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Thread: DNP: What your temp should be!
02-15-2007, 11:59 AM #1
DNP: What your temp should be!
I’ve been getting a lot of questions related to body temp while on DNP .
- What should it be?
- What’s too high?
- Why isn’t mine changing?
For the record, as stated by many, DNP is not a nutrient, research chem, vit/min, hormone, etc. It is a poison used in pesticides, herbicides, and microbiocides for the extermination of life.
Thus it is NOT meant for consumption, and does not participate in subsystem feedback loops. In other words, it slips through the body’s secondary defenses without being addressed like say a bacterial or viral infection.
Physicians hierarchically check for poisoning when ER patients have what they call “The fever without a fever”, or fever symptoms with no temp. Although you may experience some change it won’t be significant, and certainly not aligned with the amount of physiological heat you’ll feel.
So unlike T3, body temp is NOT a barometer for DNP effectiveness.
02-15-2007, 12:02 PM #2
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your core temperature should NOT change at all....u should maintaina normal 98.6 degrees while on dnp . if ur core temperature changes somethings not right....that was told to me by my doctor who is pretty knowledgable on aas....i know u werent asking a question i jus thought id throw up my research as well
02-15-2007, 12:12 PM #3
That's essentially what I said. I simply made allowance for the fact that one's temp often vascillates a small amount due to a variety of factors. Thus, if change is noticed it isn't due to DNP .
Also, not people actually average a perfect 98.6 temp.
02-15-2007, 12:21 PM #4
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Originally Posted by magic32
02-15-2007, 09:29 PM #5
Originally Posted by magic32
what makes one feel as though their core body has risen while on DNP? MAGIC, a question was posed here in a thread with respect to the use of dnp and long runs. that is low dose but long usage what are your thoughts to this topic.
02-15-2007, 09:33 PM #6
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Originally Posted by cj1capp
02-15-2007, 09:39 PM #7
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So on DNP is there no way to know whether or not your killing yourself from the inside out. Other than yellow eyes, or pissing blood I can't think of any outward signs. I know you by no mean advocate using DNP but what would you say, in your opinion would keep you from buring from the inside out.
Also how long does your body have to be cooking from the inside until you die?
02-16-2007, 04:50 AM #8
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02-16-2007, 07:28 AM #9
Originally Posted by Haro3
and hope you had a great birthday!!!!
02-16-2007, 08:03 AM #10
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Originally Posted by reddragon4954
02-16-2007, 04:20 PM #11
Originally Posted by Haro3
I recommend to add a small teaspoon of Lo-Salt to every 2litres of water that you drink. DOing this will not only help to replenish your Sodium & Potassium levels, but it will also help you to rehydrate effectively.
Drinking plain water will trigger your kidneys to release even more water from your body, counteracting the rehydration to a certain degree. By adding the Lo-Salt you will fool your kidneys a little and the amount of water lost through urine will not be as substantial, helping to keep your organs well watered
02-17-2007, 11:27 AM #12
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I know that the reason people can suffer internal damage and or die on DNP , but is that simply the result of not having enough water? I mean is it the water that actually keeps your organs from heating up to much, and if so then no matter what the dose other than say 1g I would just need to take in extra water in order to ensure my organs dont overheat, right?
02-17-2007, 12:00 PM #13
when you eat carbs, you feel yourself more hot, so what need we to do ?
dont eat carbs ?
eat a few carbs
eatcarbs only before take dnp ?
What s the quantity to eat carbs and when ???
02-17-2007, 03:25 PM #14
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I know that the reason people can suffer internal damage and or die on DNP , but is that simply the result of not having enough water? I mean is it the water that actually keeps your organs from heating up to much, and if so then no matter what the dose other than say 1g I would just need to take in extra water in order to ensure my organs dont overheat, right?
02-17-2007, 06:40 PM #15
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02-17-2007, 07:04 PM #16
In response to your PM dragon....
When you ingest plain water you will cause water to be absorbed into your bloodstream, this has the effect of diluting your blood instantly. In reponse to this dilution your kidneys will start to extract water to try and stabilise the blood dilution. So whilst you know you need water to stay hydrated, your kidenys will be working against you!
One of the mechanisms your kidneys use to monitor the blood dilution is the electrolyte levels (pricipally Sodium & Potassium), by simultaneously ingesting water and fresh electrolyte (in this case in teh form of teh Lo-Salt) you will trick the kidneys into not reacting so harshly to the water intake. This has the effect of allowing your water levels to stabilise more efficiently around your organs and muscles without the kidneys being party poopers!!
