I guys, I am here as i thought there is no better place to start looking for help than here.
I currently have a family member that has gone absolutly nuts. He Treats his parents like dirt. He thinks he is on control of his use on the gear , but the fact is before he started to use he was a little unstable, now he is totally ****ed. He constantly gets violent over nothing and my parentsfeel like prisoners in there own home he is 20 and thinks he knows everything. I do not know if he is aware of the emotional damage he is doing to his family, but it will end up with police being called if he doesnt chill. His brother recently found his gear. which has sent him over the edge, basically coz his lie of being all natural has been found out to be a lie! So what, now he should accept resposibilty for it as his brother is reasonable if approached on the level, but no he has decided to hate him so much that he wants to knife him.
How do we approach someone in the midst of being totally nuts. (like i said he was slghtly unstable to start with, We are sure the roids are what have made it worse. My big bro reakons that my little bro is into his 12 or 13 week of cycle, as my bro is not as dumb, he knows alot more than he makes out and is seriously concerned.)
Any hlp would be appreciated.
P.S. He has only been training for like 10 or so months, and he has already jumped on the gear. After reading through this forum that sounds quite irresponsible.