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Thread: Looking for Advice, Concerned about Family member

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Looking for Advice, Concerned about Family member

    I guys, I am here as i thought there is no better place to start looking for help than here.

    I currently have a family member that has gone absolutly nuts. He Treats his parents like dirt. He thinks he is on control of his use on the gear , but the fact is before he started to use he was a little unstable, now he is totally ****ed. He constantly gets violent over nothing and my parentsfeel like prisoners in there own home he is 20 and thinks he knows everything. I do not know if he is aware of the emotional damage he is doing to his family, but it will end up with police being called if he doesnt chill. His brother recently found his gear. which has sent him over the edge, basically coz his lie of being all natural has been found out to be a lie! So what, now he should accept resposibilty for it as his brother is reasonable if approached on the level, but no he has decided to hate him so much that he wants to knife him.

    How do we approach someone in the midst of being totally nuts. (like i said he was slghtly unstable to start with, We are sure the roids are what have made it worse. My big bro reakons that my little bro is into his 12 or 13 week of cycle, as my bro is not as dumb, he knows alot more than he makes out and is seriously concerned.)

    Any hlp would be appreciated.

    P.S. He has only been training for like 10 or so months, and he has already jumped on the gear. After reading through this forum that sounds quite irresponsible.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Hard call. Maybe weekly family meetings. Amazing how kids just live with
    parents a lot longer than old days. I left home at 17. Maybe things are
    to nice.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    Sounds like he wasn't slapped around enough growing up.
    He sounds like a inconciderate nut case, I would Get a shrink, and force him to lay off the AAS. He's immature and should not be using. While on it's giving him a "superman syndrome" like he is tough and an excuse to act up , when in fact it's all him.

    If he doesn't get off it and wise up, you should kick him out of the house....Use police if need be.

    Personally if it was my brother I would kick his ass. lol

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Millers Crossing
    If he can't control his anger to begin with he should not be using AAS. I find it extremely hilarious that he is all pissed about you guys finding his gear because now you know he is not "all natural" as he claimed. Is he still drinking? What about drugs? If he is threatening violence against you and the rest of his family he needs to leave the house. The Police will be able to assist your parents with that. What are your parents saying about the situation? Have you approached your parents about what is happening with him?

    I say these things assuming you are his brother and are genuinely afraid of what might happen.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Aukland, NZ
    Last edited by Gearhead007; 09-27-2007 at 02:25 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Personally, flushing the gear might set him off...This is a family matter and should be delt with by his parents. So, be a good friend and go talk to his parents bout the situation.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Dirty South
    Wait for him to get home and just cold cock him out of no where. Throw a heavy haymaker combo to temples then explain to him how much of a dumb asshole he has been. Then explain to him that he will be starting his pct or you will be whoopin his ass again. Even if he is bigger than you this should work. If hes really big get your other brother to help you.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    A Van down by the river

    Unhappy Police or Intervention

    I work with some alcoholics that get very abusive and need help to sober up.
    As much as it hurts . Your best option is to try an intervention with all family members concerned and a professional mediator. He is not likely to respond well.
    Then you have no choice but to call the police. I'm sure he is a great kid, but the gear has him on Anger Street. Plus some other issues deep down inside him.
    I suspect the police, with your insistence will try to get him into a detox center, etc.

    I would not try and handle this alone... But it MUST be dealt with.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Gearhead007
    IMHO, FLUSH everything except the PCT, he will need to keep that to help him come off.
    from what ive read, I would be supprised if this kid even had PCT ready to go. only training for 10 months? chances are he has less than that in AAS knowledge. If his family is of no concern to him I doubt PCT is either.

    I agree with almost everyone else, he needs an ass kicking. Beat the "superman syndrome" outta him. This is the kinda person that ends up on TV after doing somthing stupid, and giving AAS a bad image.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I dont believe that the gear itself made him very angry and violent. It may have brought that out of him but it was propably already there. He obviously needs new surroundings and needs someone to explain to him that he is too young to be doing juice. Im not sure if an itervention will work, but sounds like that your only option. My advice would be to try and get him someplace on his own. I dont think he will stop doing roids, no matter what anyone says, especially if he is seeing good results. I had a similar situation with somone who was using and got out of hand, I had to put the fear of god into him, but that only help when he was around me. He was still an a**hole around others. Try everything you can and hopefully something sinks in, cause he is going to get bigger and meaner if he keeps this up. Good LUck

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Scottsdale, AZ
    beating his ass is out of the question in my mind, all it will do is piss him off more. It sounds rediculous that he is acting this way towards his own blood, but it is definently time for mommy and daddy to kick him out and cut him off if he is acting like this.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Maybe since he's a newbie, trict him, and buy him some Clomid and Nolva and tell him that itll make him massive and flush the real gear and jump him into PCT directly, then buy him some prozac and a tranquilizer haha

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Dog-Slime
    Wait for him to get home and just cold cock him out of no where. Throw a heavy haymaker combo to temples then explain to him how much of a dumb asshole he has been. Then explain to him that he will be starting his pct or you will be whoopin his ass again. Even if he is bigger than you this should work. If hes really big get your other brother to help you.
    dude i just laughed my assss off.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Tell him to log on here. That way we can see what compounds/dosages he's using an if they are dosed high enough to affect his mood etc... This forum can help him and it may teahc him a few lessons.

    I'm sure he doesnt 'know it all' about Anabolic Steroids and he may be interested in being given advice on AS dosages, protocols. Its clear he's interested in the subject and topic of AS, otherwise he wouldnt be using them.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Wait till PCT starts then...Fluctauting blood levels...Ouch.

    Tell him to take Clomid. He will turn into an emotional 9 year old after 5 days. Then...Tell him to sit in his room and face the wall.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    St. Louis
    I had a buddy like this. He was already unstable due to all sorts of family things and other issues. Got on a simple cycle of sust/deca sent him into the 'superman complex' and he was out of control. Eventually his dad locked him in his room with a deadbolt and what did he do? He drank almost a fifth of jack daniels and literally jumped out his second story bedroom window while he was on the phone with me. I drove over towards his house and found him dragging his broken ankle along down the side of the road. I took him to the hospital where he got taken care of. Then there was an intervention. He got off the juice, stopped drinking for awhile and went back to school. He is doing pretty well now and is about to graduate college. This is my experience.

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