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  1. #1
    frank12391's Avatar
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    Failed injections

    In a recent study, it was estimated that only 60% of I.M injections in hospital make it past the S.C layer making them failed injections.

    An experiment was performed which involved 50 volunteers who were injected I.M in the glutes and then were xrayed using M.R.I. On 40% of the subjects, the solution did not make it past the S.C layer making them failed injections.

    This explained the large number of patients still complaining of pain or nausia after being administered opiates or anti-emetics. In E.Rs

    This begs the question that if 23g 1 1/2 pins don't make it past the S.C layer in the glutes of many people when injected by health professionals, what is the success rate amoung inexperienced AAS users?

  2. #2
    ph34rsh4ck is offline Member
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    im guessing S.C is sub-Q? i mean how hard is it to inject I.M, you stick the pin in, aspirate , if you get bubbles you hit a muscle, no bubbles then u didnt? right?

  3. #3
    frank12391's Avatar
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    Sorry, yes when I say S.C, (sub cut) in your terminology it's Sub Q. Aussie abreviation, it's what we use in our progress notes and charts.

    You still get bubbles sub Q. It's possible to get a percentage in the Sub Q layer. I guess if your body fat index is 15% and under, your ok. They must have used some lard arses as subjects
    Last edited by frank12391; 02-18-2007 at 07:47 PM.

  4. #4
    trenzbyotch's Avatar
    trenzbyotch is offline Associate Member
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    i work in the medical field and i can tell you one thing for sure.. most of the patients i encounter are seriously out of shape/overweight. 1.5 inch pin for a lot of patients in the glute just isn't enough.. obesity in this country (USA) is a god dammm epidemic..

  5. #5
    fade105 is offline New Member
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    In my opinion, the study was probably done on all kinds of people. Most people do not work out, so they would have more fat to go through before going into the muscle. Thus, making it more of a possibility to to not get deep enough in the muscle (a failed shot). Most AS users work out and really don't have a hard time getting the needle in the muscle because they don't have as much fat.....I don't know, that's my opinion.

  6. #6
    fade105 is offline New Member
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    It is an's getting bad.

  7. #7
    frank12391's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trenzbyotch
    i work in the medical field and i can tell you one thing for sure.. most of the patients i encounter are seriously out of shape/overweight. 1.5 inch pin for a lot of patients in the glute just isn't enough.. obesity in this country (USA) is a god dammm epidemic..
    Yeh, you are right. I know what you mean. Some big arses aout there, maybe if the patient is overweight you can go the delt but you always inject every drug it the delt, some have to be in the glute and some only in the delt for various reasons. Not with aas though! anyway, if you can't get a 1.5 inch pin deep enough in your glute, you definatly should not be using.

    I see some posts of users using 1 inch pins for delts, do they not know that you should not push the pin all the way in incase you move and it breaks. So to inject a 1 inch in your delt correctly, you would be lucky to get 5/8 in the muscle. Not deep enough in my opinion. 1.25 or 1.5 for me. Same for quads.
    Last edited by frank12391; 02-18-2007 at 08:24 PM.

  8. #8
    ph34rsh4ck is offline Member
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    oh wow, so you still get bubbles with sub-q injection, i didnt realize that...would that affect your cycle at all, if you inject sub-q on accident somehow a few times?

  9. #9
    Tir is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fade105
    In my opinion, the study was probably done on all kinds of people. Most people do not work out, so they would have more fat to go through before going into the muscle. Thus, making it more of a possibility to to not get deep enough in the muscle (a failed shot). Most AS users work out and really don't have a hard time getting the needle in the muscle because they don't have as much fat.....I don't know, that's my opinion.

    I can believe that for sure.

  10. #10
    frank12391's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ph34rsh4ck
    oh wow, so you still get bubbles with sub-q injection, i didnt realize that...would that affect your cycle at all, if you inject sub-q on accident somehow a few times?
    yeh, the juice will not be as effective and you will get a lump on the injection site. You can get a sterile abcess. When the oil gets into the dermis, It treats it as foriegn and your integumentary system trys to push the oil to the surface which appears like a large pimple.

    Even if you just penetrated the skin you will get air bubbles, it's not the way to tell if your in the muscle. When you asparate, you are looking for blood incase you have penetrated a blood vessel. Blood in the syringe in which case you need to pull it out and find a new site, with a new pin ofcourse. You do not want to inject into the blood stream. Do a search on cou***ng and you'll get all the info on the effects of that.

  11. #11
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    hell, I use a 1 inch in my glute and dont have any trouble, but yeah I heard about that study too. People in this country for the most part are very much overweight.