Soft drinks companies caught onto this effect and started to release "isotonic" sports drinks, supposedly which mimic the natural electrolyte and mineral balance of normal blood (approx 8-9g/L). In truth these drinks are usually hypotonic, in thta they do not possess quite as much electrolyte and mineral as the blood, simply because this solution is also known as saline and happens to taste horrible!!
The trick of mixing Lo-Salt with the water is creating a very simple "isotonic" drink similar to gatorade or lucozade sport, but without the expense and carbohydrates!!
I will add that you could increase the level of Lo-Salt you put in your water, I've found that a teaspoon (6g) tastes ok though in 2 litres of water so this is my personal recommendation!
02-17-2007, 07:54 PM #17
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Thanks for your post, very interesting and informative. But, it did not really answer my question. My question: When taking DNP I know that taking in enough water is essential, but I was wondering that as long as you dont go over 1g and consume enough water throughout the day will that protect your organs and stuff from cooking themselves? So as long as I take in enough water on DNP I'll be ok, right?
02-18-2007, 10:37 AM #18
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02-18-2007, 02:02 PM #19
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Originally Posted by reddragon4954
02-19-2007, 07:59 AM #20
Originally Posted by Haro3
Just to clarify, potassium intake from Lo-Salt will not harm you in any way!!
Haro3... could you please explain what you have based the potassium pill judgement on?!?! Potasium supplement pills are limited to 99mg per pill, a very low level!! Obviously Potassium Iodide would be harful but bar an upset stomach, I've never encountered problems with dietary supplements?!?!?!
02-19-2007, 09:11 PM #21
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Originally Posted by Jay-Ace
02-20-2007, 11:12 AM #22
Why you feel hot on DNP ?
Mitochondria are the cells' power sources. The food we eat is oxidized to produce high energy electrons that are converted to stored energy. This energy is stored in phosphate bonds within a molecule called adenosine triphosphate, or ATP. ATP is converted from adenosine diphosphate by adding the phosphate group to the high-energy bond. Various reactions in the cell can either use energy (whereby the ATP is converted back to ADP, releasing the high energy bond) or produce it (whereby the ATP is produced from ADP). DNP is a mitochondrial uncoupler, meaning it disables the above process. Thus energy cannot be produced or stored in the traditional way. The dissolution of this process results in cellular heat, or the byproduct of what we experience as DNP’s fever-like symptoms, without an elevated temperature. ( Conversely, as part of the negative feedback loop, a fever is part of the body's own disease fighting arsenal. By raising temperature the body is capable of killing off many disease producing organisms. This is why lowgrade fevers normally go untreated, although you may need to see a doctor if they persist. In practice a person is usually not considered to have a significant fever until the temperature is above 100.4 degrees F (38 degrees C.).
Low dosage, long usage?
A lot of people don’t realize that DNP, or any toxin for that matter, is cumulative even if its effects aren't. This toxic build hides within your tissue, and continues to mount, as evidenced by the relationship of dosage/duration to full evacuation. In contrast Test though it has a cumulative effect does not accumulate. This is evidenced by static evacuation, i.e. regardless of how long you take Enth, it’ll be gone after two weeks of discontinuation (though metabolites may remain longer). So even low dose DNP is not recommended for long periods, unless we’re talking very low (75-125mgs EOD). I’ve seen this medical weight loss regimen in conjunction with Cytomel (T3) sustained for a year with losses of over 60lbs.
Water or any electrolyte enhanced version or drink, is not used to put out the fire or heat from DNP as you posited, which isn’t what kills you anyway. The need to rehydrate is a direct response to the continued dehydration effect of the chemical. As Jay explained, water doesn’t rehydrate you, electrolytes and their governance does. This is why Gator/Powerade should be employed over extra salt and bananas. Additionally, one should use L-Taurine, which governs the body’s fluid levels, rebalancing Sod, Mag. & Pot. The inability to stabilize electrolyte levels is one of the ways DNP kills rodents, they continue to drink satiating thirst, yet remain dehydrated. One can literally die from drinking too much water, known as “Water Intoxication” a condition in which the victim literally rinses away the electrolytes necessary for survival, or hyponatremia a dilution of the body’s sodium.
