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  1. #1
    shockwavematty is offline Junior Member
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    Winny only cycle??

    just wondering if anyone here has done a winny (stanozol) only cycle and how was it.....I have been kickboxing for past three years and am taking a break from it to hit the gym...I am pretty toned and lean , i want to gain a bit more lean muscle and have heard varying reports on winny only....i am plannin on injecting 1ml every second day......I am considering maybe doing a little test or sus 250 wit it but just a little unsure at moment......

    Im from mellbourne if anyone else is from melb and could give us a habd drop us a pm...

    Thanks guys
    Last edited by shockwavematty; 02-18-2007 at 01:42 AM.

  2. #2
    x_moe's Avatar
    x_moe is offline Anabolic Member
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    lol lick boxing

  3. #3
    t-gunz's Avatar
    t-gunz is offline MONITOR~ ~ RIP ~ Gone never Forgotten
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    winny is best to be shot ED! i'm from sydney. some people say the take it with a test base but others have taken it by it's self

  4. #4
    t-gunz's Avatar
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    here you go matty some ideas when i started a thread about the same qeustion

    Anyone done a winstrol only cycle??

    hope it helps you out

  5. #5
    shockwavematty is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks tommmy the thread was pretty helpfull......

    I have 2 viles (40ml) or stanozol , im goin to prolly just do it alone , 1ml every second day as i can only get sus and not prop....

    I gues the only way to find out is to do it and as its my first cycle its probably a good idea....My body fat is at about 12 % at moment so once its done i should look better than when i started..

  6. #6
    shockwavematty is offline Junior Member
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    also is there anything i need to know for a winny only cycle PCT ???

  7. #7
    t-gunz's Avatar
    t-gunz is offline MONITOR~ ~ RIP ~ Gone never Forgotten
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    no worries bro.. how often are you going to shoot the winny? ED is a must

  8. #8
    shockwavematty is offline Junior Member
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    was thinkin 1ml every 2nd day bro 4 ml a week...

    Whats ED bro , where do i grab it from mate....

    thanks mate...

  9. #9
    auslifta's Avatar
    auslifta is offline Retired MONITOR
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    flying from the ashes
    ED every day you can get it everywhere

  10. #10
    shockwavematty is offline Junior Member
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    hahaha lol , sorry i feel like a dumb ass , i didnt know ED meant every day lol........

    I was thinkin of doin 1/2 ml every day but then decided 1ml every 2nd.....

    So u think ED would be better ???

  11. #11
    t-gunz's Avatar
    t-gunz is offline MONITOR~ ~ RIP ~ Gone never Forgotten
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    yes it would be cause of it;s half life.. it'll be useless otherwise.

    is it 1ml/50mg???

  12. #12
    t-gunz's Avatar
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    some people run it for 6 weeks and notice that it drys out there joints too much... so see how you go and when it gets bad stop...

  13. #13
    shockwavematty is offline Junior Member
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    Iam planning to run 5 weeks on 2 weeks off then 5 weeks on again...
    Im on glucosamine for my joints so hopefully that will take care of that....

    Yeah its 50mg.......

  14. #14
    BOUNCER 01's Avatar
    BOUNCER 01 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by shockwavematty
    Iam planning to run 5 weeks on 2 weeks off then 5 weeks on again...
    Im on glucosamine for my joints so hopefully that will take care of that....

    Yeah its 50mg.......
    I have done winny/sus cycles before and its done wonders for me.If you are looking to add the lean ripped look, this is a great stack....from my experience anyway.

  15. #15
    nilrac is offline Member
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    Have you ever stacked winny with deca ? These are easier to come by in my part of the UK, so I am wondering what they are like stacked. From reading their profiles, it seems like they could compliment each other somewhat... thoughts?

  16. #16
    BOUNCER 01's Avatar
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    I have stacked deca with sus and also tried sus with winny. Deca gives you bulk, but if your looking to get the lean ripped look then sus/winny is good.

  17. #17
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by shockwavematty
    hahaha lol , sorry i feel like a dumb ass , i didnt know ED meant every day lol........

    I was thinkin of doin 1/2 ml every day but then decided 1ml every 2nd.....

