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Thread: Any use in growing ma huang in your garden ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Boise, ID

    Any use in growing ma huang in your garden ?

    Can growing the ma huang be useful for ephedrine junkiez like me or is it too dangerous?
    For those who dont know ma huang is the Ephedra plant

    Active ingredients: Ephedrine,Pseudoephedrine,N-methylephedrine, norephedrine

    Now there are several species of this plant, the most potent is Ephedra Major which contains the largest doses of pure Ephedrine

    I understand you can boil it and drink.

    Theres another plant called Sita, is it better ?

    *Sorry if this is the wrong forum, its a performance enhancing drug, not anabolic drug, i didnt know where to put this

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    If you do that, absolutly let me know what happens. I would be very careful, as it would be tough to know even a ballpark potency unless you are a badass chemist.

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