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Thread: need help with liquid anavar please!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    need help with liquid anavar please!


    i know that sometimes questions from newbies are annoying so thank you for your patience. i have gotten some liquid anavar and i am going on a cycle for personal reasons. please dont tell me its a bad idea, ive done my research, i work out alot and i have a clean diet. i'm 5"4 and 120 lbs.

    the bottle says this exactly:

    Oxondrolone 20/ml - 30ml
    oral administration only
    -for research purposes only-
    exp: 08/10
    **Edited: Narkissos**
    san diego california

    and it is brown with an eye dropper.

    my question is that i thought i was getting pills and now i have liquid and i dont know how to dose it now, how often to take it or how to measure it out. i wanted the pills for ease of dosing, and they sent this instead. and with this i dont know how long to take it or what to expect for liquid versus pills.

    someone please help?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    hey guys? please give me your opinions....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    well jane at 5 ft 4 120lbs I'm going to assume you are a female.

    What you have is 20mg per ML

    Get a 1cc needle and suck up half of it (I'm assuming you are taking 10mg/day) if you are taking 5mg take 1/4 of it.

    Drink it straight or mix it with some OJ

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Make sure you shake it up really hard before taking your desired amount out.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    thank you! that is exactly what i was wondering. should i shake it? how much do you think i should start off with, with the liquid?

    i'm all discombobulated now that they sent me the liquid and not the pills.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I started my lady on 5mg per day and she is doing very well with that. If you feel you are tolerating it well and not getting any side effects you can bump it to 10mg after a few weeks.

    Less is better when it comes to a female and any steroid, even the mild ones like anavar.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    so just do one quarter of a cc then, after i shake it..

    your wife did fine on it? got good results? i'm really looking to increase my strength.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by jane smith
    so just do one quarter of a cc then, after i shake it..

    your wife did fine on it? got good results? i'm really looking to increase my strength.
    No not my wife, she reads these forums and I don't want you giving her any crazy ideas!

    She is also taking HGH with it at 2IU per day and her results are nothing short of amazing.

    Yes 1/4 of a CC ed after you shake it up

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    The Underground lab you posted... It's anavar, there's no need to shake it.

    I believe they suspend their orals in high proof ethanol...

    Measure it with a syringe as the above poster suggested.

    The 'eye-dropper' is a 1ml dropper.. but there can be inconsistencies with the amount of liquid you can get on each pull.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    whoa whoa.... lol

    strike that from the record!

    well....that was the nastiest shit on the palnet. thanks alot for the warning! just pickin',

    so i'm just on anavar not HGH do you think it will still be amazing results if i apply myself very hard???

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    um narkissos?

    sorry about posting that i didn't know ettiqutte

    thank you for your response. yes. if that was ethanol, that explains alot. it was horrible.

    just out of curiosity how long until you start seeing results on average??

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by jane smith
    whoa whoa.... lol

    strike that from the record!
    Hell yea..Everclear is poison

    Tastes like it at least.

    Quote Originally Posted by jane smith
    well....that was the nastiest shit on the palnet. thanks alot for the warning! just pickin',
    Shoot it straight into 8 ounces of OJ and it should be 'ok'.

    Quote Originally Posted by jane smith
    so i'm just on anavar not HGH do you think it will still be amazing results if i apply myself very hard???

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    oh my god that was so gross i'm gagging like an hour later,,,

    one more question and i'll leave it alone..what's the weird particulate matter floating around in the vial? also, the people i got it form you sound as if you had heard of them, is it reputable stuff?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by jane smith
    oh my god that was so gross i'm gagging like an hour later,,,

    Quote Originally Posted by jane smith
    one more question and i'll leave it alone..what's the weird particulate matter floating around in the vial?
    Describe it.

    I couldn't say exactly... I'd have to contact the owner of the company and ask what the exact composition of his solution is. His website formerly had it listed.. but it's since been privatized.

    Quote Originally Posted by jane smith
    also, the people i got it form you sound as if you had heard of them, is it reputable stuff?
    The company..yes.

    A number of online sources have popped up carrying his product though.. So it's possible to get a fake.. but not likely.

    Feel free to take a pic of the vial..and put it up on the steroid pics forum.

    Let us have a look.

    Or... hit your source with an email.. providing you bought it online.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by jane smith
    oh my god that was so gross i'm gagging like an hour later,,,

    one more question and i'll leave it alone..what's the weird particulate matter floating around in the vial? also, the people i got it form you sound as if you had heard of them, is it reputable stuff?
    Sorry Jane, I did mention mixing it with OJ but I should have emphasized it!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    wow, nark, i went to your page. your beautiful !

    anyway, i have another question. i'm really curious as to what to expect. i decided on taking 2.5 in the am and 2.5 in the pm. i lift 4-5 times a week and train in mma 5-6 days a week. last time i checked i was 16% body fat but that was with those rinky dink little 'pinch your waist' body fat detector. i have a little softness and chub but is not bad at all. i am so excited to know if my strength is goign to increase alot, and if i'm going to look more ripped.

    when should i start seeing results? and it seems that everyone around here takes a bunch of different kinds at once, will i see anything with just the 'var? oh and how long should i take it? thatnks.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    c'mon yall...anyone?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by jane smith
    wow, nark, i went to your page. your beautiful !

    Quote Originally Posted by jane smith
    anyway, i have another question. i'm really curious as to what to expect. i decided on taking 2.5 in the am and 2.5 in the pm. i lift 4-5 times a week and train in mma 5-6 days a week.
    I'm sure mma is pretty tough.. but your body gets acclimated to exertion.. so add cardio pwo 3 times per week.

    pwo= post-workout.

    30 minutes moderate exertion should do.

    ...Directly after your weight-training session.. provided that your weight-training and MMA training are separated by a couple hours.

    If not.. toss in two a.m. cardio sessions per week.. 1 on each of your non-training days: for 30-45 minutes: interval training.

    Quote Originally Posted by jane smith
    last time i checked i was 16% body fat but that was with those rinky dink little 'pinch your waist' body fat detector. i have a little softness and chub but is not bad at all.
    Get your bodyfat percentage tested officially.

    A personal training at your gym should be able to do such.

    Quote Originally Posted by jane smith
    i am so excited to know if my strength is going to increase alot, and if i'm going to look more ripped.
    You will look more ripped providing your diet and cardio are 'on'.

    Strength will definately go up.

    I've never worked with a female athlete only running 5 mg ED.

    Those around me use 10-20 mg ED... and their strength increases in leaps and bounds.

    Some females here have gotten very very good results with 5 mg ED.. so i'd expect similar in your case.

    Quote Originally Posted by jane smith
    when should i start seeing results?
    Don't be in a hurry m'lady... They'll come.

    Around week 2 you should be seeing strength increases...and around week 3, composition changes.

    Of course these are just oblique references. A qualitative analysis is more suiting...

    Just run the cycle... Take before pics..and take after pics.. post-cessation.

    Make sure you do everything you're supposed to do..and put in your work.

    Quote Originally Posted by jane smith
    and it seems that everyone around here takes a bunch of different kinds at once,
    Not everyone.

    In any case.. you shouldn't compare yourself to anyone.

    Quote Originally Posted by jane smith
    will i see anything with just the 'var?
    Yes...just be patient and put in your work

    Quote Originally Posted by jane smith
    oh and how long should i take it? thatnks.
    8 weeks is the longest i'd advise that you run it.

    From day-to-day...and week-to-week, monitor yourself for side-effects.

    If any manifest you can cease administration.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2004

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