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Thread: Good cycle...yes or no

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Good cycle...yes or no

    Whats up bro's? Please be honest and let me know if this cycle should be sufficiant for first cycle. 6'2 230lbs about 17%bf (I know I know).

    Weeks 1-10 sust250 750mg a week
    Weeks 1-4 Dbol Thais 40mg a day
    Weeks 1-10 Arimidex .5mg a day
    Week 6 start Clen cycle with Hydroxycut
    Week 11 start Clomid Cycle

    Be honest, oh yeah also have Winnie tabs. When is a good time to start and stop them? Thanks bro's. Also what kind of results should I get if I stick to this exact cycle and eat clean but often and lift hard?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I like it but most will tell you it is too high for a first cycle. I would hold off on the clen and winny until another cycle that is geared more towards cutting. You can't start clomid on week eleven the sus will still be very active in your system. Start on week 13. I imagine you can gain 20-25 lbs off a cycle like that since it is your first as long as you eat right and train hard.

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