Hey guys, I don't have any experience with any of these so I dont know if this is a good cutting cycle from experience but this is what I kind of suggested as a cycle to a friend of mine that is cutting.
His stats, 24yo, 6'3" 240lbs 15-16%BF He has run 4-6 cycles I didn't ask exactly. He has run Test E, Test Prop, Eq, Winny and Deca before. Also has used Clen in the past, so the only thing new here is Tren and T3. He also used armidex on cycle before but I told him I though Letro would suit his needs better. Let me know if this looks good or if Im all jacked up???
test prop- 525mg per week (75mg ed) wks 1-8
tren a- 50mg ed weeks 1-6 (I figured 50mg ed was a good starting point he could increase)
winny- 50mg ed weels 1-6 (This was kinda low I though but it is what he ran before)
T3- 25mcg ed weeks 1-7(for prolactin levels on tren)
.25 or .5mgs of Letro ed (keep water retention low and stop gyno)
PCT start 3 days after last Test Prop Shot
day 1 100mgs Clomid, 40mgs Nolva
days 2-21 Clomid at 50mgs, and Nolva at 20mgs
days 28-????Until back to normal Nolva at 20mgs
Also start Clen at week 7 run 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off at 20mcgs day 1, 40, 60,80,100,120, 140 then hold steady until 2 weeks is up. then after 2 weeks off start higher like 60 and work up to 140 then take 2 weeks off then do it one more time. You need to take T3 while on this also
Any help would be awsome. Thanks guys. If this is a good looking cycle Im going to hold onto it an run it a few cycles down the road once I get some different gear under my belt.