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  1. #1
    bound_by_design is offline New Member
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    do steroids give you more energy

    do steroids give you more energy? Do you need extra rest while your on steroids? What is the best cycle for a first and only timer? Is there any easy way to get needles and syringes?


  2. #2
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    In the Gym, if i could
    no, yes, test, test...yes, see sponsor link..

    ya know instead of continuing to post all these questions, follow the link in my signature, it's a vast amount of knowledge just waiting to be read..
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  3. #3
    Jacky_Zebsten's Avatar
    Jacky_Zebsten is offline Associate Member
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    they make me hypo

  4. #4
    KeepingItBalanced's Avatar
    KeepingItBalanced is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bound_by_design
    do steroids give you more energy? Do you need extra rest while your on steroids? What is the best cycle for a first and only timer? Is there any easy way to get needles and syringes?

    The general rule for a first cycle is Test E or C only, maybe a d-bol kick start for four weeks. Could look something like this:

    Week 1-8: Test E (or C) 400-500mg week
    Week 1-4: DBol 25mg/day

    Two weeks after last injection start proper PCT.

    Depends on what your stats are though, and goals.

    An easy way to get a lot of the stuff you need is just click ---> PCT
    he has syringes, pct compounds, ai's, etc

  5. #5
    MuscleScience's Avatar
    MuscleScience is offline ~AR-Elite-Hall of Famer~
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    Steroids increase mitochondrial density in muscle cells, They also make it easier for your body to utilize fat as an energy source. They also increase capillary density in muscles cells as well, as a by product of angiogenesis.

  6. #6
    bound_by_design is offline New Member
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    Feb 2007

    thanks you guys rock

    thanks for all the good info.

    im 6 ft
    160 pounds
    29 years of age

    been working out since highschool, but could never get bigger

    I think I will go the test e route. let me know if you have more pointers. I don't know if this is breaking the rules, but would I be dumb to use one of the two online sites that you get when you ask for the supplier list.


  7. #7
    KeepingItBalanced's Avatar
    KeepingItBalanced is offline Associate Member
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    Steroids not be your answer yet brother. I'd exam your diet and training a little more closer.

    I'm the same height as you and 215 +/- 3lbs, and feel small as hell.

  8. #8
    vermin's Avatar
    vermin is offline Member
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    If you can't get bigger on your own a cycle is not likely to help you.

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