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  1. #1
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Have at it Kale. Im going to bed.

  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    Have at it Kale. Im going to bed.
    Its only 3.30 pm you pussy

  3. #3
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheAngryPimp
    Whats up everyone here is my story and deal :

    Age:33 yrs old
    Height: 5"10
    Weight: 200lbs
    BodyFat: 17%

    My diet needs work but im trying lol, its hard with my fiance and her daughter!

    Currently I am taking Depo Testosterone 200mg /10ml Vial I have been on it since November and will be finishing up in 9 weeks. I have been taking 200mg a week once in a while ill up it to 400 intramuscular split up in 2 shots maybe friday and weds. I have gained weight and allot of muscle mass and have made significant weight and strength gains in the gym and I want to get bigger but am trying to stay natural. Depo is the fisrt anabolic I have ever used in my life. Over the weekend I went to the health food store and purchased some additional supplements ( NO Shotgun, BC AA, CellMass, and of Course Eggwhite protein and a multi-vitamin) I want to get bigger and I also want to lose some of the 17% body fat that im carrying around in my stomach lol. Im trying to stay away from the winny and clenbuterol and like I said keep it natural. I am also concerned about bitch tits when im coming off the Test. Do I need to be concerned about that? Can I take a natural test booster and anti estrogen pill and will it make a difference, or is it something i should lose sleep over? Also how long before my natural testerone will start being produced and what effects will i experience. I really appreciate any help and advice you can give me there is a limited number of people I can talk to so im confiding in you guys and hoping you will steer me in the right direction and give me the information im looking for. I think thats all I have to say or ask for the time being so i appreciate your help and time and looking froward to reading your replies. Also im in the gym training hard core 4 days a week and to be honest the gym is at my condo complex and ghetto with only dumbbells and cardio machines but its the best i ca do on my budget. Anyway enough rambling help me out please and thanks.
    Don't be so impatient dude, its the middle of the night in the USA and most of the knowledgeable bro's are in bed.

    Well first of all you should keep your Testosterone dose the same, 200 to 400 will just send your blood levels all over the place and for no real gain IMO.

    Now what do you mean by "I want to stay natural" ? You are already juicing so you are no longer "natural" !

    As far as Bitch Tits are concerned, you need to be concerned about that on cycle more than coming off. If you dont have symptoms by now then it probably wont be an issue but you should have some Arimidex on hand just in case during a cycle. You definitely need to do PCT after your cycle, do you know what that is ? If so what do you have planned for that ?

    This makes no sense to me "Im trying to stay away from the winny and clenbuterol and like I said keep it natural" what do you mean by that ?

    Your current cycle also seems to be quite long, how many weeks in total are you running it for ?

  4. #4
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    I am not sure what you are looking for here. In both your threads you have been given advice from some very experienced people, and when it comes to steroids experience is much better than am MD as most doctors dont' know alot about steroid use .

    Exactly what is it you want here and I will try to help you

  5. #5
    ph34rsh4ck is offline Member
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    "Currently I am taking Depo Testosterone 200mg /10ml Vial I have been on it since November and will be finishing up in 9 weeks"

    so you've been on test depo, cyp, for 15 weeks? and your gonna be on it for 9 more weeks? so 24 weeks of cyp?? is this right?

  6. #6
    ph34rsh4ck is offline Member
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    i wouldnt spend a dime IN GNC or on cellmass as im sure many could agree, the only products i purchase are 100% protein products, 100% whey/casein/egg, and maybe a protein mix every once in a while for some extra cals, the money you save not buyin those outrageously priced products could be used towards good whole foods and a decent gym memership, and in regards to PCT i would stop by the PCT section of the forum and read read read, hitup the diet section as well
    Last edited by ph34rsh4ck; 02-18-2007 at 07:58 PM.

  7. #7
    dhriscerr's Avatar
    dhriscerr is offline Senior Member
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    Hey man you got MSN messenger or Yahoo messenger? Ill try to help you out, because Your going 100mph on here and alot of people arent on at nights. Your being kind of impatient but ill do the best I can if you have one of them. Its hard to answer 500 different questions at once.

  8. #8
    dhriscerr's Avatar
    dhriscerr is offline Senior Member
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    Im online accept my add

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