Thread: Winstrol and Hairloss
02-01-2007, 05:02 PM #1
Winstrol and Hairloss
Ok so I'm tossing around the idea of using winny for the last 6 (maybe 8) weeks of my 12 weeks of test e @ 500mg and 600mgs(maybe up to 800mgs) of EQ. I'm concerned about hairloss which is the reason I'm going to be running duta the whole cycle. I know duta and fina do nothing for anything outside of test conversion to dht and I also know that Winny is a dht......But this is the problem. I ran winny alone in my younger (dumber, inexperienced days) twice and I didn't see any hairloss. The even crazier thing is that I saw more hairloss on Deca than I ever saw on anything else (which is the reason I would never touch another 19-nor again). Now I'm wondering a few things
1. If any bro (who feels he is prone to MPB) has taken winny and DID NOT lose any hair.
2. Could the fact that winny isn't a very strong androgen have anything to do with my not losing hair on it?
I know this post is a little drawn out and long but I'd appreciate any feed back.
02-01-2007, 05:12 PM #2
another thing,... I know winstrol and hairloss has been covered a lot.. I already read all the threads about it. b4 I get told to search.
02-01-2007, 11:13 PM #3
Not everyone gets hair loss from winny. If you're gonna run it though, it should be during the FIRST 6 weeks of your cycle not the last coz winny is one of the orals that stimulates a lot of cortisol release when you stop taking it. This means more muscle loss at the end of the cycle. You don't want this!
Ideally you should take an oral that blocks cortisol at the end of your cycle. Halotestin would be ideal since it's by far the strongest cortisol receptor blocker. You only need to run it for a few weeks, so no worries about liver damage.
Another thing, duta will affect your strength gains. Keep this in mind.
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