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Thread: Test Propionate good cycle for the beginner?

  1. #1

    Test Propionate good cycle for the beginner?

    I found a deal on some prop and i was wondering if it would be good for a first cycle, The dude said to shoot it like maybe everyday at 500 mg/week, i plan on doing the nolvadex/clomid frontload for 2 weeks ahead of time and run it throughout the cycle, ending with hcg 2 days after the last shot 500 IU EOD, maybe run some clen and igf-1 as well, and have letro on hand (prone to gyno), (had the glands excised that accumulated from puberty) what do u guys think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Amateur BB111
    I found a deal on some prop and i was wondering if it would be good for a first cycle, The dude said to shoot it like maybe everyday at 500 mg/week, i plan on doing the nolvadex/clomid frontload for 2 weeks ahead of time and run it throughout the cycle, ending with hcg 2 days after the last shot 500 IU EOD, maybe run some clen and igf-1 as well, and have letro on hand (prone to gyno), (had the glands excised that accumulated from puberty) what do u guys think?

    Looks like a solid first cycle and if u dont mind poking yourself everyday or every other day then yea go for it. Some may tell you to add another compound but Test for a first cycle will give you nice gains. eat and train hard....good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Go with 50mg/ED or 100mg/EOD for between 6-10 weeks. Whichever you prefer. I'd go 10 weeks, but thats me.

    Arimidex 0.5-1mg/ED with Nolva on hand. DOnt see a need for Letro, just keep it on hand. Your dosages dont permit it IMHO.

    PCT with HCG/Nolva/Aromasin/Proviron.

    Solid cycle. Wish it was my first.

  4. #4
    thanx brother i appreciate the advice... proviron/arimidex would be hard for me to get ahold of though... would it be advisable to wait until i can get some?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Sam's Club
    Beware the prop can be very painful. Get used to becoming a human pin-cusion. Im doing a kicker and ender with prop in my next biggie. Good luck.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    the STL
    get some sterile oil and have on hand just incase those injects get painful.. you can dilute your shot with the oil and may make the prop pain much easier to handle. this is what i do and it works for me every time..

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