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  1. #1
    HardCharger's Avatar
    HardCharger is offline Associate Member
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    5th Cycle advice

    Ok, I'm 4 weeks into a 10week test prop/masteron cycle right now but I'm making plans for my fifth cycle. It's going to be a bulk cycle with mast at the end to help dry me out. Here's what I'm thinking about:

    Week 1-5 dbol 40-50mg ED
    Week 1-12 NPP 500mg
    Week 1-13 Test-E 700mg
    Week 10-15 Masteron 200mg EOD

    How's this look? Would you change anything? I was thinking about bridging into my next cycle with dbol. What do you think about the whole bridging thing?
    Last edited by HardCharger; 02-02-2007 at 08:36 PM.

  2. #2
    testosterona's Avatar
    testosterona is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by HardCharger
    Ok, I'm 4 weeks into a 10week test prop/masteron cycle right now but I'm making plans for my fifth cycle. It's going to be a bulk cycle with mast at the end to help dry me out. Here's what I'm thinking about:

    Week 1-5 dbol 40-50mg ED
    Week 1-12 NPP 500mg
    Week 1-13 Test-E 700mg
    Week 10-15 Masteron 200mg EOD

    How's this look? Would you change anything? I was thinking about bridging into my next cycle with dbol. What do you think about the whole bridging thing?
    dbol as a bridge, well, iv seen it done, and tried it myself. i won't bridge in the near future, i'm to young and don't plan on being on trt too soon. i wouldn't suggest it until you get a lil older, but that's just my opinion dude. i would change on thing, and that's switching the npp to deca . why npp for so long may i ask


  3. #3
    HardCharger's Avatar
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    It's just personal preferance, I like it better than nd. I've never done a bridge and dont know anyone who has either, so I was thinking about giving it a go to see how it works.

  4. #4
    testosterona's Avatar
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    iv bridged w/ halo before, wich is similar in low suppresion of the HPTA. if i were to brich w/ dbol , id hit no more than 10mgs early morning. reallistically id run 5mgs ed prob not even 10


  5. #5
    HardCharger's Avatar
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    I'll have to look into bridging a little more before I go trying anything. So why would you switch to ND insted of NPP?

  6. #6
    testosterona's Avatar
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    just less of a hassle, less shots.


  7. #7
    Ark22's Avatar
    Ark22 is offline Associate Member
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    I thought NPP can be administered EOD, E2D or even E3D...

  8. #8
    HardCharger's Avatar
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    I shoot it on mondays and thursdays and have had good results.

  9. #9
    Ark22's Avatar
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    Yeah im going to run NPP, Dbol , and Test Cyp in the near future but im just waiting to purchase some A-dex. That looks like a good cycle good luck with it. Whats your BF

  10. #10
    HardCharger's Avatar
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    To tell ya the truth.... I dont know! Not fat but not "ripped" or "shredded". One of these days I'll get a camara and post some picks. So whats your cycle gonna look like?

  11. #11
    bigrose's Avatar
    bigrose is offline Associate Member
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    bro I like your cycle. Looks good for what you want to accomplish.

    One suggestion; maybe add a little prop in at the end with the masteron for weeks 13, 14, and 15. That would be a nice little ending. Just a thought.

  12. #12
    helium3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HardCharger
    Ok, I'm 4 weeks into a 10week test prop/masteron cycle right now but I'm making plans for my fifth cycle. It's going to be a bulk cycle with mast at the end to help dry me out. Here's what I'm thinking about:

    Week 1-5 dbol 40-50mg ED
    Week 1-12 NPP 500mg
    Week 1-13 Test-E 700mg
    Week 10-15 Masteron 200mg EOD

    How's this look? Would you change anything? I was thinking about bridging into my next cycle with dbol. What do you think about the whole bridging thing?

    looks like a great cycle,but pesonally i wouldnt bridge unless you really know what your getting into.better to come off and fight another day,than remain shut down for so long,i would say the risks arent worth the gains,but then im not a pro. good luck.

  13. #13
    Ark22's Avatar
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    This will be my cycle.

    1-12 - NPP 400mg
    1-12 - Test Cyp 600mg
    1-6 - Dbol 40 - 50mg ED
    7-12 - Winny 100mg ED
    1-12 - A-dex .25 ED

    The Cyp and NPP will be administered every monday and thursday in the same syringe. My PCT will consist of HCG , Nolvadex , and Aromasin . Ofcourse got my diet in check.

    Age - 23
    Weight - 212lbs
    Height - 6'2"
    BF - Dont know
    Cycle experience - 1st ( T-bol 80mg ED 6 Weeks) 2nd (Prop E0D 150mg 6 Weeks)
    Last edited by Ark22; 02-03-2007 at 03:05 PM.

  14. #14
    HardCharger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigrose
    One suggestion; maybe add a little prop in at the end with the masteron for weeks 13, 14, and 15. That would be a nice little ending. Just a thought.
    I was thinking the same thing, I mean I'm going to be shooting the mast EOD so why not add some prop. I think I'm going to do that.

    Quote Originally Posted by helium3
    looks like a great cycle,but pesonally i wouldnt bridge unless you really know what your getting into.better to come off and fight another day,than remain shut down for so long,i would say the risks arent worth the gains,but then im not a pro. good luck.
    I dont think I'm gonna do it, just an idea I was kicking around.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ark22
    This will be my cycle.

    1-12 - NPP 400mg
    1-12 - Test Cyp 600mg
    1-6 - Dbol 40 - 50mg ED
    7-12 - Winny 100mg ED
    1-12 - A-dex .25 ED
    Looks good to me. So how do you like the winny? I've never used it. Oh yeah, remind me to pickup some a-dex also.

    I love it when a plan comes together.
    Last edited by HardCharger; 02-03-2007 at 11:10 PM.

  15. #15
    Ark22's Avatar
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    Never tried the winny by itself. I have heard it gives you bad joint problems, thats why im running it with NPP. The NPP will lubricate the joint so i will not suffer from tendonitis.

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