These are not the signs of death Red sought. The sulfuric component of DNP naturally turns things yellow, including skin, urine and semen (really weird). Hence, this is not reflective of hydration levels or kidney/liver function as with AAS. The rash is a toxic reaction not an allergic one, as DNP is not an allergen but a toxin. Benadryl may help facilitate drying, but discontinuation alone will resolve this external message sent to alert you of internal disarray.
You seem to be looking to tightrope the line with DNP as evidenced by your seeking fatal doses and lowest off time requirements (in the past), and fatal symptoms now. This is not a good sign. What you seek would only be available by studying animals prior to death, or viewing medical records of people in the same situation. Be careful man!
Always eat carbs, plenty of them when on DNP. Yes, they’ll magnify your body heat, but in so doing accentuate your prime objective…efficient fat burning.
On pill supplementing…
…as stated by your Dr., potassium can be dangerous if taking excessively. But so can most of other vitamins, minerals and even trace elements like Vanadyl Sulfate. Regardless of their solubility (water or fat) toxicity can still build up and cause a variety of health problems. Responsible administration is why this board exists.
02-20-2007, 12:56 PM #23
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Originally Posted by magic32
I was wondering what your opinion is on very low dose of dnp for an extended period of time. For instance; using 50mg every day, would it build up to a level where the rise in metabolism would be substantial enough to notice any effect.
The reason I ask is because I would like to know whether the inhibiting effect the DNP has on T4 to T3 conversion is outspoken in a low dose or not; This because I would like to know if low doses cause small rises in metabolism and little side effects, whether this rise in metabolism would not be negated by the fall in metabolism caused by lowered T4 to T3 cpnversion(just wondering how strong this inhibition would be with low doses.)
The reason I asked you is because you seem very wel versed in these matters and it seemed logical to ask you your opinion.
Thanks in advance for your reply.
02-20-2007, 01:06 PM #24
I read this in controversial medical treatments for weight loss.
The low dose effect was validated by minimal sides and the 60+ lbs lost.
How much it would effect the T 4/3 conversion is unknown by me but the Dr. also administered T3. Whether it was to offset that lost due to DNP , to supplement fat loss, or both is speculative though I’d imagine the latter. I don’t remember the T3 dosage but might be able to locate documentation. I’ll search for it.
02-20-2007, 02:13 PM #25
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Thank you for your reply.
I believe someone recently posted some info on the person that did the research; Nicolas Bachinsky. I believe he is now under some scruteny(sp?) and controversy because he was involved in a form of fraud(believe it was DNP related). So maybe the results of the study can be viewed as not being objective although a pound lost is off course a pound lost.
Just wondering, right now I am cutting myself, but steering clear from the DNP for the time coming, maybe if I really need it later, although the subject does interest me and I do believe if a safer uncoupler was to be found it could be a relatively safe method and solution for the obesity trend in society lately(well, not really a solution, but a helpfull aid none the less, we all know what the solution is).
Thanks again for your reply.
02-20-2007, 03:09 PM #26
A cursory view a work didn't uncover the literature, but I might have it at home.
Good choice, there are far better (safer & longer lasting) ways to cut than using DNP .
02-20-2007, 06:21 PM #27
Why you feel hot on DNP ?
Mitochondria are the cells' power sources. The food we eat is oxidized to produce high energy electrons that are converted to stored energy. This energy is stored in phosphate bonds within a molecule called adenosine triphosphate, or ATP. ATP is converted from adenosine diphosphate by adding the phosphate group to the high-energy bond. Various reactions in the cell can either use energy (whereby the ATP is converted back to ADP, releasing the high energy bond) or produce it (whereby the ATP is produced from ADP). DNP is a mitochondrial uncoupler, meaning it disables the above process. Thus energy cannot be produced or stored in the traditional way. The dissolution of this process results in cellular heat, or the byproduct of what we experience as DNP’s fever-like symptoms, without an elevated temperature. ( Conversely, as part of the negative feedback loop, a fever is part of the body's own disease fighting arsenal. By raising temperature the body is capable of killing off many disease producing organisms. This is why lowgrade fevers normally go untreated, although you may need to see a doctor if they persist. In practice a person is usually not considered to have a significant fever until the temperature is above 100.4 degrees F (38 degrees C.).
Low dosage, long usage?
