i know that sometimes questions from newbies are annoying so thank you for your patience. i have gotten some liquid anavar and i am going on a cycle for personal reasons. please dont tell me its a bad idea, ive done my research, i work out alot and i have a clean diet. i'm 5"4 and 120 lbs.
the bottle says this exactly:
Oxondrolone 20/ml - 30ml
oral administration only
-for research purposes only-
exp: 08/10
**Edited: Narkissos**
san diego california
and it is brown with an eye dropper.
my question is that i thought i was getting pills and now i have liquid and i dont know how to dose it now, how often to take it or how to measure it out. i wanted the pills for ease of dosing, and they sent this instead. and with this i dont know how long to take it or what to expect for liquid versus pills.
someone please help?