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    vermin's Avatar
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    21 Days in the Oven - My DNP Progress Report

    The History:

    I have never been able to cut well. Easy gainer, but always tended to lose LBM at the same %s I'd gain. Years of different diet techniques, cardio, etc. had produced the same results. The kicker has always been my gut - large, but very hard - not at all "jelly". The rest of me vascular and lean. Cutting would never shrink the gut, it would always attack everywhere else - where I was lean. For this reason I've never had a great estimate of BF%, either. Tape measure methods tend to assume average muscularity, and do not consider the possibility of 58" shoulders, so they'd tend to be high (around 20%). Calipers would be low (around 12%), because my hard gut was not "pinchable", and the rest of me very lean. I always figured somewhere in between - 16% or so. So lets say I started out at 265 with 16% BF.

    The method:

    After going round and round for several months, I decided to use DNP . I figured I'd start low, as the literature shows early impressive results, at least for the morbidly obese, using DNP low dose for extended periods. Up to 20 pounds in the first month or so as the beginning of 100-120 pounds lost in 9-10 months of DNP use. Of course I'd use pyruvate, T3, kelp, etc.

    I have in the past had great LBM & strength preserving success using test, EQ, and masteron . These were cases where I'd sometimes not have good food available or frequent workout opportunities for months at a time and come out as strong and looking about the same as I went in. No progress, but no loss. Because DNP is so "scary" I decided to up the ante and add in tren , too.

    500 test e/wk
    400 EQ/wk
    75 masteron/day
    75 tren ace/day
    6IU Jin/day

    I also decided to do 30 minutes cardio/day at 65-75% HR. Diet ended up about 40-40-20. And about 10 pounds of water/day.

    First week of DNP was gonna be at 200/day - I figured I'd take it from there.


    First off, like any bogey man, DNP in much more frightening in theory than in practice. The first week was essentially so easy I wondered if I had some bad stuff. Not to worry, even at holding at my maint. calories I lost 3-4 pounds that first week, though most of it was earlier in the week. This was a trend I would see continue.

    Second week was at 400, and then I started to feel I was "in the oven". For me, DNP actually dropped my temp according to the thermometer about 2 degrees. The sweat was more of the prickly, clammy type than feeling I was in the heat. Sweat was outrageous during cardio. What they say about the odor, and the yellow bodily fluids, I can confirm. On the other hand my feet were nearly always cold, even when the rest of me was OK. Shorts, t-shirt, and 2 pairs of socks. Never felt anything like that before (seems like what girls are always complaining about). Oh, and flatulence to make Satan weep.

    While I am on the topic, other sides: Although sweating a lot, my skin actually dried and flaked. I had huge, constant nose boulders and a somewhat dry throat (very painful and almost impossible to swallow when waking). The "lethargy" they talk about is wild - I could sit at my office chair and just lose an hour or two, plus an almost narcolepsy like tendency to fall asleep at times.

    I noticed that sides tended to hit the worst relatively soon after taking DNP, sop when I went to multiple caps (3 caps for 600/day week 3) I tended to space them out about 3 hours. Seemed to help. Also, taking them later in the day PWO seemed to give me more energy.

    As a rule, the sides were worse and the weight loss was greatest earlier in the week. By the end of the week I was nearly plateaued. This was true for all of the doses, though the sides were more severe at higher doses in all cases. I am suer that if I continued on I'd continue to lose, but as I had hit a point of diminishing returns it seems like a better idea to hold to a 21 day cycle, recharge, then go again.

    The tape measure was my best friend. I would feel little energy and in the mirror I looked flat and like I was shrinking. The tape, however, says I lost up to 5 inches at the navel and only 0.5" on my arms. I say up to because my self-measuring became not only an obsession, but a skill that improved dramatically over the weeks so I am less sure of my starting numbers than when I finished. I can tell you that moving 2-3 inches at the navel throughout the day is common for me, so like weight doing it at the same time under the same conditions is important.

    I am down at least 15 pounds at the end of three weeks. If the water loss theory is true, more should come off through next week. I can confirm that by appearance I lost little or no muscle. While my endurance currently sucks, I do not appear to have lost any strength. I did my usual 405 bench reps today, though only sets of 8 instead of 10, so if I lost any strength it was not much.

    Looking ahead:

    I like this. I had been planning on cutting for a couple of weeks, then doing a bulking cycle. No more. I will stay on my current/preservation AAS after going off DNP. I will wait until I feel recovered - lets say 3 off after 3 on DNP (just a guess right now) then do another three weeks of DNP, still on the test/eq/masteron/tren. I figure a week after the second round DNP I'll drop the tren, maybe two more for the EQ, another two more on test then drop down to my cruise level and start up the a-dex. After about 2 weeks at my cruise I'll drop the masteron and hit the HCG .

    After about a month I'll do my (previously discussed elsewhere) 28 day mega HGH cycle, take another month or two, then finally bulk. Not sure if I described this right, but about three and a half months since dropping tren until starting to ramp the test back up in preparation for the bulking compounds.

    I have been thinking about bloodwork a lot. I did not do any these three weeks, but if anyone can suggest some interesting stuff to look at while on the DNP during round 2 I'd appreciate hearing about it.

  2. #2
    cj1capp's Avatar
    cj1capp is offline Anabolic Member
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    where are you in your quest.

  3. #3
    vermin's Avatar
    vermin is offline Member
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    In the first week of the off period between 3 week DNP cycles. So far, the waist measure has stayed the same, but no slou***ng of "water weight" like others have reported. Still, throwing in the AAS - esp. to the degree I did - is bound to make some changes to how it all comes together. I am eating a maintenance diet right now, but my body is screaming "grow"! Oh, and I did arms today and I'd say strength and endurance are pretty much back. Of course legs will tell the true tale....

  4. #4
    cj1capp's Avatar
    cj1capp is offline Anabolic Member
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    Awesome what a well thought plan. I wish you the best at it and will read your updates. thanks. cj.

  5. #5
    cj1capp's Avatar
    cj1capp is offline Anabolic Member
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    any update

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Nice read.

  7. #7
    reddragon4954 is offline Member
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    I was reading your post congrats on the fat loss. You said that you measured and lost about 1/2 inch on your arms was that muscle loss, fat, or just the from the flatness you got from running the DNP and then it returned later?

    I have run DNP and muscle seems to shrink a little(look just like never pumped or anything) but when I get off they return.

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