A lot of people don’t realize that DNP, or any toxin for that matter, is cumulative even if its effects aren't. This toxic build hides within your tissue, and continues to mount, as evidenced by the relationship of dosage/duration to full evacuation. In contrast Test though it has a cumulative effect does not accumulate. This is evidenced by static evacuation, i.e. regardless of how long you take Enth, it’ll be gone after two weeks of discontinuation (though metabolites may remain longer). So even low dose DNP is not recommended for long periods, unless we’re talking very low (75-125mgs EOD). I’ve seen this medical weight loss regimen in conjunction with Cytomel (T3) sustained for a year with losses of over 60lbs.
Water or any electrolyte enhanced version or drink, is not used to put out the fire or heat from DNP as you posited, which isn’t what kills you anyway. The need to rehydrate is a direct response to the continued dehydration effect of the chemical. As Jay explained, water doesn’t rehydrate you, electrolytes and their governance does. This is why Gator/Powerade should be employed over extra salt and bananas. Additionally, one should use L-Taurine, which governs the body’s fluid levels, rebalancing Sod, Mag. & Pot. The inability to stabilize electrolyte levels is one of the ways DNP kills rodents, they continue to drink satiating thirst, yet remain dehydrated. One can literally die from drinking too much water, known as “Water Intoxication” a condition in which the victim literally rinses away the electrolytes necessary for survival, or hyponatremia a dilution of the body’s sodium.
These are not the signs of death Red sought. The sulfuric component of DNP naturally turns things yellow, including skin, urine and semen (really weird). Hence, this is not reflective of hydration levels or kidney/liver function as with AAS. The rash is a toxic reaction not an allergic one, as DNP is not an allergen but a toxin. Benadryl may help facilitate drying, but discontinuation alone will resolve this external message sent to alert you of internal disarray.
You seem to be looking to tightrope the line with DNP as evidenced by your seeking fatal doses and lowest off time requirements (in the past), and fatal symptoms now. This is not a good sign. What you seek would only be available by studying animals prior to death, or viewing medical records of people in the same situation. Be careful man!
Always eat carbs, plenty of them when on DNP. Yes, they’ll magnify your body heat, but in so doing accentuate your prime objective…efficient fat burning.
On pill supplementing…
…as stated by your Dr., potassium can be dangerous if taking excessively. But so can most of other vitamins, minerals and even trace elements like Vanadyl Sulfate. Regardless of their solubility (water or fat) toxicity can still build up and cause a variety of health problems. Responsible administration is why this board exists.
Magic thank you so much for taking the time to answer my question so
completely . you are a wealth of information thank you again.
02-20-2007, 06:27 PM #28
Originally Posted by SHAGGY
is this what you were referring to. link seems not to work right now so you can go here and look him up again[/QUOTE]
here it is posted
Webglimpse Search Results:
Looking for dnp in entire archive - Found 13 matches in 3 files
Showing results 1 - 3
Stay Away from Nicholas Bachynsky and Intra-Cellular Hyperthermia (ICHT), 1/3/2006
Various Internet postings indicate that Bachynsky's ICHT involves the intravenous administration of 2-4- dinitrophenol (DNP), which the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned more than 60 years ago. Although DNP can disrupt mitrochondrial function as described in the first paragraph of the above statement, the rest of the statement is misleading.
There is no scientific evidence that DNP is safe or effective as a cancer treatment.
Bachynsky's cancer treatment took two weeks. Over a 4-day period, the DNP plus very low doses of chemotherapy were administered through an indwelling catheter that was placed in a vein that delivers blood to the area of the tumor. Before and afterward, DNP was administered without the catheter. The cost for a cancer patient was $15,000 for the catheterization and $35,000 for the ICHT. In addition to treating cancer, Bachynsky also used DNP to treat Lyme disease for a fee said to be $20,000 .
Bachynsky graduated from the University of Tennessee School of Medicine and practiced in Houston, Texas. During the mid-1980s, he operated "Physicians Clinics," a chain of weight-loss facilities in Texas and neighboring states which advertised that DNP "forces your metabolism to burn thousands more calories" and offered to produce weight loss of up to 15 pounds a week "without starving." The clinics also offered a smoking-cessation program. The centerpiece of his weight-loss program was DNP, which he dispensed under the name Mitcal. When state and federal authorities realized what he was doing, they went to court to stop him. In 1986, Bachynsky was found guilty of violating the Texas Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and ordered to pay $86,000 in fines and attorney's costs. The presiding judge also enjoined further use of DNP without FDA approval. When Bachynsky persisted, he was charged with violating the injunction and fined $100,000 by the judge. Although DNP can cause weight loss by speeding up metabolism, the FDA banned it during the 1930s because it can also produce severe skin reactions, jaundice, cataracts, disturbances of smell and taste, and agranulocytosis, a potentially fatal disorder in which production of blood cells is impaired. According to an article in the February 1987 FDA Consumer, some 14,000 people were treated at Bachynsky's clinics at a cost of approximately $1,300 .