  12. #12
    hben87 is offline New Member
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    so if you get a lump but it doesnt turn like a pimple on the out side just a knot on the inside is it still a good injection? and what if juice or blood is pushed out after the injection then what?

  13. #13
    RustyXP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trenzbyotch
    i work in the medical field and i can tell you one thing for sure.. most of the patients i encounter are seriously out of shape/overweight. 1.5 inch pin for a lot of patients in the glute just isn't enough.. obesity in this country (USA) is a god dammm epidemic..
    Same here, we give a crap load of IM’s in the ED. I know this sounds like shiz, but if it’s a fat person, it has to be a longer needle. I am going to venture a guess and say 98% of the people on here aren’t having that same problem. Sub-Q still gets absorbed, just not as fast as it is not as vascular.

  14. #14
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Thats why they are teaching new medical professional students to shoot the quads or delts vs the glutes now.

  15. #15
    aadrenaline is offline Banned
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    but wont your body still absorb the injection anyway? its not going to just sit in the fatty layer and not go anywhere?

  16. #16
    dhriscerr's Avatar
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    If you have any muscle definition at all, even a little bit your probably not going to have enough fat that a 1" anywhere else or 1.5" in the glute wont hit muscle. If you have over 1" of fat on your arms or legs or delts your definately not ready for AAS

  17. #17
    Mrbaseball is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by aadrenaline
    but wont your body still absorb the injection anyway? its not going to just sit in the fatty layer and not go anywhere?
    Ive read and been told that it will, it will just take longer.

  18. #18
    Mrbaseball is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhriscerr
    If you have any muscle definition at all, even a little bit your probably not going to have enough fat that a 1" anywhere else or 1.5" in the glute wont hit muscle. If you have over 1" of fat on your arms or legs or delts your definately not ready for AAS
    I agree, most guys here could hit muscle with a 1/2" pin, not deep of course, but hit it.

  19. #19
    anabolics4life is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhriscerr
    If you have any muscle definition at all, even a little bit your probably not going to have enough fat that a 1" anywhere else or 1.5" in the glute wont hit muscle. If you have over 1" of fat on your arms or legs or delts your definately not ready for AAS


  20. #20
    adude006 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hben87
    so if you get a lump but it doesnt turn like a pimple on the out side just a knot on the inside is it still a good injection? and what if juice or blood is pushed out after the injection then what?
    I have blood spilling out everytime after i inject into my glutes. Well firstly i don't aspirate since i never can get a good hold of the syringe on the back side, even injecting is a real problem, my hands keep moving so when i remove it i always have a lot of blood spill out and the needle moves inside while i'm injecting so i'm pretty sure the oil is getting spilled inside my bum.

    Never had any issues with hitting the nerves though or atleast i never felt anything, just once the needle got stuck inside coz of moving it too much, it freaked me out, took almost 5 mins to pull it out, i was sweating real bad.

    I do get a small hard lump for 1-2 days. I really wish i had someone to inject me!

  21. #21
    frank12391's Avatar
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    It's normal to have some blood at the injection site and a slight sore lump (knot) for a few days as long as it's only a couple of days and not over a week. Some gear will knot you up more than others and begins to subside after a few days. Just watch for redness, warmth, pain and swelling over the area which may be an abcess. They usually take 3 days or more to develop. To prevent or reduce knoting, massage the area well after a shot and apply warmth to the area like a hot water bottle, helps the oil to disipate. If you can imagine how tapestry is woven, thats what your muscle fibres look like under a microscope. The gear has to sit between those fibres expanding the muscle fibres, causing localised swelling. Also try stretching your skin to one side and hold it there while pushing in the needle and injecting. When you pull it out, let the skin go. Your skin will stretch back over and cover the puncture in your sub Q layer and muscle preventing gear from squirting out. Try this when you become a little more confident injecting,


  22. #22
    RustyXP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aadrenaline
    but wont your body still absorb the injection anyway? its not going to just sit in the fatty layer and not go anywhere?
    Correct, it will absorb, it will just take a little bit longer. It just isn’t the optimal location for the fastest absorption.

  23. #23
    nandro_shagg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adude006
    I have blood spilling out everytime after i inject into my glutes. Well firstly i don't aspirate since i never can get a good hold of the syringe on the back side, even injecting is a real problem, my hands keep moving so when i remove it i always have a lot of blood spill out and the needle moves inside while i'm injecting so i'm pretty sure the oil is getting spilled inside my bum.

    Never had any issues with hitting the nerves though or atleast i never felt anything, just once the needle got stuck inside coz of moving it too much, it freaked me out, took almost 5 mins to pull it out, i was sweating real bad.

    I do get a small hard lump for 1-2 days. I really wish i had someone to inject me!
    use rubber finger cots to grip the syring, makes for a better grip and less slippage

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