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  1. #1
    feloniness's Avatar
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    deca and sust cycle info for a needed

    okay so my friend is going to be starting his first cycle soon and would like to know what to add/drop/change and what kinda PCT to run.

    height 5'10
    weight 205lbs
    bf 12%

    Sustanon 250-weeks 1-10-400mg per week
    Deca -weeks 1-10-500mg per week

    his diet will consist of 6-8 500 calorie meals...less than 70 grams a fat a day and about 400 grams of protein and 400 grams of carbs a day.

    okay so here are the questions.
    1. should he add anything for while on the cycle like nolvadex ?
    2. should he change his dosages or the length of cycle of the start and stop times of the seperate AS?
    3. he will be splitting his dosages 200mg sust and 250mg deca on monday and the same for thrursday. is that a good idea?
    4. what would his pct look like and when would he start it?

    thanks...all info is greatly appreciated.
    Last edited by feloniness; 01-30-2007 at 03:20 AM.

  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    First cycle should be simple. So do this

    wk 1-12 Sust 500mg/week shot Mon and Thur at 250mg per shot

    Thats it. Save the Deca for the next cycle.

    PCT starts 18 days after last injection and should look like this

    Day 1-30- .25mg L-dex + 100mg Clomid + 20mg Nolva

  3. #3
    feloniness's Avatar
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    well wouldnt he have to use a test with the deca ...that means he would have to get more sust. he really stuck on the deca/sust stack. because he plans on doing a cutting cycle 6 weeks after his bulking cycle with winstrol . he just wants to do a bulking cycle and a cutting cycle and be done with it. maybe a follow up cycle done the road but he really only wants to do 2 cuz hes almost where he wants to be at

    EDIT****also...should he take nolva while on his cycle?

    what is l-dex i cant find any info on it?
    shouldnt he take 40mg of nolva ed for 2 weeks then move it down to 20mg ed for the other 2 weeks?
    and u take the chlomid/ldex/nolva each day right?

    sorry for all the questions just trying to get everything right and learn.
    Last edited by feloniness; 01-30-2007 at 03:50 AM.

  4. #4
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by felony
    well wouldnt he have to use a test with the deca...that means he would have to get more sust. he really stuck on the deca/sust stack. because he plans on doing a cutting cycle 6 weeks after his bulking cycle with winstrol. he just wants to do a bulking cycle and a cutting cycle and be done with it. maybe a follow up cycle done the road but he really only wants to do 2 cuz hes almost where he wants to be at
    C'mon, you will recommend the guy stack 2 compounds on his 1st cycle? It sounds like you're selling it to him? Then he goes to Winny on his next? Just like Kale said, all he needs is test (sust) at 500mgs split 2X/week. Receptors are virgin, no need to stack. The test will do him miracles by itself.

  5. #5
    feloniness's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    C'mon, you will recommend the guy stack 2 compounds on his 1st cycle? It sounds like you're selling it to him? Then he goes to Winny on his next? Just like Kale said, all he needs is test (sust) at 500mgs split 2X/week. Receptors are virgin, no need to stack. The test will do him miracles by itself.
    yea since im 18 and have almost no access to AS...actually im not a dealer...and if anything it he would sell it to me. im just trying to get opinions from the experts here and also its a learning experience for me. well imma convince him to just run sust for his first cycle...he wants to know what kind of gains he can expect from just running sust?

  6. #6
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by felony
    yea since im 18 and have almost no access to AS...actually im not a dealer...and if anything it he would sell it to me. im just trying to get opinions from the experts here and also its a learning experience for me. well imma convince him to just run sust for his first cycle...he wants to know what kind of gains he can expect from just running sust?
    That is totally dependent on his diet and workout routine and will also vary greatly from individual to individual. But I would expect anywhere from 10 to 20lbs on average, but some will get more and some less

  7. #7
    feloniness's Avatar
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    so would he run anything alongside with the sust? or just a pct will be fine? and i still have no idea what l-dex is.

  8. #8
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by felony
    yea since im 18 and have almost no access to AS...actually im not a dealer...and if anything it he would sell it to me. im just trying to get opinions from the experts here and also its a learning experience for me. well imma convince him to just run sust for his first cycle...he wants to know what kind of gains he can expect from just running sust?
    18years old... *sigh* Brace yourself... I'm going to bed....

  9. #9
    feloniness's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    18years old... *sigh* Brace yourself... I'm going to bed....
    im not taking a actually waiting a few years...this is for my friend who is much older and bigger than me. u obviously cant comprehend what is going on. i dont know if this is due to some sort of degenerative disease or ur fatigue. so it is probably a good idea for u to good to bed and stay out of this post unless ur actually going to have some good input. otherwise if ur going to make stupid little comments which the only purpose is to make personal attacks against me i would appreciate if u stayed the **** out of this thread. thanks alot

  10. #10
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by felony
    so would he run anything alongside with the sust? or just a pct will be fine? and i still have no idea what l-dex is.
    No. Sust on its own. L-Dex is Liquidex also know as Arimidex . It is an Armomotose Inhibitor which blocks Estrogen and helps to control bloat.

  11. #11
    feloniness's Avatar
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    thanks so much kale for ur help. sorry if i seem rude but i just really want to get this info for my friend so he doesnt get screwed up. we been good friends for 6 years and when he said he was about to start AS i told him i could get him info from EXPERTS from this site. and u have done that. thanks.

  12. #12
    feloniness's Avatar
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    sorry for the double post. hes keeps asking what he could stack with sust. he wants to know about winstrol and sust, and now tren and sust. its a really good idea NOT to stack for a first cycle right? so should i just tell him the shut the hell up and just take the damn sust lol. hes annoying and im about to sufficate him with a pillow.

  13. #13
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by felony
    thanks so much kale for ur help. sorry if i seem rude but i just really want to get this info for my friend so he doesnt get screwed up. we been good friends for 6 years and when he said he was about to start AS i told him i could get him info from EXPERTS from this site. and u have done that. thanks.
    No Problem. Why dont you get him to join up here. There is a lot to learn as you are finding out

  14. #14
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by felony
    sorry for the double post. hes keeps asking what he could stack with sust. he wants to know about winstrol and sust, and now tren and sust. its a really good idea NOT to stack for a first cycle right? so should i just tell him the shut the hell up and just take the damn sust lol. hes annoying and im about to sufficate him with a pillow.
    So the issue with stacking on the first cycle is that if he has side effects then he wont know which compound is causing the problem. For example when I first tried Dbol it made me sick as a dog. I knew it was the dbol because I hadnt used it in the stack before. It his choice, sure he can stack dbol or Deca or even both with Sust but if he has issues you will be back here crying on his behalf. Its his choice . !!!

  15. #15
    feloniness's Avatar
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    he reads it but doesnt feel like posting...he would rather just have me post for him...but yea hes stupid i should make him sign up so he can post his like before and after and his log and whatever cuz that would be weird if he did it on mine lol.

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