The Life Extension SA Web site states that "Numerous scientific publications have shown that hyperthermia augments the effects of chemotherapy." . However, the research does not appear relevant to DNP. On January 30, I did a series of Medline searches to see whether DNP had been studied as cancer treatment, a Lyme disease treatment, or a hypothermic agent. I found a few articles about DNP and hyperthermia in laboratory animals (not humans), but no evidence that DNP has been studied as a treatment for cancer or Lyme disease. Moreover, even if DNP could kill cancer cells or the organism that causes Lyme, it would still be too toxic to use for that purpose . According to a report from the Swiss Department of the Interior, it is not approved for drug use in any country in the world .
The danger of DNP was highlighted by a recent case in which Sean Zhang an Indiana businessman, was convicted of mail fraud in connection with the death of a 22-year-old customer. Zhang sold DNP through the Internet by contacting potential customers through chatrooms and discussion boards that focused on weight loss, fitness and body-building
In December 2004, another former former Bachynsky associate—James Naples, D.P.M., of Texarkana, Texas—pleaded guilty to conspiring to obstruct justice during an investigation of his billing practices . Court documents indicate that Naples, New Boston General Hospital, which Naples co-owned and controlled, and several associates improperly billed and were paid by Medicare and private insurers for treating cancer patients with DNP. Under the plea agreement: (a) Naples agreed to pay $2 million in restitution and voluntarily exclude himself from the Medicare program for 10 years and (b) the government dropped an indictment that had charged him with racketeering, conspiracy to obstruct justice, conspiracy to commit health care fraud, health care fraud, money laundering, and false claims . In April 2005, Naples was sentenced to 2 years' probation and ordered to pay the $2 million.
Shantha and Bartoli treated cancer patients with DNP, Ukrain, and hyperbaric oxygen, none of which have any value against the conditions for which he used them.
Defendant arrested in Indiana, charged with selling "DNP" toxic weight loss drug over the Internet—Baldwin, Long Island resident dies after ingesting the drug. U. S. Department of Justice press release, Sept 24, 2001.
Lyme Disease: Questionable Diagnosis and Treatment, 8/2/2007
Another form of fever therapy administered to patients alleged to have chronic Lyme disease is "intracellular hyperthermia therapy (ICHT)," in which a substance such as 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) is administered. According to a proponent Web site:
Unfortunately, DNP is a metabolic poison that can result in severe weight loss and even death .
Indictment of Nicholas Bachynsky, M.D. (2004), 14/5/2004
f. That Helvetia's purported cancer treatment involved administering patients with a chemical named 2,4 - Dinitrophenol ("DNP"), which is banned for human consumption in the United States, poses serious health risks, and may cause death. Further, that DNF is used in pesticides, wood preservatives, and the manufacturing of dyes;
I. That on or about January 31, 1987, the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners issued an order to cancel NICHOLAS BACHYNSKY's medical license in Texas in the case of Texas State Board of Medical Examiners v. Nicholas Bachynsky, M. D. because NICHOLAS BACHYNSKY was administering patients with the chemical DNP for the treatment of obesity. Specifically, the order against NICHOLAS BACHYNSKY stated that "2-4 Dinitrophenol is a chemical compound with no proven therapeutic value and usually has a number of harmful and dangerous side effects upon persons who take it;"Last edited by cj1capp; 02-20-2007 at 06:32 PM.
02-20-2007, 10:15 PM #29
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cool lot of good info there cj but i doubt i mess with dnp again didnt care for the rash etc
02-20-2007, 11:47 PM #30
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good info guys
02-21-2007, 12:28 AM #31
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Thanks for all the replys guys. Staying away from DNP for the time being, but who know maybe a low dose in the future when cardio and diet get to be very difficult to further lower my fat percentage.
Thank you all for the many replies.
02-21-2007, 08:20 AM #32
Originally Posted by SHAGGY
This is the right attitude!!
There are many who jump into it, some who paddle carefully and those who are scared of getting their feet wet. The latter are the most sensible, the former... hopefully educated!!
