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Thread: how long should i wait to do my first cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Baton Rouge, LA.

    how long should i wait to do my first cycle?

    being that i just started working out again after about a two year lay off, about how long should i wait before i use any gear? i don't want to waste any $$$, and/or defeat my own goals of getting into shape.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!
    I think the use of gear is going to be a personal choice that you will have to make. Personally if I were to decide when I would cycle after being out of the game for 2 years I would work my @ss off for about 3-6 months before jumping on.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    What sort of gains did you make in those 2 years? I think you basically really need to have a good sense of your body and what works for you in terms of routine, rest and nutritiion....everyone is different. An overall good sense of your body will also help prevent injuries, as you are more able to be in tune with your body and realize that say your front delt is feeling a bit tight....better back off, rather than ignoring it and pushing thorugh a beginner might. Also form is extremely important and personally I think takes years to perfect, without really really good form I don't think one should be using.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I would wait until I stopped making gains naturally. Make lifting and nutrition a priority and don't worry so much about time.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Baton Rouge, LA.
    thanks for the info bros,
    i can most definitely be patient about using gear, and have heard from bros on other boards that i should wait until i have a good bit of natural gains. have been concentrating on trimming down. after that, i will worry about bulking up. have been doing low carbs & high protein. 10g glutamine a day, 2 tbl spns of flax/borage oil a day. working out 5 times a week, doing cardio first thing in the morning and working out in the afternoons. i won't touch any gear before i am well educated about it and how it will affect my body positively and negatively. but i have to say, i have learned quite a bit on my short time on this board, so thanks to all the bros who have given me their opinions. i have been doing research and will continue to do so, until the time is right.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Adamar71- Two ways to look at this... Build a 'foundation' of new muscle and clean diet for a few months and THEN start AS or use a small cycle to help 'motivate' and put you into the state of mind to start a serious routine. Remember, after a two-year break, your body will be fighting you for a few weeks! (That's why most people buy a gym membership and then let it expire after 1 month.....)
    From personal experience; a small cycle after 10 yrs off from the gym got me focused and truly prepared to undertake the challenge of my life. It helped that I saw small gains and I had to seriously pay-attention to diet and workout routine. I guess what I'm trying to say is it helped me to stay disciplined and fall into a good regimen.
    Good luck either way, bro!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    adamar71, I had a similiar situation. I waited a long time to get back in the gym, too. I hit the wall in my training a few years back and that is what discouraged me enough to give up, but that was then. The best decision I made was to re-dedicate myself and learn that getting into weight room for me took education, preparation, and constant momentum.

    I never tried AS, but wanted to make up for lost time. So, with the cycle information from this board, I started a month ago. I don't feel I wasted any money because I the risk of purchasing and dollars spent was a good enough motivator for me to use AS wisely and work my ass off to make it all worth the while. I am seeing the gains I had hoped for with little to no side effects.

    Like wildone, I started a small cycle so I could see enough gains that would mentally motivate me to continue and not give up like before which at the same time got me into a displined routine of diet and exercise.

    Maintain the psychological momentum and good luck!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    In A Gym Near You
    i won't touch any gear before i am well educated about it and how it will affect my body positively and negatively
    Bro, you definately have your head in the right place. Bust your ass until you aren't seeing any gains and then if you feel its time, hit the juice.

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