at my stats plz help), Cyp @ 750 mgs/wk, Tren A @ 50mgs/ED to start and maybe dbol for the first 4 wks @ 40mgs/ED
it would look something like this
wks 1-4
dbol 40mgs/ED
Prop around 100mgs/ED???
Tren @ 50mgs/ED
...discontinue prop @ wk 4 and continue from there with cyp
wks 5-12
Cyp @ 750 mgs/wk
Tren @ 50mgs/ED discontinue at week 8
what would be some good ancillaries to use with this cycle? what do you guys think of this cycle? please feel free to help if im way off just please dont flame. Also would you suggest maybe tossing some winny in the end? What should PCT look like?
Previous Cycle history:
Test E 12 weeks @ 500 mgs/wk
Dbol 1-4 @ 40mgs/ED
nolva throughout and nolva clomid for PCT
cycle 2:
Test E 14 weeks 500mg/wk
Deca 12 weeks 400mg/wk
Dbol 1-4 40mgs/ED
Letro throughout
nolva clomid for PCT
sorry if im asking too many questions...
any and all help will be greatly appreciated
thx again,