Good luck shaggy!!
02-21-2007, 10:45 AM #33
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Thanks Jay; decided to start my 1gram a day DNP cycle tomorrow(just kidding offcourse).
When I start one I will surely be very well educated on the matter and will probably be asking some of you guy's for advice.
Untill that day I want to thank you for all your replies and support in general, the people on this board make it worthwhile(sp??).
03-02-2007, 08:22 PM #34
Magic would you mind sharing your knowledge of dnp in this thread?? edited by HORSE~; 03-02-2007 at 08:26 PM.
03-03-2007, 03:18 PM #35
Originally Posted by HORSE
2. resolute adherence to your own ideas or desires.
3. the inability to assimilate new information. [syn: stubbornness]Last edited by magic32; 03-03-2007 at 03:45 PM.
03-05-2007, 09:25 PM #36
Originally Posted by the.tunisian.muscle
03-16-2007, 09:28 PM #37
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Originally Posted by iNvid
03-16-2007, 09:29 PM #38
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As for the temperature question, I just made a detailed post on this after someone asked over at m e s o:
As many people have heard me say, if your temperature is over 99.2/99.3, you need to back off on your DNP dosage or even discontinue use. I didn't just come up with this number myself though. This comes from the most extensive human study on DNP to date. In 1937 Simkins studied the effects of DNP on 159 subjects who were kept on DNP for many months to over a year. It's worth noting that he looked at a number of different markers of health, reporting no hepatotoxicity, no renal toxicity, no cardiovascular effects (except for a marked drop in blood pressure in hypertensive patients), no cardiotoxicity, no consistent effect on blood sugar, an improvement in carbohydrate tolerance, negligible effects on the gastro-intestinal tract, and no effect on blood cholesterol.
With respect to body temperature, he explained, "The temperature, pulse rate, and respiration were carefully watched. It was found that the temperature is an excellent guide of impending toxicity. The rule was followed invariably that, when the temperature rose as high as 99.2 F., the drug was either discontinued or the dosage sharply reduced. In this way, many impending reactions were avoided. The temperature usually remained well within the normal limits."
I think that temperature is an excellent yardstick. While a degree may not seem that much, when your temperature starts to rise above the normal range, it means that the heat being produced from uncoupling has started to outstrip your ability to radiate heat. When this happens, your temperature can quickly get out of control, especially as you increase the dosage or even as the same dosage accumulates. Keeping your temperature in the normal range (under 99.2) demonstrates proper thermoreguation. It shows that you're able to safely radiate the increase in heat production.
To answer srch4info, high doses of DNP do NOT always raise your temp near 99.3. There's a great deal of variation in individual response to DNP. While some people can produce a fever with as little as 300mg/day, others can take 600mg/day and still be under 99 degrees. There are a number of different factors involved: people metabolize DNP at different rates, some people are larger than others so that a given dosage is lower relative to their bodyweight, and some people seem better able to radiate heat. All of these factors and more make dosage prescriptions extremely individual with DNP. For this reason, sweeping generalizations for dosing are completely inadequate. Users need to start with a low dosage and slowly increase it until they find the dosage that's right for them, be it 200mg/day or 600mg/day. As a rough, general guideline, though, I'd say 200mg/day is a low dosage, 400mg/day is a moderate dosage, and 600mg/day is a high (read: unsafe) dosage.
To answer litterbox, there's no point of diminishing returns in terms of DNP's ability to increase metabolic rate. It'll keep uncoupling more and more until so much heat is produced that you get hyperthermia and ultimately die. Of course, when organs start to get damaged and proteins start to denature, I think we can agree that your returns are diminishing. We could call death the ultimate diminution in return. Barring toxicity, though, an increase in heat, per se, doesn't appear to diminish DNP's effect at increasing metabolic rate and oxidation of fat.
03-17-2007, 04:36 PM #39
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Well you also seem very wel versed in the matters concerning DNP , but I tend to dissagree with a guideline you just stated, since many people have a baseline temperature close or above 99.2 F these people would not be fitted to use DNP(although in a sense you can be right that above this temperature it can quickly become unsafe), you might be right if you look at it from a safety stancepoint(sp?), but using this technique is offcourse difficult because some are allready very close to this temperature. Just my opinion though.
Thanks for all the info, very interesting.
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So far so good, they seem to be doing what they’re supposed to.
Expired dbol (blue hearts)