    So u think ED would be better ???
    if you're looking for someone to agree w/ this you'll have to find someone who knows nothing about administration frequency. you were told several times this will not work. why do you keep insisting on eod(every other day)? It cannot be taken like this. winny has too short a half life. It will be like starting your cycle over eod. best bet, sell what you got. do test instead.

  18. #18
    Georgie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkrulic
    if you're looking for someone to agree w/ this you'll have to find someone who knows nothing about administration frequency. you were told several times this will not work. why do you keep insisting on eod(every other day)? It cannot be taken like this. winny has too short a half life. It will be like starting your cycle over eod. best bet, sell what you got. do test instead.
    That is not true at all. I have run winstrol at both 50 mg and 100 mg EOD with great results. And if you go read Anthony Roberts steroid profile on Winstrol he states that he also finds that 100 mg taken EOD to be sufficent. Yes, ED is optimal but EOD works as well. I wouldn't run it alone however, I would run it with some sort of test base and add it to the end of your cycle.

  19. #19
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Georgie
    That is not true at all. I have run winstrol at both 50 mg and 100 mg EOD with great results. And if you go read Anthony Roberts steroid profile on Winstrol he states that he also finds that 100 mg taken EOD to be sufficent. Yes, ED is optimal but EOD works as well. I wouldn't run it alone however, I would run it with some sort of test base and add it to the end of your cycle.
    winstrol has a nine hour half-life. mg concentration after 48 hours:
    mg concentration = 50mg*(.5^(48/9))
    = 1.2mg
    like I said, it will be like starting over eod.

  20. #20
    Georgie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkrulic
    winstrol has a nine hour half-life. mg concentration after 48 hours:
    mg concentration = 50mg*(.5^(48/9))
    = 1.2mg
    like I said, it will be like starting over eod.
    You also said "it wouldn't work" which I interpreted as meaning no results, which would not be true.

  21. #21
    Georgie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkrulic
    winstrol has a nine hour half-life. mg concentration after 48 hours:
    mg concentration = 50mg*(.5^(48/9))
    = 1.2mg
    like I said, it will be like starting over eod.
    And if you'd like to get technical winstrol is un esterfied so it does not really have a half life.

    "One obvious difference between Winstrol Depot and other injectables is that it is not esterified, being sold as aqueous stanozolol suspension. (It should not be called water-soluble: virtually none of it is dissolved in the water.) This means that it does not have a classical half-life, where at time x the level is ? the starting level, at time 2 x the level is ?, at time 3 x the level is 1/8, etc. Instead, the microcrystals slowly dissolve, and when they have all dissolved levels of the drug then fall very rapidly."

  22. #22
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Georgie
    You also said "it wouldn't work" which I interpreted as meaning no results, which would not be true.
    I stand by what I said. If you want to do it do it right.

  23. #23
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Georgie
    And if you'd like to get technical winstrol is un esterfied so it does not really have a half life.

    "One obvious difference between Winstrol Depot and other injectables is that it is not esterified, being sold as aqueous stanozolol suspension. (It should not be called water-soluble: virtually none of it is dissolved in the water.) This means that it does not have a classical half-life, where at time x the level is ? the starting level, at time 2 x the level is ?, at time 3 x the level is 1/8, etc. Instead, the microcrystals slowly dissolve, and when they have all dissolved levels of the drug then fall very rapidly."
    exponential decay is not linear, it is, well, exponential. this hormone has a half-life. 9 hrs. I dont know what a classical half life is. they all fall under exponential decay
    total mg current = mg*(.5)^(current time in approiate units/half life)
    notice when current time in approiate units = half life
    then current time in approiate units/half life = 1 and mg*.5^(1) = mg*.5
    this is the half life.
    do not take an oral eod. it will not work. do not take winstrol by itself. take a test w/ it.

  24. #24
    knownutz's Avatar
    knownutz is offline Junior Member
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    I've taken winstrol by itself. For me it was a big mistake the joint pain was nasty. Insomnia was bad. Test seems to counteract these side effects. I wouldn't consider doing it lone again. good luck!!

  25. #25
    Brazil's Avatar
    Brazil is offline Member
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    I just started a cutter jsut a month of winny ed with durateston (brazilian sust) I have 5 amps ill shoot the test eod for ten days and use the winny for the rest of the month and start pct directly after. Man the freakin winny gives some nice pain eh?i can barely walk right today i forgot my gym shoes so i couldnt work legs anyway. Ill have to do em tommorow.

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