What would you choose to finish a cycle and why?
How do the strength gains compare w/ eachother, which is best?
What would you choose to finish a cycle and why?
How do the strength gains compare w/ eachother, which is best?
For the most part better strength gains with halo but the drol will increase your strength and put on weight. Halo is not a potent mass builder but any means
Depends what your goals are at the end. If you want to harden up, then go with the halo. If you want to try and add a lil more size, then go with the adrol
If I am looking for just strength not mass would Halo be the way to go?
If thats the case, then halo would probably be a better option. Adrol has the tendency to make alot of people hold a good amount of water.
halodrol from 1 fast 400 is the same as halotestin?
^^^lol, no! yeah, go w/ halo right roun d 30-40mgs ed. great stuff!
I know this is kind of changing directions a bit, but I here that people get the harder and more veiny when taking Halo. How does Halo compare to Var in terms of vascularity and stuff?
In my experiences Var doesnt give me the vascularity that Halo does.
I finnish my cycles with halo at 20mg's a day for 6 weeks. I start my cycles with dbol at 50mg's a day for of course, 6 weeks.
Halo is the best oral to use to finish cycles due to its strong cortisol blocking effects.
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