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  1. #1
    matrick is offline New Member
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    questions for more experienced users

    Hey everyone.
    I just wanted to ask the more experienced memeber here some questions:

    1)Can I use steroids to get more explosive? ie higher vertical etc.?
    2)do you think that it is possible to higher your squat from maybe 245 to 425 in a matter of 6 months?
    3)do steroids also help to decrease bodyfat?
    4)what do i have to do to prevent myself from getting ugly scar tissue or tear my ligements and so on because the muscles grow too fast?

    thanks everyone for helping a "dumb" (or inexperienced) newbie!

    Greets Matrick

  2. #2
    Maldorf's Avatar
    Maldorf is offline Senior Member
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    1. I would say yes.
    2. I would say definetly no to that one. I can see maybe getting to 315 or a bit more, but nowhere near 400 lb.
    3. Most will tell you no, they dont burn fat. Thing is they do raise your metabolisim, and I always find myself losing some bodyfat while on as a side effect. I would not take AAS thinking its going to make you "ripped", because the effect you get is small. Losing fat is almost all a factor of your diet.
    4. I never had too much trouble with this. Sometimes your tendons get sore, but then you just need to lift lighter for a few weeks and it usually clears up.

  3. #3
    hugovsilva's Avatar
    hugovsilva is offline Anabolic Member
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    2-No. You would't want that anyway since your tendons and joints wouldn't have the time to adapt to that load and you'd probably get injured
    3-Diet is the key. Cardio helps. Some steroids play a role in that too, the strong androgens, i remember tren right now. (though not to a great extent)
    4-Look at nº2. And be sensible with your strenght increase. Get to know your body before trying to lift what it isn't prepared to.
    Last edited by hugovsilva; 02-03-2007 at 01:51 PM.

  4. #4
    vermin's Avatar
    vermin is offline Member
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    1. Higer vertical? Sorry, I guess I am being dense here - though evidenly others understand you.

    2. I have done more specifically with squats in less time without AAS. Read Strossen.

    3. Simple answer is yes, but it requires a lot of study to figure that one out.

    4. Personally I think diet and a solid training partner are helpful with this one. It usually takes multiple things to go wrong for you to get hurt. If you have many years of natural training behind you - heavy, consistent training -you are probably going to be OK. If you are a part timer looking for a shortcut I hope you have medical insurance.

  5. #5
    hugovsilva's Avatar
    hugovsilva is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vermin
    1. Higer vertical? Sorry, I guess I am being dense here - though evidenly others understand you.

    2. I have done more specifically with squats in less time without AAS. Read Strossen.

    3. Simple answer is yes, but it requires a lot of study to figure that one out.

    4. Personally I think diet and a solid training partner are helpful with this one. It usually takes multiple things to go wrong for you to get hurt. If you have many years of natural training behind you - heavy, consistent training -you are probably going to be OK. If you are a part timer looking for a shortcut I hope you have medical insurance.

    Same as you bro. Higher vertical? I just said yes as far as being more explosive.

  6. #6
    stacked566's Avatar
    stacked566 is offline Associate Member
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    1. higher vertical is used in many combines (sports facilities @ colleges or professional organizations) to measure how high an athlete can jump.
    Yes it can help this.
    2. Funny you ask. I never really squatted at all consistently before I cycled for the first time. I maxed out the december before I started and could hit 225 for maybe 4-5, and not even to depth. Then I started training with a modifies westside barbell powerlifting routine when I started my first cycle (and consequently got into powerlifting). After PCT I could hit 365 x 1 to depth. That was in april. By september/october I was squatting 495 for doubles. True story.
    3. I always lose body fat during my cycles, but diet will be the real key here.
    4. I got really nasty stretch marks from my first cycle. If you use cocoa butter I hear that helps. The thing is most guys I know get stretch marks anyways growing up when they hit I wouldn't worry about it. You're not gonna look like a freak. As far as ligaments/tendons go, just be smart about what you're doing. I mean you're not gonna go from benching 250 to 400 overnight, so you have nothing to worry about.

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