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Thread: Tren

  1. #1


    I am somewhat new to all this but one thing iam not completely sure about is that everyone says tren is for experienced users only. but really if your experienced with steroids what exactly does that mean besides that you most likely have way more scar tissue and your body is more run down from roids. i understand your most likely bigger from using roids, but just because your big doesn't mean your internal organs are any different from mine.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by popcorn919
    I am somewhat new to all this but one thing iam not completely sure about is that everyone says tren is for experienced users only. but really if your experienced with steroids what exactly does that mean besides that you most likely have way more scar tissue and your body is more run down from roids. i understand your most likely bigger from using roids, but just because your big doesn't mean your internal organs are any different from mine.
    Tren can carry more side effects then Test...You need to use the simpler anabolics to see how you react to steroids....Remember Tren is made for Animals not humans..Test is for both Human and Animal.....Stick with what you have read ansd you'll be fine...Test only for a first cycle..If all goes well you can add some D-bol, Eq or Deca to a 2nd or 3rd cycle or just up the Test a little.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    london england
    tren is a very potent class 1 steroid about 3 times stronger than tes it has a low half life if depo, if its acetate very very low ( which means higher inj freq)
    trust me my friend stick to tes alone for a first cycle. why not try enanthate 250mg per week. but do your research. its all on here, just do some reading.

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