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  1. #1
    *_MaXx_JuiCe_*'s Avatar
    *_MaXx_JuiCe_* is offline Junior Member
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    New Cycle please critique

    BF% 13%
    Looking to put on some more lean mass
    This will be my third cycle and i was thinking of running a Test Prop (not sure of a good dosing protocol at my stats plz help), Cyp @ 750 mgs/wk, Tren A @ 50mgs/ED to start and maybe dbol for the first 4 wks @ 40mgs/ED

    it would look something like this
    wks 1-4
    dbol 40mgs/ED
    Prop around 100mgs/ED???
    Tren @ 50mgs/ED
    ...discontinue prop @ wk 4 and continue from there with cyp
    wks 5-12
    Cyp @ 750 mgs/wk
    Tren @ 50mgs/ED discontinue at week 8

    what would be some good ancillaries to use with this cycle? what do you guys think of this cycle? please feel free to help if im way off just please dont flame. Also would you suggest maybe tossing some winny in the end? What should PCT look like?

    Previous Cycle history:
    Test E 12 weeks @ 500 mgs/wk
    Dbol 1-4 @ 40mgs/ED
    nolva throughout and nolva clomid for PCT

    cycle 2:
    Test E 14 weeks 500mg/wk
    Deca 12 weeks 400mg/wk
    Dbol 1-4 40mgs/ED
    Letro throughout
    nolva clomid for PCT

    sorry if im asking too many questions...
    any and all help will be greatly appreciated

    thx again,

  2. #2
    *_MaXx_JuiCe_*'s Avatar
    *_MaXx_JuiCe_* is offline Junior Member
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  3. #3
    Mealticket's Avatar
    Mealticket is offline Senior Member
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    taper off your prop to 75 after week 2 and down to 50 @ week 4, remember by this time most of that cyp will be in your system and if you continued shooting prop @ 700ed w/ the cyp this put your overall concentration well up over a gram a week.
    i c u did 500mg ew last 2 cycles. If this worked for you ther's really no reason to bump to 750. and as far as ancillaries are concerned, i always sat @ the minimum to run nolva @ 10-20mg ED.

    Good luck

  4. #4
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Heres the thing bro...You want to put on lean mass...the prop and tren are fine...dbol for a kickstart is not needed when taking prop(fast acting) not to mention that dbol is notoriuos for water switch to cyp isnt out of the question but I would stick with the prop (as LOng as you can handle the frequent injections)Heck i'd not do the dbol and get some masteron and run prop ,tren and masteron...The lean mass will come from alot of good nutrition bro..

  5. #5
    *_MaXx_JuiCe_*'s Avatar
    *_MaXx_JuiCe_* is offline Junior Member
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    ty for your help guys. I just have some left over dbol lol, tryin to do something with it. Bigmax if were to run a prop,tren masteron cycle what would it look like? also would it be ok to switch to cyp after week 4 just on these compounds? also again what ancillaries to run with these?

  6. #6
    Jefferey's Avatar
    Jefferey is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by *_MaXx_JuiCe_*
    BF% 13%
    Looking to put on some more lean mass
    This will be my third cycle and i was thinking of running a Test Prop (not sure of a good dosing protocol at my stats plz help), Cyp @ 750 mgs/wk, Tren A @ 50mgs/ED to start and maybe dbol for the first 4 wks @ 40mgs/ED

    it would look something like this
    wks 1-4
    dbol 40mgs/ED
    Prop around 100mgs/ED???
    Tren @ 50mgs/ED
    ...discontinue prop @ wk 4 and continue from there with cyp
    wks 5-12
    Cyp @ 750 mgs/wk
    Tren @ 50mgs/ED discontinue at week 8

    what would be some good ancillaries to use with this cycle? what do you guys think of this cycle? please feel free to help if im way off just please dont flame. Also would you suggest maybe tossing some winny in the end? What should PCT look like?

    Previous Cycle history:
    Test E 12 weeks @ 500 mgs/wk
    Dbol 1-4 @ 40mgs/ED
    nolva throughout and nolva clomid for PCT

    cycle 2:
    Test E 14 weeks 500mg/wk
    Deca 12 weeks 400mg/wk
    Dbol 1-4 40mgs/ED
    Letro throughout
    nolva clomid for PCT

    sorry if im asking too many questions...
    any and all help will be greatly appreciated

    thx again,
    Lean Mass......just use the Prop and Tren for 8 weeks and then start pct 4 days later. Forget the d-bol and cyp...The d-bol is good if you don't mind additional water weight...

    Note: Also if you choose your cycle there is no need to taper the dosage of the prop as someone else mentioned. Just go straight from the prop to the cyp.

  7. #7
    *_MaXx_JuiCe_*'s Avatar
    *_MaXx_JuiCe_* is offline Junior Member
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    i would have way less sides for 8 week cycle right? is that why your suggesting short cycle? Hope i can deal with the "Tren Demons"


  8. #8
    *_MaXx_JuiCe_*'s Avatar
    *_MaXx_JuiCe_* is offline Junior Member
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    also will i not need to start cyp a couple days before i end the prop? whats cyps half life and how long does it take to kick in?

    thx for all the help guys


  9. #9
    *_MaXx_JuiCe_*'s Avatar
    *_MaXx_JuiCe_* is offline Junior Member
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