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  1. #1
    popcorn919 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2007

    Tren And Sustanon

    iam 6'1 and 160lbs and have been working out hard since wrestling in school iam now 24 and just got out of the marine corp. i have been taking tren and sustanon to put on more size this is my first injectable cycle since i got out of the service and i have pretty much forgot everything i knew about steroids since i got brained washed in the corp ha ha. i think from wrestling all those years and not eating right is why i not bigger, also the men in my family aren't real big but around 200lbs. iam having good gains on tren and sustanon but i was wandering when i do my next cycle if i should take something else?

  2. #2
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by popcorn919
    iam 6'1 and 160lbs and have been working out hard since wrestling in school iam now 24 and just got out of the marine corp. i have been taking tren and sustanon to put on more size this is my first injectable cycle since i got out of the service and i have pretty much forgot everything i knew about steroids since i got brained washed in the corp ha ha. i think from wrestling all those years and not eating right is why i not bigger, also the men in my family aren't real big but around 200lbs. iam having good gains on tren and sustanon but i was wandering when i do my next cycle if i should take something else?
    If you havnt cycled in a while this will definetly be plenty. what doses are you considering and what length of time?

  3. #3
    popcorn919 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2007
    yea, not this cycle i wouldn't dare take anymore now but i was thinking for next cycle since tren is pretty hard on the body i was wondering what i should take next cycle because i dont like taking tren cycle after cycle. also i started with 1cc of tren every 3 days and 1bottle of sustanon which is 1 1/2 cc every 5 days for the first 2 weeks now iam on 1cc of tren every other day and 1 bottle of sustanon every 3 days for 4 weeks then lowering to like 1 of each per week the remaing 2 weeks of my cycle. does that sound right?

  4. #4
    tj979 is offline Associate Member
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    Watch out for tren if its your first cycle of injectables ever tren is a bad ass aas with wicked side effects. I can only tell you to do proper pct

  5. #5
    popcorn919 is offline New Member
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    tj979 have you ever injected sustanon should it usually hurt more than tren , i would imagine that tren being oil based is easier to absorb right. is that why it hurts less. i mean the pain in not bad but you know the couple of days after you get that little pain. i can not even fell the tren injections after there done.

  6. #6
    doittoit's Avatar
    doittoit is offline Associate Member
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    6'1 160, id say take more gear and eat never ends

  7. #7
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    You are not anywhere near ready to cycle let alone to use TREN

    at your height and weight, you need to learn to eat correctly to GROW !!

    Post your average daily food consumption here and we can look at that first

    stay away from steroids , they will NOT work if you can't eat right, they only aid in the synthesis of MORE food, which is what you need to start with

    MORE FOOD !!!!

  8. #8
    popcorn919 is offline New Member
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    dude if anybody knows how to eat its me i've been in the corp for years. i always eat around 6,000 calories a day. and not junk food, thats good stuff like chicken steak bread pasta and lots of milk. if it one thing about the service they teach you to eat. 1 mre has 1300 calories in it. now that iam out of the service i still eat them sometimes. iam in amazing shape i just cant get bigger i mean shit dude i can run 20 miles without stopping, do 200 pushups. the marine corp is no joke. i mean what the hell should i do instead of juice.

  9. #9
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    you should do what I asked so we can help you. The human body basically works only ONE way.
    Put up your average days Meals, and lets take a look. if 6000 calories a day isn't making you grow, then obviously you need MORE simple...not easy to do but simple !!

    if you can't put on weight to your potential at your height, (at least 200lbs) then you will be wasting your steroids , just the with this what you will, i am only trying to help you out cycle if you want and see what that does to you

  10. #10
    popcorn919 is offline New Member
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    i apprieciate your advise dont get me wrong. i will indeed have to start keeping track better and post it. but in the mean time i have gained 15 lbs and iam only 3 weeks in to my cycle. so it seems to be working well.

  11. #11
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    OK, well I didn't read that you already started, sorry, layout your cycle in weeks


    Week 1-? tren @ X amount a week
    Week 1-? Sust @ X amount a week

    Sust hurts due to the prop ester

    Just keep eating everything in sight and train heavy, GOOD LUCK

    are you using Tren A or E?

    also for bodybuilding purposes, sust should be shot EOD to take advantage of the shorter ester

  12. #12
    popcorn919 is offline New Member
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    for the first 2 weeks i took 1cc of tren every 3 days and 1 1/2 cc of sustanon every 5 days now i taking 1cc of tren every other day and 1 1/2 cc of sustanon every 3 days for the next 4 weeks then i figured i would take like 1 dose of each per week for the last 2 weeks of the cycle. the tren is A. you are for sure right about the sust it does hurt but i figure no pain no gain. i really think that i probely wasn't gaining in the service because we ran and did road marching all the time.

  13. #13
    SuperLift's Avatar
    SuperLift is offline Senior Member
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    6'1 160lbs. Your little bro. Id hold off on the sust/tren and start eating like a mad man.

  14. #14
    trin2getswole is offline Junior Member
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    All in the diet

  15. #15
    clements22 is offline Associate Member
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    you need to gain more weight first

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