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Thread: 3rd cycle Initial brainstorm

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    3rd cycle Initial brainstorm

    Ok so my Test E Primo E cycle went well, I put on about 22lbs an have kept 14lbs of it even though I have had to stop training for 2 months so I can finish my stupid thesis. Body fat went up from 6% to about 7-8%

    The cycle went quite well even though I managed to catch the flu and had to endure the gym being closed over christmas new years and other local holidays.

    Learnt this about my body and compounds used,

    Dbol works but needs to be high dosage and it makes me look like a drug addict (my eyes look funny)

    Test really works but needs to be higher then 500mg (possibly cause my nat test is high) to experience libido changes

    Primo is really good but too painful at 225mg/ml and 900mg/week is not enough to see major gains but gains obtained were solid.

    Liquid Orals are disgusting

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    I'm looking for ideas for a super mass cycle.

    I am toying with the Test + DHT derivative + Nor idea

    And I am also considering Heavy (3times dose) front loading so I can make my cycle a bit shorter.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Options I am looking at:

    Test Enanthate + Winstrol Oral + Nandrolone Cypionate

    Test Enanthate + Winstrol Oral + Trenbolone Enanthate

    Test Propionate + Winstrol Oral + Nandrolone PhenylPropionate

    Test Propionate (maybe Test acetate) + Winstrol oral + Trenbolone acetate

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    South Carolina
    how bout test prop + anavar + tren ace??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Fordfan01
    how bout test prop + anavar + tren ace??

    Sounds interesting, can you tell me why you have suggested it (why do you think its good).

    Isn't Anavar more of a cutting compound? It says so on the profile but I have no real world experience with it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    South Carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by Andros
    Sounds interesting, can you tell me why you have suggested it (why do you think its good).
    if u run the anavar towards that last half of ur cycle, it can cut some bf that was gained early on and put on lean mass as well

    Isn't Anavar more of a cutting compound? It says so on the profile but I have no real world experience with it.
    winstol is used as a cutter as well and from everything ive heard anavar is the way to go over winstrol

    now i have no real life experience with either one however i have educated myself and have friends who have tried winstol and didnt like it at all because it dried out their joints

    also more experienced users might suggest you use deca instead of tren for ur third cycle because of the harsh sides of tren and u might not need such a strong AS to make large gains

  7. #7
    Test, tren and adrol is an excellent cycle for mass. I prefer to use the short esters. You will have nice synergy with that stack.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Fordfan01
    winstol is used as a cutter as well and from everything ive heard anavar is the way to go over winstrol

    now i have no real life experience with either one however i have educated myself and have friends who have tried winstol and didnt like it at all because it dried out their joints

    also more experienced users might suggest you use deca instead of tren for ur third cycle because of the harsh sides of tren and u might not need such a strong AS to make large gains

    Well winnie is known to put on quality mass almost proportionally to its dosage not to mention its effects on SHBG, that is why I was keen on it.

    The Deca vs Tren issue, I hear ya.

    I was hoping to get some experienced perspective on whether using a good dosage 600-800 mg of Deca was better then 300-400 mg of Tren for a 3rd cycle bent on mass gain.

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