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Thread: Not sure what to take....

  1. #1

    Not sure what to take....

    I have been reading all the posts on the site, and still have no clue what to take. I play college baseball, 5' 10" 200 lbs, about 13% bf. I want something that isnt going to make me to bulky to run and throw. I have been lifting for about 3 years now all natural and want to step it up. I was wondering what you guys think I should take; stack, pyramid etc. plus post cycle what should I be taking. I dont want to loose my balls and not be a father lol. Anything would help. Thanks

  2. #2
    i play college baseball and im about to start takin anavar. everyone i have talked to says its the best to take cause it doesnt effect your joints like winstrol. also HGH could help a lot too but you probs wouldnt see results for a while.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    North dakota
    Quote Originally Posted by philippi333
    I have been reading all the posts on the site, and still have no clue what to take. I play college baseball, 5' 10" 200 lbs, about 13% bf. I want something that isnt going to make me to bulky to run and throw. I have been lifting for about 3 years now all natural and want to step it up. I was wondering what you guys think I should take; stack, pyramid etc. plus post cycle what should I be taking. I dont want to loose my balls and not be a father lol. Anything would help. Thanks
    Lots of athletes like turnibol and anavar I know. HGH is very expensive(for me anyway) and needs to be ran for quite sometime before effects are seen.

    You could run a cycle like this

    1-4 IGF 60 mcgs
    6-10 weeks 60-80 mgs of anavar.

    That should net you some good gains that are more geared toward athletics then bodybuilding.

  4. #4
    isn't anavar pretty expensive also? And when would I take it, daily weekly etc?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    yeah thats me in avvy
    Bro,welcome to AR....My suggestion is keep reading and doing research here....doesnt sound like you're ready yet to get into can step it up by different ways first bro...your training ...nutrition...cardio...your base at 200lbs and at the height isnt bad...but from the questions you're asking..there is still some room for learning...

  6. #6
    Thanks for your concern but no offense, I have a very strict nurtion, work out, and cardio plan. Where I play is no joke. I want to step my game up alot more, thats why I am asking questions. I know I need to do more research, but with all the diffrent types of sauce out there I was seeing what you guys thought. Thanks

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